Part 46
Friday, May 12, 3:00*BEGIN RECORDING*
We've got some bad news, some good news and some great news today.
First the bad. After the successful deployment of C-Toxin against the micronoids we've though it might be a cure for our brainsucked soldiers so we injected BeerDeer with it. He's in a coma now, brain dead. While there is no longer any trace of micronoids in his brain now, it appears that they have done some major "rewiring" while they were in there. Without the micronoids maintaining his brain, BeerDeer's body has shut down. We're detecting no brain activity at all, and he does not respond to psionics. It appears that being brainsucked is a one-way process with no cure.
As for good news, we have a couple reasons to celebrate. We've finished manufacturing all the C-Toxin and X-COM armor we'll need to outfit our troops. Plus some of our soldiers are getting a special upgrade.
We've also discovered how to manufacture larger missiles for our ships.
MegaPol has also informed us of something rather interesting. All over the city, Osiron members have been found dead, their explosive mechanisms triggered. The entire gang has been all but eliminated though this. The timing of this is interesting, what with X-COM wrapping up this war, and the other gangs in the city rising in strength to match Osiron thanks to alien weapon proliferation. It appears that whoever was masterminding the Osiron gang no longer has any use for them. This also means that all leads from Osiron to these masterminds have now dried up. We may never know the true criminals behind this.
Finally, the great news - our teams were sent to the next alien building.
Another mission, another great success. Soup-Bot and Untalented will be in for repairs for a little while, but time is of no concern to us now. The aliens are struggling to survive in their world and don't have the resources to launch any kind of attack on us.
I am a little worried about the fate of Striker. He's the last X-COM soldier still missing in the alien dimension. The men that went missing did so three buildings ago and it is now unlikely that Striker survived long enough on his own to end up deep into the alien complex. El Nato and Redeker did however tell us they found the tracks of an X-COM soldier deep in the maintenance factory that probably belonged to Striker, so there is still hope for him.