Part 34: Lil' Adventures V
Phew, that was a lot of story nonsense that just happened. It's been a long time since we got a chance to stop and check in with all the Final Fantasy people we've met along the way. We actually haven't done a Lil' Update since Chapter 16.![](1-wofflilup05-01.jpg)
The reason for that is because the Intervention Quests basically evaporated around that time. This quest is the only new one to open up since the start of Chapter 17, but that's not enough to fill a Lil' Update.
Chapter 21 has solved that issue in a major way. 14 new Intervention Quests are now available plus the one that's been sitting around since Tometown. This is gonna take some time to work our way through.
Lil' Update 5 Highlights - In One Ear and Out the Other
Oh lord, I've known people like this. Just popping up out of nowhere and following you without taking the hint that you really don't want them to.
So we're fighting Gilgamesh again. Not really much of a difference from the last time we fought him. He has all the same tricks as before, including Haste and Mightiest of Swords.
Except that Excalibur can hit way harder than in the story fight.
During the fight, I try out Behemonster. We've had him for a while but I haven't shown off this XL Mirage yet.
One of Behemonster's main abilities is Meteor Counterstance. It puts Behemonster in a counter state where he'll retaliate against attacks with the Meteor spell (at AP cost, which is 5).
It's a good ability if you put the time into Behemonster to properly level him. Behemonster also has great physical attack potential.
Good stuff. I don't even have commentary for that one. That was just... something else.
Anyway, from this point on the Intervention Quests will mostly have to do with everyone dealing with the Cogna threat. These all get dumped in your lap at once during Chapter 21. I don't think any of them are in a chronological order, so we'll just start from the top and work our way down.
Lil' Update 5 Highlights - Mobile Suit Gundam Chocobo
Noooo! Boko! Boko is a good boy. We need to go save him.
The hell is that thing?
[???]: Huh? What're you talkin' about?
Of course it is. You've seen it move, haven't you? I mean, it sits on Chocolatte's head, but you must have noticed it breathing and shifting around up there during the Hyperion thing.
[???]: Hey, pay attention.
What does that mean, exactly? Is it like a parasite?
Oh, right. The big shiny chocobo on wheels.
[???]: Hmm. This chocobo seems to be pretty intelligent. Makes you wonder why he bothers carin' so much about his human owner. He oughta be completely ashamed of himself. And I had such hopes that he'd be a prime specimen when we mecha chocobos populate this world.
Mecha Chocobo is voiced by Melissa Fahn in English and Misaki Kuno in Japanese.
[???]: For far too long now, this world's chocobos have nuzzled up to you humans. Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?
Hold on a second... now that I have a closer look... is... is there a Moogle piloting that thing?
[???]: Hmph. What you call "helping each other" I call "subjugation." Everyone knows chocobos are smarter than humans. It's time for Grymoire's chocobos to welcome the Cogna and become this world's dominant species!
[???]: You think being enslaved by humans... is happiness? What a heaping load of phoenix down.
I mean, he has a point. Chocobos are the horses of the Final Fantasy universe. People use them for transportation, as cargo haulers, presumably as food, and sometimes we eugenically inbreed them while force feeding them growth hormones and then racing them for sport.
Not that I've done that last part of course. Just a general example.
[???]: I've heard enough. Boko here is comin' along with us. You made a big mistake spyin' on us! Now you're gonna pay the ultimate price!
Mecha Chocobo is not hard at all. On top of crippling Thunder and Fire weaknesses, it also has relatively low HP. One Thundara from Optimus shaves off 3700 HP.
Its physical attacks only dish out about 500 damage, which is nothing at this stage.
The only thing to watch out for if you somehow are having trouble is that Mecha Chocobo will cast Berserk on itself when its HP gets low. Berserk locks it into physical attacks, but it boosts the damage dealt. Mecha Chocobo also has an ability that boosts speed when in Berserk state.
None of that really matter though, since it will likely be knocked out shortly after trying to pull that. This quest really feels like one that was supposed to show up way earlier. It's very easy and you only get like 25k EXP, which isn't much at this point.
There was clearly a Moogle inside that Mecha Chocobo. Why the hell was a Moogle trying to make the Chocobos a master race?
We get a Mecha Chocobo memento from this, which means that Foozles has an upgrade to finally spend that SP on.
While we're checking out Mirages, here's a few new ones that Biggs and Eyevan have gotten access to recently.
War Machine (and Death Machine) are references to Warmech from FFI. Warmech was a strong enemy that only had a 3 in 64 chance of spawning in one specific area of Flying Fortress.
It had an ability called Nuke (or NUCLEAR originally) that dealt massive non-elemental damage to everyone, routinely got preemptive strikes on your party, and had stats that rivaled the final boss.
It was also supposed to regenerate a bit of HP every turn, but regeneration was bugged in the NES version of FFI.
War Machine's color scheme is based on Warmech's colors from FFI's remakes, while Death Machine's color scheme is based on Warmech's original NES appearance.
That damage doesn't look impressive by today's standards, but I assure you that it is terrifying by FFI standards. Back in the FFI days a 600HP total was end game, not what you started with when you first popped the game in. Your healers probably had like 300-400, tops.
On the plus side, if you managed to beat the bastard you got a ton of EXP and Gil.
Lil' Update 5 Highlights - The Best Laid Plans
[Villager]: Uh... yes. I think so. I can't thank you enough?
What about the dude just off to the left getting surrounded?
Just gonna leave him to his fate? That's cool.
[Bahamutian Soldier]: Either way... I know just what to do with him.
Gotta admit, this is becoming a little too much.
[Bahamutian Soldier]: Silence! He'll meet his demise at my hands!
