Part 7: Chapter 2-1: Rui
Chapter 2-1: Rui
Well, we've finally made it to B2. It's a little more complicated than the previous floor.
Before we get too deep into it, however, I wanted to show you guys the first of two Reaper Doors in the game. These special doors only appear if someone in your party is possessed.
That is our first red chest. Red chests are trapped, usually with something like poison gas. So, failing has a consequence this time.
But Kyo disarms it without incident, and we get another vellum for a spell that we'll have to wait a while to see. First, though, let's get back topside and cure Sara of possession.
...After we have a drink at the bar, and check for quests.
Are you the one who accepted my quest?
His name was Lorenzo. He came all the way from Anju to see Gilman's execution.

- The bishop tried to save him, but he doesn't deserve it! Even God knows that he's guilty. Only he would be capable of doing such gruesome things! He murdered 3 girls in a fashion even beasts would wince at... Only a demon or a psychotic-killer like him could do such horrible things!
He turned away and stared at the ground.
He breathed deeply to calm himself and shook his head to rid himself of the hatred.

- If it wasn't for that giant fireball, I would've been pissing on his grave right now. Shit... He was locked up underneath the Castle... If he's still alive, he'd probably be somewhere on the 2nd Floor of the Labyrinth. And yet... No matter how kind God is, there's no way he can still be living... I mean, that fireball killed so many good people... so many people that could've contributed more to the world than he ever could have... I beg of you... Find out if Gilman died in the Flash. I can't rest easy until I know that he's dead. Every night my daughter Alicia whispers to me... "Why...? Why does he live on...?"
This quest will be mentioned periodically in the update, but it won't wrap up just yet.
After curing Sara's possession, it's time to rest and level up a bit.
Let's not forget to turn in our vellums.
I thought you guys might like to see the requirements for getting some kind of healing spell. We can actually find both rotten meat and priest's hair on B2, but demon eggs aren't available until B3.
(On a separate note, couldn't we just cut Sara's and Cerazyn's hair?)
Back to the Labyrinth.
B2 is open-aired in the middle, with cells on the outer walls of the area, and multiple tiers below the beginning. Although each floor is technically identical (Repeating cells on the outer wall, a walkway around the edge, staircases going down one at a time), there are several obstacles to consider. Some staircases, for example, are broken, and rubble blocks certain passages. There's also an elevator that can go to each floor on B2, but the power's out.
Let's meet some of our new monster pals down here:
Of course, what kind of JRPG would it be without palette-swapping? The two pale guys are Bushwhackers, and the tan fellow is a Highwayman. Unlike Grandpa Rogue, these guys all get two attacks instead of one. Moreover, their stats are significantly better. Two of these guys ganging up could take out Kyo in one round. Assuming anyone could hit Kyo more than 50% of the time, that is.
Level 1 Sorcerers. Yes, that's what they're called. They know a few basic tricks like Creta, so it's best to take them out as soon as possible. When they're hanging out in the front row like this, any old attack will do, since they have the defense power of soggy paper. It gets a bit more complicated if they're in back. There's an AA that helps out immensely, but we'll get to that a bit later.
Zombies are in the back row of this group. They're a tad stronger than the kobolds, and can take a little more abuse, but otherwise they're not much of an issue.
Orc Kings are a bit tougher than Orcs, but nothing much else to worry about.
Level 1 Priests are, basically, a giant pain in the ass. They can heal, and they can use spells like Strain to stun your front line. Their actual stats are not much better than the sorcerer's.
Enemy images are also inclined to change colors between each level of the Labyrinth itself.
Taking a look, you saw he was the knight you had met at the Guild. He had a cynical grin on his face like usual, but he seemed pale.
The knight grimaced as you asked about the ashes that were blown away.

- They were my men who lost their lives fighting monsters. There was a chance to resurrect them from their ashes. But, now that even their ashes have been lost... there is
no chance of resurrecting them. Due to their lack of faith in me, my resurrecting spell did not seem to work. I never thought... they would lose their souls. I normally would've brought the ashes to the Temple, but I don't have time for that. I need to hurry towards my goal, no matter what the cost.
The knight had an expression of anxiety for just a moment.

- The wind of the Labyrinth turns away the frail... Then, without any question in method, I shall meet evil with evil.
The knight turned his back towards you and started walking.
Alone he went, dragging his beaten body...

- Dang, that fool pisses me off! Didn't he just say that his men are gone? That means they must have been possessed by the Reaper. Or, his resurrecting spell failed. Either way, why didn't he take them to the Temple where something could have been done to help them?! What could've been more important than trying to save his men? Shit! I'm starting to feel miserable just thinking about it...

- It's obvious that somebody in his team was possessed by the Reaper. I've heard about it. A person's soul is devoured when he dies from being possessed by the Reaper. That person cannot be resurrected, and will suffer for eternity in the darkness. Although I heard this from a superstitious person, the Reaper will pass judgement on us. The Reaper exists in order to gather our sins that were sent to Hell in the Flash. Well, it's a ridiculous story, but it seems to be to this floor already. We must be careful of it.

