Part 31: Chapter 10-1: Virgo
Chapter 10-1: Virgo
Welcome, everyone, to the tenth chapter in the LP. It's been a long road getting here, but the end is finally in sight!
We're going to start off the update with a few new monsters of interest on both B9 and B10.

Ooooh! If Dragon Quest has taught me anything, it's that silver enemies are worth loads of EXP!

Oh. Right. That.
Fans of Dragon Warrior/Quest probably know about Silver Slimes already. They're very quick, not very strong, and have insanely high defense and run away at the drop of a hat. (By the way, these things are also strong; they hit for about 70 HP each) Sadly, there's not a lot of ways around this when you're fighting them. At about level 30 or so, you can one-shot them with Rush since that does damage based on level that is unblockable by any enemy unless you're fighting undead with non-undead fighting capabilities. Sadly, since we're still trying for level 20, three rounds of Rush is about the best you can do.

This is the reward for killing one Silver Slime. Not bad work, if you can make it. Thankfully, there's no Silver Slime Jelly or anything silly like that, so material farmers need not worry.

The Raver Lord from last update is a regular encounter now. Nothing much to worry about, since if he's with cronies they're usually one-shot monsters like warriors and thieves.

I could make some sort of marijuana joke here, but this is a family friendly LP.
Shut up, I can hear what you're thinking.

A super ninja! Sort of. Even though it's given a unique title like "The High Master" you can fight more than one in any given combat. You know the routine by now: Higher agility, attack power, and ridiculous instant-kill criticals. Thankfully, Assisted Jateal still takes them out in one shot. There's also the Lesser Demons, of course, but they're not much of a threat now; Double Slash will usually take them out in one go.

Sadly, Greater Demons start appearing as regular encounters on B10 as well. You can even fight more than one at once, which is a lesson in pain.

By the way, if you're unfortunate enough to get this configuration during combat, it's probably best to escape. Unless you've maxed out your trust, you can only use Spell Cancel once per turn.

Double Samurai update! Nothing new here either; just beefed up variants.

Do you remember the Dragonflies from B3? Stoneflies are the next tier; they attack twice, and have a chance of petrifying. I say chance, but basically if they're still alive when their turn comes, people are getting turned to stone guaranteed.

Apparently we've hit the top tier of the generic warrior monster class. Swordguys are nothing new except for higher stats.

They still haven't figured out the "taking it" part that comes after "dishing it out".

Apparently you can encounter Blue Dragons as early as B7, but I never did. They're a bit stronger than Gas Dragons, and they can cast spells. They're not very good at it, mind you, but that doesn't stop them from trying about 80% of the time.

They drop a new material, which is the main point in killing them.

And the... uh, what? Combat just started...

So the corpse of a dragon is... rather corpsey...


Oh. Okay.
Dragon Zombies aren't a big deal. Lots of hit points, very slow, hit like trucks.
Anyway, enough screwing around. Let's get down to the basic flow of B10.
You may have noticed that I've been changing party members a few times in the above screenshots. That's because we're slowly going to be rotating Kulgan into the mix as a replacement for Orphe. I think we have... two more people left to recruit, believe it or not, so the endgame party isn't set in stone. There's also a specific cutscene coming up for Grace that we don't want to miss, so she'll be in the party briefly as well.

So, B10. It's all about teleporters. Multiple teleporters, teleporters you want, teleporters you don't want, teleporters next to other teleporters...
I wish I could give you a better idea of how the floor is laid out, but it's extraordinarily small compared to virtually every other level we've been on up to this point. The only reason it takes longer than five minutes is because they pack in 3-5 monster groups in every one of those square pockets.
In this Maps, we're actually right next to the exit door. You have to teleport around a bit until you find a stone plate that unlocks it, but that's about the only snag in getting here... there's also a couple breakable walls you do not want to miss.

One has a teleporter leading back to the beginning, and a Kikuichimonji to match Hina's! Finally, Sagoon can kill undead without any help.

The other treasure is even more valuable. The Blazing Vellum is actually the ingredient list to create Megadeth Stones! Best of all, it doesn't require ridiculous components!

At the door leading out of the teleporter maze, we run into a couple old enemies...

After saying that, Virgo pointed toward a corpse against the wall.

Grace's face suddenly turned pale as she shook her head in denial. And as she took notice of something lying beside the dead body...
... she dropped to her knees and screamed.
She picked up a ring with a beautiful jewel in it. It was to be given to her on a day she was to wear a white dress and exchange vows of commitment.
Grace hung her head and sobbed quietly as tears ran down the side of her face. The body she was holding was beyond recognition, but it was undoubtedly her fiancee, Eugene.

Virgo laughed a dry laugh.

Grace hung her head and sobbed quietly as tears ran down the side of her face. She prayed for the dead to rest in peace. She slowly stood up and said her farewells to her fiancee, without being able to give him a proper burial.

Her voice sounded hollow as she asked herself.

And so, Eugene meets an ignoble end...
Before we go on, let's go check on Virgo and make sure she doesn't strangle Kasta or something. Let's try Kasta's shop on B5.

Kasta took notice of you.

Virgo is about to go.
Persuade her to stay
Don't bother to stop her
(Sadly, it would be the nice thing to do, not letting Virgo wander off to her death.)

Virgo has been registered. She can be added to your party at the Tavern.
Well now... that's... umm...

Virgo's got fairly good stats, I guess. Her wisdom is slightly lower than Michele's, but makes up for it with higher life and defense. Of course, if enemies are attacking your back row sorcerers, then you're doing something wrong.

Level up for Sagoon!
That about does it for this update. Check out the videos section below for a couple extra brief cutscenes from B1 if you like. See you next time!
Eugene's End -
Virgo Joins -
Knight Again -
Walter Again -