Part 30: Return of the Barfo
Chapter 9: Return of the Barfo
Hey everyone, guess what?

The 9th Floor is boring!
Completely bare! There's a couple rare things you can encounter which I may attempt to showcase later, but for the purposes of continuity we'll continue on with the story. Well, sort of.
First, Garcia has something new to tell us upon our return to the Tavern.

Garcia the dwarf was yelling as he came closer.

You got a Devilish Charm!

I have no idea what this means.

Anyway, remember that switch back on B8? The one that drains the water from B5? That's our next destination.

Sure enough, the lowest level of B5, previously containing a pool of water, is free for exploration. Fortunately, there's not much down there except... a few old friends.

An Orc came stomping from the other way.

Kasta stared intensely at you.

Kasta's round, black eyes became all teary.

Kasta ran off towards the path in the spring.

Down down down we go...

The sound of swords echoed through the room. Darkness was squirming, growling like a beast. The creatures of the Dark were crawling out of the circle. Wolfe shouted.

And so we meet the Raver Lord.
Believe it or not, this "miniboss" is actually pretty easy. Even before B8 this wouldn't be much of a challenge. He's got pretty good attack power and defense, I guess, but if he has spells he doesn't like to use them. The only thing he's got going for him is high HP, and Zaiba + Double Slash does about 400 per turn. Refreshingly easy after the ball-breaking encounters we've had lately.

Kasta left the room.

You told Wolfe about what Garcia requested at the Tavern, and... You told the two about meeting Eugene on the 8th Floor.

Grace's expression became grave as the mystery deepened.

Grace has been registered.
Wolfe has been registered.
They can be added to your party at the Tavern.
You learned Grace's Allied Action, Silence Breaker.
Kasta returned.

You explained the situation.

Super. Except rather disappointing...
Silence Breaker is, basically, useless. It utilizes all three of your back row party members to cure a front row member of silence.

Anyway, that takes care of some backtracking.

Let's go to B10, shall we?

After saying that, Virgo stuck out her tongue.

Virgo began humming and looking at you from the corner of her eyes.
She smiled like a little girl hiding a secret.

That doesn't sound too ba... Oh. I see.
So, Virgo introduces a monster we've seen but haven't fought yet, the Poison Giant. Contrary to its dreadful reputation up until now, it's actually not that big a threat. It hits fairly hard, but has low accuracy, and its Breath weapon hurts but not enough to incapacitate your party unless you're fighting three or four at once and they all use it. It's got pretty high defense and HP, however, so it might take a while to fall.
The real threat in this fight is, believe it or not, Virgo. Since B5, she's learned a few new spells... including Megadeth, the strongest sorcerer spell in the game. If she uses it even once, then...

So, Spell Cancel every round while the rest of your party takes care of the giants. As long as Virgo isn't casting any spells, there's not much danger in this fight.

And she runs away again. Let's take a quick trip back to town.
Oh, but at this point, we have yet another good shortcut on B1...

An Elf warrior was standing there checking passes.

(Hey, we haven't seen him since the end of chapter 1!)

This new magic circle is also right outside the first door to the Labyrinth proper... in fact, it's directly across from the B8 portal. So, no worries about getting back to B10 quickly.
Anyway, loot check!

Thanks, Wizardry.

Fairly decent sword if you want a knight using a shield instead of two handed weapons.

Slightly more attack power than the Blazing Staff, but its item-use spell is stronger too.

A level up for Sagoon...

...And the stats for Grace and Wolfe.
Now, Grace is fairly decent. She makes a slightly better knight than most, though her Faith is atrocious. Good attack power, at least.
Wolfe is an awesome guy, but sadly his stats aren't that great. He'll never be anything more than a vanilla warrior, and although his attack power is pretty awesome, his defense and HP tend to flag behind the others.
That'll do it for chapter 9! See you in chapter 10, when we start tying up loose ends and approaching the end of the Labyrinth!
Grace and Wolfe -
Return of the Virgo -
Shortcut Again -