Part 19: Episode XVIII (Part 2): Fei Fong Wong and the Fantastic Fair Fun
Episode XVIII (Part 2): Fei Fong Wong and the Fantastic Fair FunMusic: Aveh, the Ancient Dance

The trio returns to the hotel. I wonder what the manager thinks about three grown men continuously marching up to a nuns room together multiple times. And then spending the night...

Im picturing Citan acting like a pro-wrestler promoter. Likewise, I am hoping Fei slams somebody in the head with a steel folding-chair. Anyhow, Citan suggests we get some rest for tomorrow.

But fuck that noise! Old man Citan is not holding back Feis fun anymore.

We can totally go into that game tent now. And dammit, our drunken fire breathing hero is going to game!
Fei enters the tent...

Fei enters to discover an infinite void filled only with mysterious curtains and their gangly mutant abomination keepers... Also balloons.

For 10G a pop we can play the games featured in this place of nightmares. Lets try Merry Go Pop and hope it doesnt involve someones head exploding.

Simple enough. Fei will automatically pop balloons on contact. The game lasts for a minute as our hero runs around like a spaz giggling and popping helium filled bags. We received a nice Iron Helmet for our troubles on top of it.

Upon completing the game once, an Expert Level version of the mini-game opens up in which that old horror of the late 90s, the dreaded COLORED LIGHTING, masks the shades of the balloons making it tremendously more difficult to get a decent score. But enough about that.

Time now for some child cruelty in our mini-games. Up next is Whose Balloons. An innocent enough title. But it holds a darker secret...

So yeah... This guy is basically tossing small children from the roof onto a disco floor with only balloons to guide them to safety. There is no way this can be legal. Anyhow, this demented game is really a pain in the ass since the kids immediately start wandering around like...well children that are probably drugged and traumatized by being trapped in this nightmare realm. Its easy to lose track of the kid and their balloon. And Fei has to talk to the kids to give said balloons (and will get bitched out if its the wrong kid.) To make no mention that toward the end there will be a shit load of stray children and balloons and flashing lights and so the framerate starts chugging and it is just a big mess.
But we did get 5 Aquasols by participating, so thats nice.

The final game is the Mirror of Truth It will...make Fei look kinda fat if hes overweight. He can spin in place to see his chunky mirror image and...thats about it.

Welp, that was like something out of a David Lynch flick. Perhaps Citan was right about not going into the tent... I think Fei could use another Bartweiser to relax after that the parade of flying children and balloons.
Fei returns to the relative sanity outside the Games Tent...

Welp, Im sure thats the last fallout from Lahan well hear about while in town. See you next time when Fei Fong Wong the Dragon-Slaying Slacker takes on all challengers to become the king of street fighters.

Fei Fong Wong Portrait They say when you gaze long into the haircurl, the haircurl also gazes into you.