The Let's Play Archive

Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

by Miketopus

Part 19: Chapter 5-X: That Damn Priest!

Chapter 5-X: That Damn Priest!

Hey guys, chapter 6 is well on its way. But since the first update is going to be ginormous, I thought I'd give you a small bit of bonus content while you're waiting.

Remember the fortunetelling priest from B3? While I was working on the update, I ran into him again. You may have noticed that I got some pretty good fortunes before; namely, an HP restoring fairy and a free Teal stone.

Well, this time he didn't feel like playing nice.

So, there are three piles we can choose from. Right, middle, and left. Right's always been what I've picked first.

- My, my. How unnerving...

On the card, a sinister sword with a nightmarish design was drawn.

- You will soon hear the howl of the Evil Sword. But if you are careful, you may be able to elude it.

(Around the corner from the priest)

Was it the sound of a sword slashing through the air?

- You will soon hear the howl of the Evil Sword.

You were reminded of those words of the fortune-telling priest.

The noise is getting closer.

It sounded like the formless Evil Sword penetrated something.

Then, as if it were attracted to that sound, a monster appeared!!

Eh. Annoying, but not exactly game-breaking.

How about the left pile?

- Hmm, most unfortunate.

A reversed image of a human suffering from a disease was on the card.

- I am ordained to bestow the Plague of Life to anyone who draws this card.

So he... he has to transmit a disease to anyone who draws that card?

Take one for the team, Ricardo.

Ricardo was struck with the Plague of Life.

Let's try the middle pile instead.

On the card, there was a picture of a young Fairy with a seductive look.

- You will soon hear the song of the Evil Fairy. But if you are careful, you may be able to elude it.

(Literally five steps down the same hallway...)

You thought you heard a faint giggle.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You clearly heard a vicious laugh. But you could not find its source.

The air became filled with a sweet smell like that of stewed apples. Stickily, the smell lingered and clung around your body.

A song came drifting towards you.

Gradually, you were led into the world of slumber...

Hee hee hee...
Ha ha ha ha...
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You were awakened by the laughter. You must have dozed off for just a brief moment.

Fortunately, you seem to be intact.

You are shitting me.

Kids, let this be a lesson to you about gambling; when a muscular priest with pigtails wants to tell your fortune, just say no.

See you next time, in chapter 6 proper!