Part 20: Chapter 6-1: Orphe and Aoba
Chapter 6-1: Orphe and Aoba
Welcome to chapter six, everyone! Get comfortable, because this is going to be a huge update.
For storyline purposes, Warren is taking a temporary break from the fighting. He'll be an invaluable ally once the difficulty goes even higher, but for now the story is our main focus. He'll be back soon.

As the name implies, B6 takes us through the ruins of an old fortress.

It's got a couple different levels, both above and below the main floor.

Since I don't think I've done this yet, here's the result of a Maps spell. If you're lost, it can be useful in helping you get your bearings. Solid portions are areas we've explored, faded are unexplored. Green areas are safe from monsters, and pink usually implies a trap. In this case, however, that pink zone to the south disables both Maps and the minimap while the party is in that area. Not exactly debilitating on this floor, since it's pretty straightforward despite appearances.

The Fort's also got a couple of... decorations. Much fresher bodies than we've seen so far.

The Reaper can appear here as well. Actually, it's not a bad idea to let him possess someone.

If you remember from chapter 2, Reaper Doors only appear if someone in the party is possessed. This is the second, and possibly final, Reaper Door in the game.

Inside is a solitary locked/trapped treasure chest, inside of which...

Is a shuriken! Unlike the previous cursed shurikens, these are actually pretty good. Kyo can become a back row attacker now if necessary. Specifics on the shuriken will appear later with the other new equipment updates.
Anyway, getting a bit ahead of myself. Since, as soon as we even enter B6...

Fog covered the ground like a cloth. Somewhere in the distance, yoc ould smell the stench of bodies.
Something is going on in the Labyrinth.

Grace bowed slightly and went on her way.

Ricardo frowned and looked around.

In the distance you heard explosions and the screams of soldiers in battle.
The ground beneath you trembled.

Michele's face looked strange.
She stepped away and looked around. Her expression was a mixture of sadness and nervousness.

If you recall, we met Grace on B2 and helped her kill some undead. It's been a while since we've seen her though. Wonder what her interest in Eugene is.
As for Michele's shpiel, this may all sound like flavor text, but there's a lot of things to watch out for on B6.

Mages have seen considerable upgrades...

...And we have Master Thieves now. Not much tougher than their previous versions, but much faster.
Oh, and the thing in the middle? That's a Chimera. They have pretty high defense, very high resistance to magic, decent attack power, and a breath weapon that hits like a jackhammer. Best to destroy them as quickly as possible.

Wyverns are a new creature as well. They have pretty good evade and agility, and they hit fairly hard with their attacks. Fortunately, Restrict Shot is usually enough to fend them off. They have around 150 to 200 HP, so it's also possible to kill them in one round if you're lucky enough to land a few hits.


Remember Slimes? They're back. They aren't much stronger, but they will often spend their turns calling for help with a high success rate. This means that if you're not careful you could exhaust yourself on numerous Red Slimes in one combat.

Good experience, at least.

Plus they drop a good material that heals more HP than Slime Goo.

Now, THIS guy...


...Like a steamroller. (Sorry, couldn't get a good screencap of the next hit. Just look at Ricardo's HP!)

Fire Giants are pure attack power, so Restrict Shot is effective at keeping them at bay.

And for doing a lot of damage quickly, ice magic is always a good choice.
Okay, enough monsters. Back to the story. A small ways north of the entrance, we run into a couple more old friends.
The samurai soldier of Duhan cut down 4 Ogres, one after the other.

Will you help them?
Don't help
Naturally, we don't have much choice here.
Sagoon's attitude gave a good impression to comrades with a good or neutral attribute.
You drew your weapon and confronted the Ogres!

Ogres. Old news.
As the party defeated the Ogres, the Samurai's party finished off their Ogres as well.

Arabella nodded in acknowledgment at Taiga's voice.

Arabella cast a healing spell.
HP was recovered!
Abnormal Status was recovered!

Arabella took out something that looked like a piece of a silver crystal.
You got the Mana Quartz!

We're seeing a lot of B2 people here. Those were the missing scouts we found near the end of chapter 2. And, a second quartz. Matsuri gave us a Crimson Quartz way back in B4, which you probably don't recall. Their purpose will be explained later.
Speaking of old friends, how about one more set?

Orphe appeared in front of you. Her blue eyes burned with anger.
She spoke with an intense voice, ready to destroy everything in her path.

Orphe's face grew pale. She realized what he was about to say.

Orphe glared at Aoba and then walked off.

I know a lot of you have been echoing Aoba's thoughts before now. Things will become clearer fairly soon.
Just past where we meet up with the scouts and the Brights, we meet some more ninjas.

