Part 2: Chapter 1-2: The Ninja and the Warrior
Chapter 1-2: The Ninja and the Warrior

- Since their losses in the Flash... This place is flooded with people who are searching for what they have lost. It will be a challenging task because some are looking for their dreams, and some are looking for their loved ones. But, in any case, they are precious memories to each one of them. They have not been able to retrieve those things after the Flash. It shall be your duty to fulfill their
You can accept quests at the tavern, as well as add or remove party members. Custom-made characters from the Guild go here automatically. You can also practice disarming traps, but... well... check the video at the bottom to see how that went.
As you can see, there's only two quests available right now. More will come along shortly, but only three can be "active" at any one time. In other words, if you have three quests you've accepted, you must either complete them or drop them before grabbing more.
Sounds interesting. Let's see what this guy has to say.
A ninja quickly pushed his way through the crowd and approached you.
Ninja - The Swordsman said that you are recruiting people for your party.
He was polite, but under his hood there was a sharp look in his eyes. He introduced himself as Kyo Hattori.

- We ninjas have grown up to live a different life than most people. We have trained and bodies and minds throughout our lives to defeat one enemy. That enemy is fear. Fear changes people. I thought I had already accomplished that task. There should be no ninja who is frightened of fear. But, I guess I never really met my true enemy.
Kyo stopped talking. Although he did not show it in his expression, his subconscious brought back a dark recollection.

- I was no doubt a warrior until death appeared before me. I was laying on the ground, quietly awaiting death. My body was turning cold, and darkness was nearing me. There was no feeling of ease. Just darkness. It was the darkness of death that seemed to swallow everything... I feared for the first time in my life. If only my body moved... When I was miraculously rescued, I was no longer a warrior. I had turned into a coward. I lost everything instantly.
Kyo stopped talking. His reluctance kept his mouth tightly sealed.

- Please... Help me regain my pride as a ninja. The pride that I have lost. I just need another chance. I've never been much help to anyone... But, I'm willing to do anything for that chance.
Kyo has joined your party.

- Kyo Hattori - He has a strong sense of
Justice. He would be a dreaded opponent to anyone who goes against him. He also has the composure to be kind to those who are not hostile. So, if you battle monsters who are friendly, you will be hurting him.
And so, the only naturally good-aligned ninja, Kyo, joins our party. Hopefully he'll be sticking around for a while, as he's a great ally to have in the Labyrinth.
Another abstract request, eh? Let's see what he has to say.
So you've accepted my request?
A warrior approached you. He started speaking without introducing himself.

- I know it's an odd request, but it's important to me.
His name is Ricardo Dorephes. He mentioned that he has been as far down the Labyrinth as the 3rd Floor.

- I used to be in another team before. That's where I learned that people work individually after all. They wouldn't help if you screwed up. If you lost your life, they would probably just say that you didn't have enough ability.
Ricardo looked uncertain. He continued to talk with a wry grin.

- It was on this one mission... One of our party members was caught by a monster. I hurried to help him! He was one of the guys I got to know pretty well. I couldn't just let the darn beast eat my friend. The guy lived. But...
Ricardo stopped talking and smiled weakly.

- My careless actions caused the failure of our mission. So I was let go. The team leader told me trust ain't worth shit. But, I don't think so... That Swordsman said that you are different. So I have a favor to ask you. Show me if trust is really useful in battle. If you are the kind of leader I have been looking for, I'm willing to sacrifice anything.
Ricardo has joined your party.

- A brief tip on his
personality! Ricardo Dorephes - He is full of
Kindness. He values camaraderie more than thrills from an adventure or battle. You will lose his trust if you act in a way that values your selfishness more than your comrades' life.
Ricardo is a pretty good warrior. Not awesome, but pretty good.
Before we head to the Labyrinth, let's go check out the Guild.
(Doesn't it sound remotely like a Castlevania stage?)
A brawny warrior approached you as he whispered to himself.

- He looks like one of the
Queen's Guards, a knight to the Queen. Rumors say he died during the Flash. I must've heard wrong.
The warrior tilted his head in doubt, then showed a friendly grin.

] - I've only seen him a few times because of his social status, but no matter how much his appearance has changed, I would never mistake those cold, blue eyes for someone else. And besides, he's like a god to warriors like us.
The warrior looked puzzled, because you didn't seem impressed with what he said.

- Huh? Don't tell me you don't know... Didn't you know he's the father of
Allied Actions, the technique used by the Queen's Guards?
What's a battle?

- I was flabbergasted when I first saw the Allied Actions! I have seen many teams with superior individuals, but the Guards way of fighting was fundamentally different. The way their teamwork flowed, and the various deadly blows... Watching them work in sync, it seemed as if they were a single creature. Many warriors are trying to include Allied Actions in their strategy... That is why I ask if that white-haired swordsman is a Queen's Guard. If so, I was hoping for him to teach me. Maybe you should ask him to teach you the next time you see him. Seeya around.

- There's something I want to say. You can change your name and class at the Guild. But, I don't intend to give up my name or class. You'll probably notice in the register that I'm not even in there. I think there are others like me too. I want to live the rest of my life with the same name and class.
As I said earlier, the Guild is where you can create new party members. It's also where you can change classes and learn new Allied Actions. Currently, the option to create new characters is not available. We'll have to come back later.
Anyway, back to the Labyrinth.

- Uno, dos, tres... There be three of them!

- 3 is a mystical and superior number. Since ancient times, it has signified a new beginning. Even if each of you is powerless, you will be able to overcome many difficulties with a combined effort. But, you will need "trust" for that. Without "trust", even the strong won't stand a chance to live. It is not something that you can develop overnight. Only time and hardships together can create trust among you. Now...
The Swordsman stopped talking. He looked fixedly at your party with his piercing blue eyes as if he was trying to search for something.

- All right. The Labyrinth is ready for you. I'll be waiting ahead inside. Don't you dare die before you reach me.

- Hehe, I's
Kasta. I's be waiting too. I's seeya later.

- What a strange guy... There shouldn't be any qualifications needed to get inside the Labyrinth. Especially since the Queen is encouraging people to go there. In any case, he doesn't seem like a bad fella. It may turn out to be fun after all.

- You may be right, but... We need to build a good reputation first. Once we have a good reputation, others will want to join us. And then, that should help us more with the adventure.

- There's no need to rush things now. Besides, there is some truth in what he said. We're going to have to enter the Labyrinth anyway. Why don't we just hear him out for a while?

- Hmm... Sure, I guess we could...

- Okay, let's get goin'!
Next update, the Labyrinth of Duhan.
The Swordsman at the Bar -
Practicing Disarming (AKA Trapping Balls) -
Meeting Kyo -
Meeting Ricardo -
The Guild -
Good to Go! -