Part 4: Chapter 1-4: Allied Actions
Before we start this update, I'd like to thank Tallgeese for providing higher quality character portraits for dialogue. I've updated all portraits, including those introduced prior to this update. On with the show!
Chapter 1-4: Allied Actions
I'm going to start off this update by showing you guys a few new enemies.
Pixies are kind of a hassle. They can attack from behind groups since they're flying, and they like to cast sleep magic every so often. Fortunately, they're pretty fragile, but their evasion rate is higher than normal.
Fortunately, we've got Kyo.
Harpies are fairly durable, have reasonable attack power, and higher than average evasion. They can attack from back rows too, but they lack any special attacks.
They've... also got boobs for eyes.
It's JRPG, all right.
I'm skipping ahead a bit so I can show off this enemy too. Giant Toads like to call for help, but it rarely works. I think they can also cast Teal, the level 1 thunder spell, but it's exceedingly rare. They take several hits to go down, but are pretty weak otherwise.
Sagoon levels up some more! He's getting better all the time.
I know I said I wouldn't track the NPCs, but
look at this. Sara's stats rise at crazy rates.
Going past the room where we met Sara brings us back outside for a moment.
The first door we come across takes us to a minigame area.
Two little stone... This one's for Mommy Orc.
An Orc was singing enthusiastically while playing with various stones.

- Huh? Does you wanta, plays widda stones also?
Uhh... okay. Why not.

- Okay, okay! You's a nice guy! I's making a stone labyrinth! Don't you's think it would be neat to sees a labyrinth in a labyrinth?!

- Oh, by the way's, I's
Gotz! Don't forgets my name! Oh, I know! I's give you this as a token of friendship!
Gotz looked for a stone to give. He found one that was nicely shaped and of decent size. You got a Labyrinth Stone!

- Takes good care of it, OK?! I's be playing here with my stones, so come by when you's feel like it!
Basically, when we come back Gotz is going to be building traps for us to disarm. Each time we disarm a series of traps, he gives us prizes. Sometimes they can be pretty good. The series of traps gets harder as the game progresses, but we can go back and do old versions for the same prizes if needed.
Door number two.

- Wait up a second. Since this is your first time in the Labyrinth, let me tell you... Take a look here.
Ricardo pointed to the wall ahead.

- You see the
cracked wall ahead? It's a strange kind of wall. No matter how many times it gets wrecked, it mends itself. Nobody knows why this happens. It's one of the many odd things that occurs in the Labyrinth. This kind of wall exists everywhere in the Labyrinth. Don't worry, it's easy to break. All you have to do is run through. Now, let's go!

- Now, a brief lesson on
running! Press the
O button and directional button to run. When running, please note the
Stamina Gauge in the upper right. Your stamina will decrease as you keep on running! Please be aware that you will not be able to run when your stamina runs out.
Nice play on words there. Running is a nice way to get around in short bursts.
...So anyway. We enter a new part of the Labyrinth through this corridor.
There's no new enemies here, but the tougher ones come in greater numbers. When we reach that bridge up there, we can jump down as a shortcut back here. But there's a better shortcut a little ways ahead, so it's not really necessary.
Kasta came running as fast as he could.

- Barfo's here! Be careful! Barfo's a real meanie! She'll hold a grudge against you's even if your eyes just meet!
Hey! I oughta kick your ass! It's Virgo, Ms. Virgo!

- She's here!! It's Barfo!!
Kasta ran for cover and hid behind your party.
Uh... huh...

- Geez, how rude! How dare you talk to someone like that who saved your life. I had no idea that an overgrown pig like yourself had no manners.

- I's not a pig! I's Kasta!!

- Oh, really! Thanks for your useless information.

- Grrr... you's getting me angry. Besides, you's never saved my life, Barfo!

- Geeez, what is this world coming to? I wonder, who's the one who saved you at the fountain on the 5th Floor? Was it a god? Or a goddess?

