Part 13: Chapter 4-3: Orphe Bright
Chapter 4-3: Orphe BrightOkay, everyone. This should be a pretty quick update. There's not much left to do on B4 at this time.

But first, guess who?

On the card, there was a picture of a fairy with a lovely smile.

This sounds fantastic and all, but when I actually encounter the fairy, all she does is restore my party's HP/MP to full. You know, repairing the 0 damage and 0 MP I used to get to B3.

...Sigh. I'll be back in half an hour when the first round finishes.
And yes, I know that I only covered part of the fight. But I consider that a favor to you.

Look, look! Baby Sagoon's first insta-kill!

Okay, enough messing around. Back to the Anlent Celery.

Just in case you wondered what the cocoon item looks like. Get PILLS against my orders! Get moving!

Grandaddy Gas Dragon in the hizzouse!

Moments later, Ricardo gets bitch-slapped by dragon #2 for negligible damage.

Ooh, a mystery katana? Could we be upgrading Sagoon to a newer-

...Oh. It's a

In the middle of the cemetery is a bag with a key. This key unlocks the door near the portal we saw previous just before the fight with Kulgan. It goes directly to the second elevator on B2, allowing us a slightly easier route than we've been using. A better shortcut appears on B5, but this one is nice for a bit.

Oh, also, nobody on any FAQ anywhere can agree on where this fucking thing is located. It took me about an hour, with encounters and everything, of wanderings to finally find it. There's even a big map of B4 that lies about its location. I assume this is just to make me angry.
It worked.

Moving on! After falling in random pits for another hour besides the one already mentioned, we come to the location of Gustav Bright's shield.
You found a small silver shield.
The moment you picked it up, you felt a menacing aura from behind you.
Each time the body moved, flesh slid off from it, and a stench filled the air.
What you saw was an Undead approaching you, dragging its feet heavily.
The Undead suddenly stopped, and stared at you with its dark, murky eyes.

Believe it or not, fighting is not the answer here.
The Undead trembled, and emitted a raspy voice from its torn mouth.
...shield... the shield...
The Undead ran away dragging their feet.

Oh, great. It's them again.

A female warrior and a samurai who looked familiar appeared.

Oh, good. I was worried I wasn't going to get my fair share of bitch in this update.
The look in the female warrior's eyes changed.
She had noticed the silver shield you held in your hand.

Orphe took out her anger on the samurai next to her.

Gustav's quest has been completed. Go to the Tavern to get your reward.
Okay. All that's left now is to find the stairs to B5. Thankfully there isn't much left after Kulgan's room.

Oddly enough, we have to move a second tombstone. This one reveals a ladder. I almost don't know what to do with a pit that has a voluntary descent at this point.

The tunnel below the grave is linear, and leads back up into the previous inaccessible west edge of the cemetery.

One more disarmed pit trap later and we're out of the cemetery! I need a drink.
Let's warp back to town really quick.
An armored man limped his way to you.

You showed Gustav the Shield you found on the 4th Floor.

You got a Reinforcing Shield.
You got 11000 Exp!

Nice! We're down to just Helga's quest now. By the way, we're also just over halfway through with all of the quests in the game. So far so good!

Made a couple new magic stones. Pretty good spells, but they won't hit for much until I make more of them for Warren and Rui.

This is the shield we picked up from Gustav. It's pretty good as far as shields go, but nobody in my party even uses them currently. So, cash!

Who makes all these crappy weapons anyway?
Sadly, nobody except Sara gained a level in this update.

And so, we head on down to B5!
Oh, before I go, here's the map of the cemetery. Note that the location of the key is not at A14, but in fact is more than halfway across the map from A14. I suffered over this thing for hours to bring you people entertainment.
See you next update!
Erotic Ninja 2 -
Gustav Intro -
Gustav's Quest (Yeah, Fraps did it again. Fucking Fraps.) -