Part 22: Chapter 6-2: Incubus, Demon of Dreams
Chapter 6-2: Incubus, Demon of DreamsHi everyone, welcome back to the LP. Which is, frankly, taking wayyyy too long to update. Videos should be up by tomorrow, so check back soon for those. In the meantime, let's continue our journey into the Labyrinth.
...With more quests!

First up is Walter.

A creepy man with a hood walked your way.

His name was Walter Berry. He was an Imperial Scholar. He used to work for the Royal Family, but since the Flash, he now just deciphers ancient scriptures.

Walter looked away fearfully.

Easy fetch quest. Next up is...

One of my personal favorite NPCs!

Those were the words of a girl named Hina.

After saying that, she smiled sadly.

She stopped speaking. The content of her words was of a past she did not want to remember.

Hina's eyes were filled with resolution. She looked straight at you.

Hina has been registered as a member. You can add her to the party at the Tavern.
So how good is Hina?

Pretty damn.

Hina is by far one of the best NPC fighters in the game, and the best samurai when compared to Aoba. She's basically good at everything, whether it's spells or attacks, and her agility is above average. Since her quest cannot be completed unless she is in the group, she will be a required party member for the next couple of updates. I decided to give Kyo a breather in the meantime.
Her equipment is also top notch. The Kikuichimonji is, of course, one of those famous Japanese weapons. Not only is it stronger than Sagoon's Osafune, it also hurts undead. And the Shielded Chestplate is a strong piece of armor. Both of these restore a little HP every turn in battle, though not much.
You probably also noticed in the previous update that Orphe has replaced Ricardo on the front lines. What does this mean for us?

Sagoon is in a party full of women!
By the way, does anybody notice that the Tavern is significantly emptier than it was at the beginning of the game? I'm sure it's probably just a coincidence.
So anyway, let's go back to the Moldy Fort.

I realized that in earlier updates it was rather vague about where exactly on each floor I was during events. So, to kind of put it in perspective, I'm going to try including images from the Maps spell for each "zone" of the update. I'll include earlier levels if anyone is interested; maybe I'll upload them to GameFAQs, so that they have maps that actually tell the truth.

Anyway, tangent. If you look at the up arrow on the far left side of the map, that's the exit back to B5. Orphe and Aoba were fighting fairies in the dead-end room to the southeast, and scouts were fighting monsters in the dead end passage a few steps north. Today however, we're going to head east, taking a circuitous path to that square room with only one door on the east end of the map. Inside...
Sunshine and sweet fragrance were coming from somewhere. This place was filled with silence and beauty.

It was Kaza, the young man whom you met near the waterfall.
He squinted as he gazed at the view.

Kaza stopped speaking. He looked sad.

When he turned to face you, he was very different from the first time you had met.

Kaza stopped speaking. His expression was very pained.

I wonder how Sagoon met so many elves and pissed them off.
Anyway, from that far east room we head south into the zig-zagging hallway, toward the purple area.

The way becomes noticeably different, the zig-zag hallway strewn with webbing and fungi.

The enemies aren't any different yet, though. Orphe certainly did stun that mage, huh?

Inside the purple hallway, the passage is shrouded in fog and wild mushrooms grow everywhere. The Maps spell doesn't work in this place, nor does the minimap. Should you have need, you can exit back out into the zig-zag hallway and use the Maps spell... provided you don't get lost trying to get back. There's lots of enemies in here too, so that presents another danger.

A very short distance west and north of the door, however, is something of interest.
The corpse had a book in its hand.
On the cover was a design of two adjoining triangles. And on the back cover was a note most likely written by this person. It must be the book Walter has been looking for.

Taking the book completes Walter's quest. But, let's read the note first.

This place could be called the country of monsters and demons. After entering, I was able to see what I couldn't before.
I feel two conflicting desires from this place. On the one hand it wants tme to live and yet at the same time wishes for my death.
Why does God allow such a place to exist? God's profound mind can't be fathomed by mere mortals.
But if there is some hidden meaning to it all, you may have to go deeper inside.
Only a person who has made many sacrifices and possesses a strong will is able to enter there.
I met a man. His eyes seemed sharp. His face looked exhausted. Due to injury and fatigue he has difficulty walking.
His white hair falls on his shoulders, and he came carrying a broken sword. He looks like a ghost wandering the wastelands.
The man got to the deepest part of the Labyrinth and saw whatever secret it held.
He murmured.
The note ends here because the rest is covered in mold and can't be read.
You got the Book of Festivals!
Walter's quest has been completed. Go to the Tavern to get your reward.

Thankfully, the misty area is very small if you know where to go. A staircase leads up to a door that deposits us back into normal territory... briefly.

An ominous hallway greets us. It looks significantly different from the rest of the fortress.
A bloodied soldier walked toward you. You supported him, so that he didn't collapse.

The delirious soldier grasped your hands strongly.

The soldier collapsed.
You stared at a door which resonated with evil energy.