- Grrr... I's getting peed off!
You tell her, Kasta!

- When I's was falling into the fountain what did you's do, Barfo? You's just cast a spell to freeze the fountain. And I's almost died from hitting my head on the frozen fountain!!

- Geeez, you're such a pain in the... Who cares about that? How long are you gonna hide behind them? I've gone outta my way just to get here! So, why don't you just get your green butt out here!!

- I's have nothing to talk about!

- Poor thing... you're breathing hard... Now get your toad ass out here before I eat you for breakfast!
You really want to piss me off, don't you?
Virgo's eyes have a deadly glare. You can barely breathe from the tension in the air.

- Ughhh... I's have no choice...
Kasta, with his shoulders drooped, tries to step forward.
There's only one person who gets to kick around hapless Orcs, and that's me!

- How brave of you guys. I guess I should commend your foolish valor... But, I am insulted. For you to think that you weaklings can beat me...
A chilling breeze signals death in the air.
Kasta jumps forward.

- I's appreciate you's feelings!! But, don't worry abouts me! Just go sees the Master Swordsman! And learn the Allied Actions!! Understand?!

- No fighting? I'm disappointed. But, that's a wise choice. There's no need to worry. I'm not going to kick anybody's butt. I have some business to take care of with his Master. I just can't stand him going off to the bottom floor of the Labyrinth without telling me. I wouldn't be able to stand it if he were to keep the treasures for himself.
And with that, Virgo leaves. Sheesh.

- What a bitch! Dang, she pisses me off! Why is she acting so big?!

- Calm down right now. Not even the evil gods will mess with Virgo. We'd better learn those Allied Actions that Kasta was talking about in order to stand a chance. She's probably headed towards the location of that Swordsman. I guess she's headed in the same direction we are.

- I was impressed that you stood up for him. If you didn't, I would have been disappointed in you.

- Same here. She might have been a little tough for you, but maybe that mindset is needed in a trustworthy leader.
I know this all sounds exaggerated, but it's not. Virgo would have
wasted us if we could fight her here.
It's hard to see, but there's a split to the right up ahead. Let's check it out.
The chamber down there splits in two, but both go forward and to a passage leading back to the main entrance of the Labyrinth. If you saw my Scary Door video, that can be unlocked later to become a great shortcut through B1.
The boy, proably a thief, was starting to tear up because the collision was so hard.

- Oh my! How terrible. The goods are all over the place...
The girl bishop ignored the boy and stared sadly at the scattered long swords. A young warrior noticed this and started collecting the swords.

- They're okay. No damage done. We'll still be able to deliver 'em.
The warrior grinned at you in response to your puzzled look.

- We'd rather go on with our business, but that ol' man LeDua ain't around. We're just killing some time 'til pops gets back. We need to deliver these to
Vigger's Shop. That place is low on stock on a bunch of things ever since the Flash. They're even low on basic stuff like long swords. We've heard that everything they sell are things that adventurers have brought in. The reality is... everybody keeps all the good stuff for themselves, so all the leftover crap gets brought in. If you've got some spare stuff like weapons and armor, you should go sell them at the shop. Then, they'll be displayed at the shop. You'll get some decent money for selling, ya know.

- Are you done talking now?
The girl bishop yawned out of boredom. The warrior noticed and nodded abruptly.

- Oh, phew. I was about to fall asleep. I wanna go home now.
The girl bishop started walking hurriedly.

- Hey, hey!! C'mon, let's go!!
The warrior grabbed the teary-eyed boy and rushed to catch up to the girl bishop.
You were ready to leave the area also. At that instant, you see a sword out of the corner of your eye. The warrior must've forgotten to pick it up. It looks like a long sword.

- Now for a brief lesson on
Items! Most items found in the Labyrinth have not yet been
appraised. This items will be displayed as
? Sword and
? Shield etc. Once you equip these types of items, they will be considered appraised. But, misfortune will fall upon a person equipped with a cursed item. Appraisals can be done by a bishop or at the shop.
Just as you were thinking what to do, with the sword in your hand, the trio came back.