- I recognize that knight...
Sir Eugene Guestam. He is a nobleman of one of the oldest royal families of Duhan. His father was famous for setting up several temples and schools for the poor. I've been told that he is just as honorable as his father. I was supposed to work at that new temple, if it wasn't for the Flash. That's why I know...
Sara thought suspiciously... what he was doing in such a monster-infested area as this place?
A little further down we get a semi-tutorial about class-changing items.
An Orc was sobbing while sitting down. As you stopped to see what was wrong, the Orc looked at you with teary eyes.

- I's wanted to become a Ninja. I's wanted to be an awesome one.
The Orc spoke sadly.

- There's be mysterious powers within items. Those be called
Special Powers, but......... Smart priests be showing off and callings it
SP. All kindsa things be happening when those Special Powers be released. Some can even change your class. That's when I's though to myself. I's can use that Special Powers to be change myself into a cool ninja! Buts, buts...!
The Orc started bawling.

- I's couldn't become a ninja! Why be so?! What's be so wrong with an Orc becoming a ninja? God be mean to me. Really, really mean! What's be more worse,
it broke when I's released its Special Powers! I's be jealous of adventurers. I's sure that adventurers can release these Special Powers easily. It don't be work for Orcs that way. But, releasing Special Powers should be dones only for sure. It's can't be redone, so be's careful when you's find one.
The Orc said his farewells and waddled away.

- I's wanted to become a Ninja. I's wanted to be an awesome one.
The Orc's sad voice echoed gently through the Labyrinth.
This is one of several rooms we'll need to visit in order to get to the next level. By activating the power rooms, we can activate the elevator.
Just outside the power room...

- Somebody murdered that fool, Gilman! Hehehe, that serves him right! You know that fool, Gilman, don't you? It's that scoundrel who killed his own parents. But, he's killed much more than that. He'll even kill women. When he becomes fond of somebody, he eventually murders them. It's been decades since Queen Otelier even announced such a sentence as the death penalty. I'm not sure who I need to thank, but I'm glad that scum was captured and killed before the Flash. If you want to see something, go check out a
small room on the lowest elevation of this floor! You'll get a chance to see his death mask.
Sadly, this isn't enough for Lorenzo's quest. We do actually have to go check out Gilman's cell.
Oh, another note by Odom is nearby. But since he just repeats stuff we've already heard, I'm ignoring his notes from now on unless they're particularly amusing.
We can move a bridge here eventually, which will prove necessary in advancing through B2.
Near the bridge, we search more cells.
Geez! Why do I have to be doing this?!
The girl was hammering away at the stone wall.

- Gosh, I'm tired... Huh? You're... I remember! You're the one I taught on the 1st Floor how to beat the Undead. Since you're here, I'll teach you one more useful thing. Make sure you accept quests after thinking wisely! Otherwise, you'll end up in a terrible situation, like me. Geez, this is not what I should be doing. I'm busy right now. So I'm sorry, but would you mind taking a hike?

- Oh, yeah! If you get a chance to return to town, would mind giving that old pops,
Garcia, my message? Tell him that I'll definitely be bringing the thing home, the thing he asked for in his quest.
(I was divided between this and a John Carpenter joke.)

- He's always hangin' around at the Tavern. See you later!
Nearby we have a message from Odom that an elevator is just a box without power. Thanks, Odom.
I'm just about ready to head back to town briefly, but first...
Umm... excuse me.
A girl Elf with beautiful green eyes was trying to get your attention.

- Long ago, I heard this place used to be a prison with many heinous criminals locked up. This whole Labyrinth is like a pit of darkness. All sorts of evil seem to gather here. Especially in this area, the curse of the dead, and the dark atmosphere are much stronger than other places. It appears in those kind of places to hunt down souls to take.
The girl trembled with fear as she spoke.

- I'm referring to what you call the Reaper, and we call the Black Ghost. Usually, divisions of itself will roam to collect souls, but when the air thickens with darkness, it will come to seize souls itself. Why it collects souls... is what even I don't understand. But, there is one thing I know... That it was created by humans. It was given birth after the Flash that robbed people of all things. You must think strangely of me for telling you all this.
The girl smiled after that.
It was an amicable, yet sad smile.

- Please take these.
The girl held out a shiny crossbow and a cloak with an odd design.

- A crossbow with a spell, and a cloak with the ability to resist thunder. Hopefully, you won't encounter it. But if you do, please use them. If it comes after you itself, it's just as scary. Please be especially careful of the powerful spells that come from the Dark Side. I pray for your safety.
You got a Magic Crossbow!
You got a Thunder Cloak!
I know, I probably should've made a Star Wars joke there, but I hate busting up a good monologue from one of my favorite NPCs.
Anyway, let's head back to town for a moment.
You ask the warrior whether or not he knows a man named Garcia.