I mentioned before that green zones were "safe" zones, but I should probably be more specific. They're zones that random monsters can't enter. Often, however, they contain other hazards and events to be watchful for.

It was she who had been kidnapped by Eugene, Queen Otelier. There was no mistaking it.
You ran up to the Queen.
The moment you tried to touch the Queen, a soul piercing shriek resounded.
"You cannot touch her."
You stepped back from the Queen cautiously. Dark fog began to swirl and take shape behind the Queen.
A devil appeared before you. Incubus, the Demon of Dreams; he who entraps those in nightmares.

Incubus stroked the Queen's chin roughly. For some reason your heart began to burn with pain.

Having said that, the demon licked his lips in a revolting manner. As if he was laughing...

Do not defile her!!
Your anger began to rise. You tried to release your spell towards Incubus.
Incubus blew poisoned air from his mouth and grinned evilly.

The nightmares around Incubus became reality.

The Incubus is a major step up from previous bosses. A party that isn't prepared for him or already weakened from an extended time on B6 is in deep trouble.
He comes with two semi-random servants. In the screenshots, it's just a couple sorceresses. In the video, however, it's two Spectres. Whatever monster comes with him, it's easiest to destroy them first. Since Incubus is practically immune to most available forms of magic, it's best to have someone quick and good with row-targeting spells (Rui, for example) destroy the weaker enemies with a strong spell. Even if it doesn't hurt Incubus, you don't want enemies using paralyzing abilities or something that would knock out a teammate.

As for Incubus, he's no pushover. He flies, which means he can go for anybody in your party... though thankfully, he seems to enjoy picking on Sagoon too much to annihilate a back-row caster.

Strike 1 is a judo chop. Hurts if it connects.

Strike 2 is...

The second attack seems to do a little more damage and crit more often. If it does, they can easily do over 100 damage combined.

That being said, Incubus' magic is much worse than his physical attack. He likes to cast higher level offensive magic like Kuld, which can do between 40 and 80 damage to each person in one row. So, if you haven't been keeping up with your priests' healing magic, you can get in a lot of trouble quickly.
The solution? Spell Cancel every turn, just in case. It prevents Incubus from using magic, wasting his turn if he tries it. And, it's not like your sorcerers have anything better to do after the henchmen are wiped out. Your free priests should be healing anybody taking damage from Incubus' slap/dance attacks, while your front row attackers should be using Double Slash as often as possible. It takes a few rounds, but it's not too bad as long as you prevent Incubus from getting any magic in or knocking out a character with a couple lucky crits.

I was really hoping for more, but eh. Red Slimes drop at least twice this much per encounter if you're farming them the right way.

Incubus returned to where his true body was, within Hades. You made sure Incubus completely vanished before helping to raise the fallen Queen. The now conscious Queen threw herself into your arms.
The Queen mumbled to herself, as if she was making sure she still had a voice.

She spoke as if to convince herself. She repeated the same thing over and over like a parrot.

LeDua and Kulgan finally rushed to the Queen's side.

The Queen called the name of the Queen Guard's chief and ran to him like a child. LeDua was especially surprised by the Queen's actions. He panicked at the sight.

LeDua yelled at the Queen in a commanding voice. She was frightened.

LeDua glanced in your direction.

As soon as she heard what LeDua said, she became calm. This surprised the others. Even Kulgan watched the two of them with a suspicious look. The Queen turned towards you and began to speak.

You were shocked, and at the same time, felt strange.

What's this scene...?
You stared off into space.

The sharp voice of Kulgan pulled you back to reality.

Kulgan bit his lip while staring at you, and left the room.
After Kulgan's footsteps could no longer be heard, LeDua turned to face you.

LeDua turned his sharp eyes on you as if to warn you again. Taking the Queen's hand, he cast a Transferring Spell.
You were left alone, feeling rather strange... satisfied that you helped the Queen, yet suspicious of her.

Rui jokingly winked at you.

Rui showed you a bag filled with gold coins.

You got 5000 G!

Did... did Rui just pickpocket LeDua?
Crap. He's going to be pissed.

Incubus left us a present.
You opened the bag. Inside were the Incubus Wings.
You got the Incubus Wings!

That's... interesting. We can't sell these at the Material Shop, so these aren't materials. And yet, we can sell them at Vigger's for 5000 G if we so choose. Wonder what these do.
Well, back to town to turn in Walter's quest.

You gave Walter the book.

Walter opened the book and began reading it out loud.

Walter closed the book.

You got a Sorcerer's Ring.
You got 30000 Exp!

And, in case you're wondering about that ring:

It's a pretty good accessory, especially for sorcerers, but for some reason it can't be used by people with a neutral alignment. So, the only people who can use it are Sagoon, Hina, and Sara, none of which should be wasting time with wisdom-boosting rings.
Oh well. Maybe it'll be useful later.
See you next update!
Walter's Quest -
Kaza's Memories -
Soldier's Warning -
Incubus, Demon of Dreams -