- Hey! Give that back! How dare you rip us off on top of bumping into me!
After taking it away from you, the boy handed it to the girl with a big smile.

- See? I told you I'd find it. There's nothing to worry about as long as you leave it to the men!
The girl bishop showed an impartial smile and looked down at the sword.

- Darn. This hasn't been appraised yet. We're not going to be able to sell this for a good price.
The girl bishop closed her eyes and started concentrating. It looks like she is appraising it.

- Oh, gosh. This is a cursed item. If I'd unknowingly equipped myself with this, it would have been...
Her big, round eyes opened even wider as she looked at the warrior and boy thief.

- Oh no... oh, no...


- Huh???

- Why are there zombies here?! A, and what gross-looking faces!
The warrior and boy looked at each other and took a step toward the girl. She was trembling in fear and stepped back.

- No! Get away from me!
The girl bishop let out a scream and started running. She abandoned the sword that was in her hand. The warrior and boy were confused, but they finally figured out what had happened and rushed after the girl.
The abandoned sword and Sagoon's party were left behind.

- Be careful when you appraised a cursed item! The girl bishop was cursed with
Fear. A cursed item can be appraised, but when its curse is too strong, your status can become Fear sometimes. The status of Fear is not limited to only the appraiser. Other members of your party can be affected also. If you want to play it safe, get your item appraised at the shop.
You picked up the sword hesitantly..
You got the Betraying Sword!
Here you go, Ricardo.
So, since Ricardo equipped the cursed item, it lowered his Faith and can't be unequipped until we go to Vigger's. It probably affects trust or something too, but I don't really care about Ricardo that much.
After a fight with a giant toad, we get a Teal Stone. This teaches that level 1 lightning magic mentioned earlier. When we actually get a sorcerer of some kind, that should be useful.
Also, near the door leading back to the entrance...
We find a book by PeiPei. Whoever that is.
What this actually is is a book with every tutorial we've had up to this point, done in very bad prose. I really, really don't want to subject you guys to this stuff, so I'm going to skip over it. But, as the game progresses, more poems get added to this book to cover what's already been explained.
So, remember way back when I said there was a split? Let's go back and take the other path. It curves around like so, before leading to a left and right intersection. When we reach that intersection...
You can hear somebody groan from the other side of the door.
Guess we should see what's going on.
He looked pale. Barely able to stand, he spoke with his last bit of energy.

- My, my body... it won't move.

- Let me take a look at your wounds.
Sara took his pulse and examined the color of his tongue and eyes.

- The gashes aren't that deep, but it looks like he was poisoned. He's weakened quite a bit. It's too dangerous to move him right now. If only I was in town... I had the bartender of the tavern hold on to my
Antidote just in case I needed it later. Can we go back to town for it? I just can't leave him here.
Yeah, okay. Let's get the antidote. Fetch quest, right?
Sagoon's response has given Sara a good impression.

- Thank you... I was hoping to hear those words. Don't worry. I'll be going to town alone. I can't abandon him. And since I have a Transfer Potion, I can be back here in no time. I'm sorry for not telling you guys about this. I didn't mean to hide it from you guys.
A short time later...

- Phew... I guess I made it. Wait here while I give him the Antidote.
Sara approached the warrior. She lifted his head and gave him the Antidote and Healing Potion as he laid on the ground.
The effect was immediate. His pale skin started to look healthy already.

- He says he'd like to show his gratitude.

- Sorry... for the trouble... I was a fool. I thought I could get through the Labyrinth without anybody's help. Hehe, and look what happened. I guess I have to be thankful that I'm still alive. I'll try again after I'm better. But next time, I'm gonna come back with trustworthy comrades like yourselves. I don't have much to offer, but I'd like you to have this.
The warrior pulled out a Magic Stone. It was a shiny stone, called a Teal Stone. It can call upon the secret power of thunder.