- Garcia? I saw him placing a request at the counter. The girl who's working on his quest hasn't come back yet, so he's kind of fidgety... Eh? You met her in the Labyrinth? Hey, that's perfect! Take that old man's quest! He'd be here in a flash, and you'd get paid! That's like killing two birds with one stone, man!
Eh? Okay, I guess.
Warrior - Hey, you! You accepted my quest?
A dwarf warrior yelled over the noise of the people in the Tavern.
(Good GOD! Why isn't he wearing pants?!)

- I just want you to find a girl named Rui.
You told Garcia that you met Rui on the 2nd Floor.
You also told him that she would bring back the promised goods soon.

- Really?! I was getting worried since she hasn't come back yet. I just finished requesting a search for her. But I guess there's no need for that if she's still alive. Thanks for telling me. Here's your reward.
You got 400 EXP!

- Hahahahaha! This must be a new record! Oh, yeah! It's not really a quest, but... If you run into her again, I want you to tell her something... Tell her not to overwork herself.
Garcia smiled warmly.

- Honestly, I'd like to go and tell her myself... But I'm just getting too old. You can't do things like you used to. I feel like I've become stupid or something.
Garcia scratched his head.

- It's the same for humans or dwarves. Eventually things break down. You have to live it up before you break down completely. Be it the world's prettiest woman, or a strong warrior... You'll always end up getting your ass kicked by God. Hahaha! Sorry 'bout that! You complain a lot once you get old. I'll see you later!
Well, that was easy.
More leveling up. And then, another trip to the bar.
I kick out Cerazyn to make room for an incoming party member. And then, as soon as I do, I suddenly get new AAs!
Spell Cancel is kind of like a Restrict Shot for magic. If an enemy begins casting a spell, two people in back attack them beforehand, interrupting the spell if they do damage. You don't need to target any enemies for this, it just happens. Sadly, it only works once, so multiple spellcasters are still a problem.
Stun Attack can be very useful against strong enemies. One person in back casts a spell on the person directly in front of them, who attacks the targeted enemy and often inflicts stun. It works on pretty much every enemy we've encountered so far, and it will work on many more down the line.
Hold Attack is great if you're fighting enemies with high evasion. It's an almost guaranteed hit that uses the same formation as Stun Attack. I don't know if it inflicts stun, however, since it never has for me. Then again, usually high evade monsters will die from regular attacks anyway, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Oh, also, we can use two AAs per turn instead of one now.
Geez, they must've really hated Cerazyn...
As a sidenote, we initialize Gotz's trap building minigame now that we've been down to B2. I may put up a video sometime showing it.
Anyway, going back to where Rui was...

- She's like, setting up a whole mess of frigign' traps on the other side of the door. She yelled at me telling me not to bother her while she was working. She won't be able to get out of there herself, then. Who cares... Hehe, she's such an idiot!

- I built a wall just so I wouldn't be bothered... And now look! Oh! But actually... You have great timing! I need some help.
Rui grinned mischievously after she said that.
Rui, you're really making these kind of jokes too easy.

- Do you know what
Baked Silver is? I think it's used as a material to make swords. The raw ore is buried within the bedrock right there. But... The bedrock crumbles easily, and is difficult to get... So, if you'd get it for me, I'll show you lo~~~ts of appreciation. Well, you should do it for me anyway, as punishment for destroying my wall.
Too... easy...
You were pushed by behind from Rui to walk toward the bedrock.
You can see a pink stone shining within the wall of the bedrock.

- That's one right there! That's
Baked Silver!
You took out a knife and started carving away at the bedrock.
You got the Baked Silver!

- Wow, you did it! You're great!
You handed Rui the Baked Silver.

- I can finally go back to town now! Thanks! I'll give you my appreciation after I return to town, OK?!
Follow that Rui!

- Sorry to cause you all this trouble. Now I can finally make the sword I promised to make. Guy can't sleep without a sword. But this sword he wants me to make takes well over twice as much Baked Silver to make. It's hard to find Baked Silver in this day and age... To tell you the truth, I had almost given up.
Garcia held out a sword. It was a foreign sword in a red sheath.

- It's not much, but I want you to have this. I think you'll like each other. Swords are like women: If you don't match, things don't go so well. Plus, don't you know you'll live long when you have a good sword by your side? A good sword lets you feel eternity. That's why I like swords.
The sword Garcia gave you was a Craftsman's Katana.
You got a Craftsman's Katana.
Now I just need a samurai... let's look for Rui at the inn.

- Thanks.
Rui sighed with a gentle expression on her face.

- I guess being alone has its limitations. I used to be in a party, but my leader was a good-for-nothing. He didn't even care if anyone died! That's why I travel alone, but now I'm kinda down... Maybe I should change businesses... Oh, yeah! It's not what I promised, but call me if you need any help.
You learned Rui's Allied Action, Back Attack.
(Ten seconds later)
Well, Rui's finally in the party! I give her that magic crossbow from the elf girl, and give her enchanted short sword to Kyo. Now he can harm undead just by attacking normally.
See you next update!
Rush -
Easiest Job Ever -
Baked Silver -