The Ninja soldiers and a Demon were fighting. They seemed to be holding their own against it without help.
Despite the situation, the Demon began laughing.

With a final blow, the Demon was defeated by the Ninja. However, the Ninja Soldiers did not seem to savor their victory.
Sighing deeply, you could see they were worried.

It seems that the Ninja Soldiers have finally noticed you.

The Ninjas slipped off into the darkness like the wind.
Sounds like things are heating up down here. In just a few more steps, we see why.

Kulgan was fighting with the Demons alongside the Ninja Soldiers. What stood out was the stench of a giant.
Kulgan's voice echoed.

As Kulgan warned the men, the Giant let loose his Poison Breath upon the people.
The power of the Breath was too much. Even your party was affected.
Countless numbers of Ninja soldiers fell before the attack.
Kulgan clicked his tongue in disdain.

Kulgan and the Ninjas advanced on the Poison Giant.
In an instant, the chaos of battle ensued, and soon a herd of Ogres was able to break off. Your party drew their weapons and confronted the Ogres.

More Ogres, but this time we're poisoned. Since the only difference is that the party takes 1 HP of damage at the end of every turn, this fight will be skipped.
As you defeated the Ogres, the battle seemed to quiet down. Kulgan's troops seemed to have gained the upper hand.
A Ninja took notice of you and ran towards you.

The Ninja used an Antidote.
You've been cured of poison!

The Ninja returned to Kulgan's side.
It seems the Demons can only be beaten with all their might.
For an instant, you thought about helping Kulgan.
Then you remembered how he acted back on the 4th Floor.
Kulgan will be fine. For some strange reason, you just thought that way.
Well, he didn't try to murder us on sight this time. That's progress.
There's a lot of people running around down here. Do you suppose anyone else needs their asses pulled out of the proverbial fire?

It was the voice of Orphe.

Orphe was attacking a crowd of Fairies who were flying above her head.
The Samurai Aoba called out.

Protecting her from the attack, Aoba shot out a spell.

It looks like they noticed you. Aoba screamed out.

Will you help Orphe?
Don't help
Sagoon's kind attitude gave a good impression to comrades with a good or neutral attribute.

Fairies are pretty tough. They're like Pixies, but with greater attack power and potent spells as well.
In the thick air, a spirit's shadow seemed to have appeared in front of you.
Even the euphoria of battle could not erase her agony.
Standing there, her eyes filled with tears.

Orphe glared coldly at Aoba as she walked away.

That's enough B6 for now, but we're not done with the Labyrinth quite yet. At this point, if we return to B4...
In the rows of ramshackled graves, a shadow appeared.
A samurai named Aoba was standing there, looking desolate and forlorn.

His voice lacked energy.
He seemed very tired, and had dark circles under his eyes.

Aoba faked a smile.

(Five minutes of wandering later)
You heard a woman weeping.
It was the female warrior Orphe, whose shadow appeared hazily like a ghost in the darkness.

Orphe's eyes were dim with tears.
It seemed that she had found a corpse that looked to be her father's.

It was Aoba's voice.

Aoba could not say anything to Orphe, who broke down crying.
He had known her since childhood, but he had never seen her like this before.

With teary eyes, Orphe stared at Aoba.
She glowered at him, as if she was angry.

Aoba shrugged.

Aoba sighed deeply, and gave a smile of resignation.

Saying that, Aoba looked your way.

Aoba has been registered!
Orphe has been registered!
They can be added to your party at the Tavern.
You learned Orphe's Allied Action, Warp Attack.
Phew. That took a while, eh? Now we've got the Brights available for the party.
Although Warp Attack cannot be used now (It's one of the final tier AAs in the game) it will be invaluable later. However, we did learn a couple new AAs along the way.

I haven't really used Spell Shell yet, so I can't say whether or not it's any good. Converge Attack, however, is pretty disappointing. There's a video of it at the bottom of this update. In short, Double Slash is still better.
Here's some new stuff:

Insta-death spell. Formed from random mutations during magic stone creation.

Very nice.

Not so much.


Might be worth keeping around for that alignment change.



Not sure what Dark Fog is, but might come in handy later on.

Level up for Sagoon!
Oh, and here are Aoba and Orphe's stats:

For some odd reason, they both start four levels higher than the party average. This means that, although they're pretty darn good when they join, they'll probably become obsolete by the end of the game. Also, they're Evil for some reason. Still, if you guys want one of them in the party badly enough, make your voice heard. Ricardo is getting a little past his prime.
Thanks for sticking with me through this update. See you next time!
Converge Attack -
B6 Intro -
Arabella and Taiga -
Ninjas and Demons -
Helping the Ninjas -
Orphe's Anger -
Helping Orphe -
Orphe Joins -