Hold on a second. Why the hell would you bother luring him all the way out here you idiot? The town you were in was overrun with Cogna! Why lure someone you want to ambush out of advantageous gloomy urban territory and into bright open neutral territory!
[Bahamutian Soldier]: Once they hear I defeated a Champion, my rise to greater glory is all but assur--
[Bahamutian Soldier]: Time for you to die!
This battle is against one Bahamutian Soldier and two Brothertaurs which--
Nevermind. This battle is against a Bahamutian Soldier that will desperately try and knock your stacks down only to most likely fail. He is capable of doing some decent damage, but he's really not much of a threat, even if he did still have the Brothertaurs with him.
[Villager]: Aaah!
That's a great question. Why the hell did those two villagers not just book it as soon as Bartz started fighting him?
[Bahamutian Soldier]: If you're truly a Champion to these people, then you'll lay down your arms at once! Now, do as I say--
I want to point out that Gilgamesh looks away and the villagers and Bahamutian Soldier just kind of stand there for like 3 seconds before the villagers start to run.
[Bahamutian Soldier]: How DARE YOUUU!
You are just so bad at your job.
*After a pause, Bartz, Boko, and the villagers tear ass out of there*
Oh, those scamps. Ha ha ha...
Seriously though, chill out with the Gilgamesh appearances for a bit.
Let's do two more interventions and call it an update. The next one is all about Eiko.
Lil' Update 5 Highlights - Test Your Might
[Fenrir]: Grrrrr...
[Fenrir]: Grrr...
Oh man, that thing looks sweet.
So then what about Rydia and Yuna?
Elefenrir has an absurd weakness to Holy. It has Blaze, which is a multi-target fire attack, but that's really about it.
Outside of whatever the hell that was, Elefenrir also has Dark. Blaze is the only thing that can hit multiple targets though, so fall back on the typical strategy of having one stack focus on healing when necessary.
[Elefenrir]: Eiko. These are dark times. And Grymoire faces a terrible crisis. The world will soon have need of the power our tribe possesses, and the Mirages who answer our call.
You mean like right now? Because right now would be a good time to bust out power and Mirages.
[Elefenrir]: You share a connection with many Mirages. You must find them. Join their power with yours, and wield it well. The future is yours... May it be bright...
[Fenrir]: Awoo...
[Fenrir]: Arf!
This is a reference to FFIX. Eiko's grandfather told her not to leave the village until she was 16, and there was an Eidolon that took the form of a Mog that watched over her. Seems kind of weird they wouldn't use a Moogle for this quest, although I guess they needed some way to get Elefenrir worked in.
Another sweet moment of Final Fantasy character references. Thankfully this one wasn't locked behind some stupid BS mini game.
Finally, we'll end things with a "hideous affront to all that is good". That seems like a nice way to ruin that previous moment and avoid ending on a heartwarming note.
Lil' Update 5 Highlights - I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going
*And then we immediately flashback*
*Back to the present*
Oh lord no...
Ultros is voiced by Sam Riegel in English and Masaya Onosaka in Japanese.
Ultros is a reappearing gag character/boss, similar to Gilgamesh. He first appears in FFVI as a recurring boss (you have four battles with the thing over the course of the game) and tries to eat the party on multiple occasions only to be defeated in hilarious manner.
He also makes... suggestive comments towards the female party members. He's made some other appearances since then, although not to the level of Gilgamesh.
If you're wondering why Ultros is an Octopus despite only having seven tentacles, it's because when he was brought to 3D for his XIII-2 appearance, the designers decided to model him that way as a reference to FFVI. Before you fight him in FFVI, the party defeats one of his tentacles, so his contemporary design gives him seven tentacles as a reference to him losing one to the VI party.
[Ultros]: Ohhh nooo, I would never! Buuut, I know the crook you're after. Oh, what a fiend! How's this: why don't I help you out and show you the way to his lair?
No, Terra. Not "really". Don't be stupid!
[Ultros]: Oh, I'd love to!
Seriously, how did you work your way in here?
[Ultros]: Uhhh, nothing worth repeating!
[Ultros]: Oh, it'll still be a ways.
*Some ill-advised walking time later*
[Ultros]: Geh heh, geh hee hee hee! Uh, why, somewhere that you and I can have plenty of fun together, of course!
[Ultros]: Daaah! All right, ya got me, I might have told a fib. But no, I'm not the nasty McNast you're hunting for, I swear!
[Ultros]: Whyyy youuu... Fine! Be that waaay! Didn't want to keep up the act anywaaay! You wanna know who's been inking up a stink in this neighborhood? Ultros has. Ooh, shocker! Geh hah hah hah hah! Huh? What's wrong? Tell me, does that make me a bad octopus? Sorry, so sorry!
It's pretty sad, yeah.
[Ultros]: No no, you've gotta believe me, I'm actually a really nice guy-- uh, octopus-guy-- actually, I'm just an octopus.
Ultros is not particularly threatening, but only because he's on his own. He has access to Tsunami (basically Waterga) as well as Mind Blast (possible confusion and oblivion). If you're using items to heal the status ailments, then make sure to get rid of confusion first. If you get rid of Oblivion then the confused stack/Mirage will have access to its abilities and could wind up pulling god knows what against you.
He mostly sticks to standard physical attacks, but if you somehow wind up getting both of your stacks confused, then you could be in some trouble.
At least you learned a valuable lesson: Always judge a book by its cover. Your time is valuable. Don't want to take the chance that you might waste it on a shitty book.
Anyway, we get an Ultros Memento for that quest, if for some unholy reason you want one on your team.
That's it for now. Five quests have been taken care of, although beating that last one caused another one to take its place, so we still have 11 more to go (at least for now). We'll go ahead with one more Lil' Update and then maybe take a brief trip back to the plot as a break from the... well, break.