- I was intending to sell it to a sorcerer. I'd rather have yo use it. Well then, thank you for your kindness.
The warrior dragged his feet as he left.

- Hmm... trustworthy comrades... I hope we will achieve that kind of relationship. In any case, I do have a better opinion of you now.
You got a Teal Stone!
This cements Sara's place in the party. While we're on rewards, let me show you what we picked up here:
This item casts a basic fire spell on one enemy when used. It's also used to make Creta Stones, which have the same effect when cast.
Increases agility during combat. Also used in spells with this effect.
This increases a party member's evasion when used, and leads to spells with that kind of boost. It's also used in a quest later, so let's hang on to it.
Mysterious charm. Probably a basic stat booster.
Probably some basic armor.
Anyway, moving on.
At last, we come to...
(Warning, greatest song in the game coming up.)
The Swordsman glared at your party.

- Oh... quite impressive... I can feel trust growing within your party. I am impressed with the amount of trust that has already grown in such a short period of time. You've done well with your comrades. You should be able to master the techniques without any problems.

- The technique I am about to teach you is called an
Allied Action. Its power does not originate from supernatural powers. Its strength comes from the power of trust which can accumulate to something of enormous proportions. The power of two who trust each other greatly exceeds the power of ten individual warriors that lack it.

- We do not have much time. Our lesson will be brief. Are you ready?
Let's rock.

- I wish to ask you. What would you do if an enemy were to attack swiftly? Would you avoid the attack? You would only be able to do that if you were a superior ninja who could move like the wind.

- Then, would you endure the attack? Even if you wore the strongest of all existent armor... That armor would be useless if your enemy had poison on his blade.

- Then, what would you do? That would be easy. You just need to halt your enemy before his attack. One of your comrades in the back row can use a throwing weapon to stop the enemy. This is the
Restrict Shot. You should test it.
And then he throws a samurai at us. Samurai can be
very dangerous, since they can kill with critical hits. They also have a fair amount of potency with magic.
You may notice the menu is different. From now on we can start off the round by setting up AAs. Invert Rows does what it says, and is necessary if you're attacked from behind. Flee Together is the basic run command. Individual Action goes to the menu we've seen up until now.
AAs are further divided into Offensive, Defensive, Spell, and Assisted AAs. We're restricted to one AA per turn currently, but eventually we can use more than one.
As it is, we only have Restrict Shot right now. It's a great AA, though. One or two people in the back row can choose two people in the front row to "cover" for the turn.
If an enemy attacks someone covered by Restrict Shot, they take a minor amount of damage and their attack is halted. Even if no actual damage is done, the enemy's attack is still canceled for the turn.
The Swordsman recites magic words.
Your HP has completely recovered!
Your MP has completely recovered!
Ooooh. Teach me that one!

- Think of a battle as mass confusion. It is a battle of chaotic individuals fighting for chivalry. This can also be taken care of with an Allied Action. If you don't know how to avoid a Rush, a simultaneous enemy attack, you may as well be minced meat.

- And you ask how that may be possible? Your strength is vital here. Your front row will form a solid row, not only to diminish damage from the attack, but also to breakdown their Rush. This is called the
Front Guard.
Next he... wait, how many Orcs is that?
Dammit. Well, anyway. Front Guard is a defensive AA.
As you can see, it's sort of like a super defend. The front row greatly reduces damage received, and resists status ailments more than usual.
As for the Orcs...
Do not want.
The Swordsman heals us up again. I really wish he'd teach us his Megalixir spell.

- An experienced warrior can avoid just about any single blow no matter how fast the attack. But, there is almost no man who can dodge two simultaneous blows. Two of you in the front row will raid the enemy for an instant attack. This is called the
Double Slash. It's a basic, but deadly technique.
I've finally found you!
Kasta appeared before you as if he was hurled by Virgo.

- Master! I's sorry! I's couldn't fool her...
Kasta scurried behind the Swordsman.

