Part 41: Lil' Adventures VIII
Time to finish this up. We've got a final boss to fight for the second time in the hopes that maybe the twins won't screw up (again).
Lil' Update 8 Highlights - Come with me if you want to live
*The generic Black Mage does a little mime routine to explain what happened*
*The Black Mages start frantically flailing about*
*And so they all march off to take down whatever the hell has been going after them*
What the hell is that thing supposed to be?
Oh, they're just a Mini Golem variant.
Golem Head is not a tough fight. There's three of them, so if you have a couple of Wind items (such as Spellstones or Chimera Wings) you can knock them all out in a few turns. Or you might just have Aero spells, although wind is not especially useful so that's not very likely.
Or really any spell. Ultima hit for 5,500 and then Reynn finished them off with Waterga for 2,800 each.
*The Black Mages nod in agreement*
This is basically Vivi's character arc in IX condensed into a very short scene. As I mentioned during his introduction, Vivi discovered a village of other Black Mages that had gained sentience, but he had a bit of a crisis when he found out that they only live for about a year. Despite that, Vivi decided to make the most of whatever time he had.
Super interesting. We're starting to scrape the bottom of the Mirage barrel at this point. The Mirage Manual is 79% complete, although a good chunk of that are Mirages we've already seen and I just haven't transfigged. There are blank spots left, but many of them are variants.
Lil' Update 8 Highlights - Pokin' the beehive
Next up is investigating Balamb Garden, because apparently the League of S haven't looked into that since moving in.
Really? Because I see you standing around in this same spot a lot. You don't seem super busy.
That stuff was just laying around in here? Also, Squall only started using the Gunblade recently? That's a broken wrist waiting to happen.
Yeah, that was surprisingly stupid of you guys. You just found all of this advanced technology and machinery and then tossed whatever didn't interest you off to Shinra? No idea what any of it did, so you just threw it out?
Now that, that was a good call. God only knows what those two would have triggered or messed up if left to wander this place freely.
And for good reason. Nothing they've done so far has shown them to be particularly trustworthy, especially when it comes to potentially devastating power.
Maybe it wants to be left alone? It was floating way above the clouds, out of reach of everyone.
What? No! Why would you try doing that?
How about we leave it the hell alone? Stop poking at things that you don't understand. What is wrong with everyone in this world? We are currently in the middle of a massive Cogna invasion that's destroying the world specifically because a bunch of morons couldn't help but screw with powers beyond their control.
Ugh... fine. Go ahead and do it. I'm just going to write this world off now and start prepping for an evac. We'll try again with some other A-world. Hopefully one that has a better self-preservation instincts.
Eden is a summon from FFVIII and basically only from VIII. There is a reference to it in XIII where Eden is one of the fal'Cie, but VIII is the only game in which it is a summon. You have to draw it from Ultima Weapon or from Tiamat in the last dungeon.
Eden's design suggests that it has some kind of relation to the Gardens (probably as a biblical "Garden of Eden" reference).
It's also one of a group of summons whose animation takes forever to watch. Eden's summoning animation takes about 1:40. For comparison, Knights of the Round from VII (which everyone jokes about being super long) clocks in at roughly 1:20.
Yeah, big surprise.
Ladies and gentlemen, the heroes. The saying "Let sleeping dogs lie" means absolutely nothing to them.
These are just a basic assortment of enemies that we've already encountered. Water and Thunder are your go-to attacks.
Gotcha, we promise not to poke it a second time. Unless we forget. Or we just really really want to because we're curious if the Cogna can still get through. But other than that, never again.
Lil' Update 8 Highlights - Getting a bit too real for PK
Second to sort of last quest. We're going to listen to the League of S discuss what they plan to do once everything is over with. I'm pretty sure you can guess everyone's plans before we even get started.
Yeah, yeah. Tidus wants to play water rugby polo and Cloud is bound by the chains of Advent Children.
No surprises there.
Well normally he would just be in a relationship with Rinoa and that would be his life, but she's not in this game, so hell if I know what his plans are.
I hear ya man. Thankfully I've moved out of the mopey emo phase of that realization and into weary acceptance shrouded in self-depreciating humor.
Piss off, Shelke. Squall knows what he's doing.
...Or not. Why are these powerful characters suddenly getting punked by loser Mirages? We fought these things like 10 chapters ago and even back then they were pushovers.
Oh no, are we really about to get taught a life lesson by Shelke?
How would we know that? You're not a fighter. Don't pretend like you're some combat expert, Shelke. You're the recon team, not the strike force.
Do it. Doooo it.
Not you, Squall. I'm fine with you. I just want DoC wiped from existence.
Where did this come from exactly?
Hey! That's Firion's thing from Dissidia! Don't swipe that!
Now that Squall is no longer suffering the -100% Life Lesson Debuff, this guy can be wrecked. He's nothing we haven't encountered before.
Sort of. This one casts Doom non-fucking stop. Doom is an instant kill if that 30 second countdown gets to 0. It won't count down when you are in a menu (assuming you are using the Wait battle style), but it will countdown the rest of the time, which includes during animations.
In fact, the only thing he does during this fight is cast Doom and Bravery (boosts attack). Lann spends most of the fight using Esuna and Dispel while Reynn chips away. The only hit I take here is from a single Great Sandstorm attack that it decides to use.
Make sure you have something to cure Doom (or that your stacks resist it). Otherwise this will be a short fight for you.
The flowers thing is an obscure reference to VIII. While imprisoned in D-District after failing to assassinate Ultimecia-Edea, Seifer interrogates Squall through torture to try and find out the true purpose of SeeD (AKA Sorceress killing). There's an option for Squall to lie about it, which involves him telling Seifer that SeeD's true purpose is scatter seeds around the world to fill it with flowers.
You can also choose for Squall to say "Just let me die", which I guess is sort of being referenced here as well.
Lil' Update 8 Highlights - Serafie's a Diva
Last one. Apparently Serafie wants in on the special transfig thing just like Tama.
[Siren]: Keee!
[Siren]: Kee!
Too late. Battle time.
[Siren]: Keeaaah!
Yeah, seems like she's figured it out. I guess that's what general competence does for a person.
She doesn't need to pretend, that's what my goal in all this is.
I don't imagine any of them are, but that's not going to stop us from doing it anyway.
Diva Serafie isn't a major threat, but she is rather ailment happy. Particularly Sleep.
She'll try for Lullaby and then for her special attack, Silent Voice. This attack can inflict Oblivion and does Wind damage.
Lil' Update 8 Highlights - Silent Voice
That's... unsettling.
But both of our stacks resist it, so it hits as hard as a bag of feathers.
We get a Siren and Diva Serafie memento for beating the quest, so we can now get Serafie's special transfig as well as the generic version.
Siren is similar to Bismarck in that it only makes scattered appearances through the series. Starting in VI, she only shows up in a few other games outside of that (such as VIII and XI). Her attacks focus on inflicting Silence on enemies. The winged design we see here came about in VIII. Her original appearance in VI was just as a normal looking, although scantily clad (or in the Super Famicom version, with ass on full display), woman with a harp.
Finally, here is Bablizz's evolution. I unlocked it while trying to grind up for Shivalry.
And this dude came about while training Imp to transfig into Diablos (who, as I have confirmed, doesn't have an "S" on his wings. It's just Diablo).
We're finally done with side stuff (for the time being)! Next time we'll start the march back towards Brandelis where the twins will, I dunno, beat the bad guys up worse than the first time? Which will I guess save their parents and stop Brandelis for good?
They do have the vague plan of switching the Ultima Gate to reverse I suppose Still unclear on how they plan to do that. Can they even do that? I guess we'll find out.