Part 43
Monday, May 1, 12:00*BEGIN RECORDING*
And that's not the only bad news.
Still we have a job to do, even if it ends up costing us money in the future.
Monday, May 1, 20:00
We've got all the data that we need from the Psimorph.
As for the "bottle of goo" we've discovered something interesting. This goo does not appear to be some kind of alien excrement, but rather a unique single-celled life form. It's not even genetically related to the aliens we're fighting; it's has a totally new genome.
In the meantime, our quantum physics team members have also made a few new discoveries.
Tuesday, May 2, 6:00
Our scientists woke me up in the middle of the night, they told me they had big news. We've now filled in almost all the gaps in our knowledge of the aliens.
As I've stated before, in the first and second alien wars we were fighting aliens, yes, but they were still familiar to us. They were (mostly) bipedal humanoid creatures. Their ships had instantly recognizable and familiar structures like doors and chairs. During this war we initially were a bit phased by the biological nature of our adversary, but we've learned much and become used to it. We were still fighting mainly bipedal and humanoid beings. Even the massive Overspawn is of the familiar bipedal design. We're used to fighting things like ourselves, things that look like ourselves, think like ourselves and live in the same universe as ours. So should an enemy come along that is totally and completely alien, would we even notice them at all?
That's why I think we can be forgiven for completely overlooking the most important discovery of the war until now.
Our attempts at communication with the Micronoids have failed. We suspect the problem not to be with the Micronoids, but with ourselves. There is something incompatible with human psionics and those of the Micronoids. The sectoids rescued from the food chamber were brought in and they had no trouble communicating with the Micronoids at all. From the sectoids, we learned about the source of the alien intelligence, and of the real alien threat.
In the alien universe during the time when their sun was a red giant, it nearly sterilized the planet. Micronoids and other single celled organisms were the only life forms able to survive the heat and radiation. When their sun cooled and the Micronoids were no longer in danger, they found themselves in a new world with no way to change it. They anticipated this, and spent the previous millions of years developing a biological weapon that allowed them to make the jump from the microscopic world to the macroscopic. This weapon is the alien genome as we know it. One DNA blueprint that could create a variety of hosts for the Micronoids, grow ships, buildings and items. Everything a single celled organism needs to function in our macroscopic world. They enter the bloodstream of the larger aliens, and take over function of their brains (or simply take over function as brains for the brainless creatures we've encountered).
Then the sectoids attacked them, and they learned of humans and our dimension. To them, we must seem like a buffet. We have everything they've ever wanted - the power to change our environment to our liking. Mastery of the macroscopic world. They wanted to make the jump into people, and use people as their new hosts. Thus they created Brainsuckers. The Brainsuckers work by attempting to infect the individual with Micronoids. If a sufficient number of them enter the victim's bloodstream, they migrate to the brain and take over all function. They had too choose us since they were unable to take over the brains of the Sectoids.
As an aggregate the Micronoids are not entirely without defense. We've encountered Micronoids on three missions. The first was inside the first alien building, the sleeping chamber. It now appears that the Micronoids were responsible for Jim's erractic behavior and eventual betrayal. While not as strong psionically as a Psimorph, the Micronoids were able to take control of Jim, but from there we can only speculate as to what they did to him. The aggregates were destroyed through accidental explosions and by simply being stepped on by Sad King Billy.
The second time was inside a bomber, where the aggregate was fortunately displaced by the footsteps of our android soldiers.
The third was inside the mothership, when android Untalented was the only one to come into close contact before again disrupting the aggregate with a stun grapple shot.
As it stands, we're pretty lucky we've discovered the real alien threat at all. Who know how this war would have changed if we never discovered that these tiny creatures are one of the greatest threats we've even known?
This revelation presents us with a unique opportunity. The DNA structure of the Micronoids is relatively simple, and we've been able to figure out what they require to thrive - and what kills them outright. Therefore we've developed a specialized chemical that directly targets and kills Micronoids with terrifying quickness.
What is the source of the alien intelligence?
Brainsuckers. Seriously, what's the deal? ANSWER - This creature is the delivery method to infect humans with Micronoids.
It pains me to wait even longer to rescue our missing soldiers in the alien dimension, but I want to wait a bit more so we can outfit our squads with C-Toxin for their next mission. Once enough is manufactured, they're going in to destroy the alien maintenance factory.
Teppec posted:
"Sir, this is the most important question I have about this alien goo. Will it blend?"