- Hey, handsome... So I hear you went all the way... Won't you tell poor little me how to get down there?

- You shouldn't go.

- Huh?! What are you saying?

- It's for your own good.

- If you really wanna do good, just tell me how to get there!

- I can't do that. Some things do not need to be revealed for some people's own good.

- OoooKaaay. I understand. Hey, you guys! Gather around!

- What?! You scumbag!

(2) - Don't mess with us, man!!

- Listen up, you guys! We'll just have to make him spit it out by kickin' his butt!

- Hmm, perfect timing.

- A perfect opponent has been presented as your final lesson. If you can defeat Virgo, you should be able to lead your party on the venture toward the Labyrinth. You should be able to defeat her if you effectively use the Allied Actions I have taught you. Just trust yourselves.

- Aw, shaddup already!

- You guys are gonna... fight...

- I let you guys slide last time, but not this time!

- Excuse me, but I think we need to...

- Shut up! It's all about spirit! Save the complaints and excuses for later!

- Is it OK that there is not enough of us to do a

(2) - Geez, you talk too much! You're gonna get in trouble again!
(Warning: This shit gets metal.)
Virgo is ridiculously powerful right now. Like I said before, we wouldn't have stood a chance against her earlier. AAs are the only edge we've got against her.
The idea behind Double Slash is that it raises accuracy and damage, and it does both quite a bit. In fact, even if Kyo participates, he gets both attacks in at the same time. Since criticals also seem to increase when using Double Slash, his instant kill technique can be really handy.
The kobolds go down with one attack each, but Virgo's the big threat.
She casts Strain, an all-party paralysis move. It gets Sagoon and Ricardo.
The next turn, she goes after Sagoon, but Sara doesn't make it that easy. Ricardo recovers for the next turn.
Watch this:
Beautiful, isn't it? Sadly, it's not enough to bring her down.
So, she casts Creta on Ricardo, and very nearly kills him right off the bat.
Unfortunately for her, Sagoon's up now too. So... Double Slash!
This? This is the face of defeat.

- Geeeez!! Why aren't you guys Rushing?!

- That's why I was trying to say we don't have enough...

- What are you whining about? I don't wanna hear your excuses!

- Okay, I'm sorry...

(2) - We'll be careful from now on...

- Then, hurry up and leave!

- I'll be expecting plenty of gratitude for this on our next meeting.
And with that, Barfo leaves.

- Wowww! You's got rid of Barfo!

- Kasta, spread the word about them to other fellow adventurers. They will hear about their skills and will want to join them.

- I's understand! I's going to town now!

- I... would fight for you... But, I cannot anymore... The evil that lurks in this town has torn my body and soul to pieces.
The Swordsman's voice sounded faint.
The shadow of death was approaching so quickly that he had trouble supporting his posture.

- Sagoon, head into the dark Labyrinth. Your order is to find the truth that lies in that darkness. You have the abilities to do so. You are the chosen one... to be the leader of your party.
The Swordsman gradually fades away into thin air.

- Your strength will increase with the trust of your comrades. But, if that trust is lost, you will vanish into the darkness of the Labyrinth.
His voice was despairing and hollow, as if coming from far away.

- I had friends... I had loved ones... I understand now, as I die.

- Even the worst of hardships and tragedies did not ruin me. At this moment, all of those ordeals are fond memories.

- The bell has just struck. It is the calling to my funeral. I have yet to see if I will be going to Heaven or Hell...
And with that, the Swordsman dies.
See you next update.
(Lots of) Videos:
Making a Magic Stone -
Kyo's Critical Kill Ability -
Meeting Gotz -
Breaking Walls -
Meeting Virgo -
Appraisal Basics -
Earning Sara's Trust -
The Restrict Shot -
Restrict Shot Practice -
The Front Guard -
Front Guard Practice (With Juicy Lag!) -
Double Slash and the Final Test -
Clash With Virgo -
The Swordsman's End -