Part 36: Chapter EX-1: The Abyss
Chapter EX-1: The AbyssHey everyone. Just a couple updates left before the LP is wrapped up. I hope you enjoyed the story of Wizardry, because it's pretty much over with.
Following Bu'Shin's demise, the game can be saved to create something like clear data. This boots you back to Duhan with your stats post-Bu'Shin. There's really only a few things different with clear data:
1. Bu'Shin is completely dead. If you go back to the big fancy platform in Dimension World, nothing happens.
2. Tavern quests are no longer accessible. Any unfinished quests are gone forever.
3. Back at Gotz's place (The trap-making orc), there was a boulder in the way of a passage...

...Which is now gone. It leads to...!

The optional dungeon known as the Abyss.

The Abyss has... I'm not even sure how to describe its architecture. Mostly wood, for some reason, with the occasional odd design. It's vaguely Asian themed (It's a J-RPG), too.
I'm pretty sure the Abyss is infinite; to date, nobody has ever reached the bottom. I think the record is like 150 or something. All you can do is delve deeper and deeper, as it saves your best record. Each floor is randomized too, so you can't have an insane number of pre-drawn maps. Given, the Maps spell itself still works... but even though it's only a level 2 spell, you'll run out eventually. Kulgan, Michele, and Rui each have it, so that gives us a max of 27 before needing to recharge. Thankfully, there's an inn every few levels... I have yet to find it, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before I bump into it.

Besides the inn, the Material Shop guy also randomly makes an appearance for some odd reason. You can buy/sell materials just like on B1, but only once. After you exit his shop menu, he disappears until the next time you find him. I seem to find him every other level or so, so he's certainly not rare.

About as common as the Material Shop guy is the zombie medicine store. It's good, I guess, though I find it sad you don't get any MP restoring items in the shop.

The enemies are practically everything from the game randomly strewn about. As you can see from the above examples, they can be anything from laughably obsolete, to annoyingly difficult, to just plain strange. The battle music seems to be mostly random, too; I had it playing the B1-B4 battle music while I was fighting Greater/Lesser Demons and Fire Giants and the Orc King fight was playing the B8-B10 battle song.
I'll get more into this next update, but here's a few new enemies:

I'm pretty sure the Necromancer is the strongest form of mage in the game. Still not too hot on taking a sword to the face, though.

Same with Phantom Thief. At least the strongest variant isn't bright pink, eh?

Shogun can be fairly difficult, but I don't think they're as powerful as Hatamoto. Maybe I just missed it on the way down the Labyrinth. Arch Priest might be the strongest priest form.

Speaking of bri...ght... pink...
My... my head...

Ah... ah....!

break the bones spill the blood sear the flesh make them suffer destroy them all annihilate the impurity winnow the ranks destroy

...Huh? We're on B10? How'd we get here?
Eh, oh well. Thankfully, it's fairly easy to avoid most battles in the Abyss.

This is... odd.


Gah, trippy. What the hell is this thing?

Oh fu-