Part 21: Episode XX: The Dragon Slaying Slacker vs. The World!
Episode XX: The Dragon Slaying Slacker vs. The World!

Man, Fei is just a huge hit with the ladies...provided theyre affiliated with the fantasy Nazi faction.
Music: Stage of Death ~ Orchestral Version

Time for the first match of the tournament: The Dragon Slaying Slacker vs. an Obese Gray-skinned Club Wielding Mexican. Hey...since when does martial arts include weapons...?

Gonzalez is a pretty simple fight. His only attack is to just whack the Dragon Slaying Slacker over the head with his club for 20 HP of damage. That is...unless DSS should perform a Deathblow.

If that occurs, Gonzalez will flip his shit and go berserk on Fei for 60-80 HP of damage.

But, just sticking to normal blows for some Deathblow practice and the pudgy fighter will go down in no time.

The game takes mercy on us for this solo boss rush. After each round of the tournament Fei is allowed to heal, re-equip, and take a breather before the next leg of the tournament. At this point, we switch over to Bart for a few minutes...

Bart has the lovely task of swimming through the Bledavik sewers to infiltrate Fatima Castle by himself to save his cousin, Margie. Id really like to know what the hell happened to Sigurd or...Barts entire pirate operation. I somehow doubt that sending the sole surviving successor to the throne (and only person who knows where the other half of this Fatima Jewel thing is located) solo into a castle full of soldiers that will kill him on sight is a particularly good idea... But thats just me...

So, did I mention that Bart is apparently an Olympic class swimmer? This isnt a traditional sewer level theres one of those later and it is up there with the one from Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines as worst one ever . It is just Prince Fatima swimming up current non-stop attempting to reach the castle. Occasionally floodgates will open causing the flow to bring Barts progress to a halt. So thats fun... There are no random battles while swimming through the towns water supply like a jerk. But every three minutes or so...

We cut back to the Dragon Slaying Slackers next match. Optimally, we want to get out of the sewers as quickly as possible as Fatima Castle fills back up with enemies as soon as the tournament is over. practice that might not always work out. Especially if you do not know where youre going in the sewer canals. Anyway, enough of that. Time for a viewtiful battle against Big Joe!

Despite all of Joes big talk he hits for a whole...1 HP of damage. Well...I guess the big part of his name doesnt refer to DPS.

But, Big Joe was right about the power of fans. Joes fan club will hurl cans and bottles at Fei periodically. Gee, thanks Citan. Youre doing a bang of job of working the crowd. And isnt this cheating anyway?! Is there no referee?!

The fans can also toss in refreshments and cheer him on for a quick 50 HP heal. This also seems rather BS. By these rules, can I just have Fei summon Weltall and stomp on the competition?

In any case, even with dubious regulations it doesnt take much to whittle down Glass Joes 777 HP and win the match. Big Joe only provides 1 XP and 1G for the victory. But he does drop a swanky Metal Armor upgrade. So thats nice.

Back at the tourney...

Up next in the tournament is a battle between the Dragon Slaying Slacker and a little pill popping girl named after a Soviet tactical ballistic missile. Sure, why not?

Scud opens the battle by lobbing a vial of poison into Feis face. I get the feeling Fei should have just entered this tournament with an RPG-7 or something to even the playing field. This is getting to be a tad bullshit. If Fei has the foresight to

Other than that, Scud can also just nab a throwing knife out and just lob it at Feis face. Now that is just rude. But not particularly damaging at least. Pfft...who uses projectile and throwing weapons with any sort of dignity in a fantasy setting? She might as well be tossing a lamp for all its effectiveness.

Scud can also restore her health at will for 150-200 HP by popping some anti-depressants. This is a bit troublesome as we can only bust out maybe 150 HP of damage with just using our highest end Deathblows. However, Scud does possess one key weakness.

Feis Chi Shot completely ruins her shit for 90-100 HP of damage. Seeing as Fei can fire off two or three of those before Scud will attempt healing and combine it with the fact she only has 300 HP of damage and youve got a pretty quick fight.
Meanwhile underground...

Back at Fatima Castle...

Its time to battle Dan from Lahan. There are actually two ways of dealing with this bobble-head of a child.

Theres the old stand-bye of just beating the ever-living shit out of the upset kid. This method will just make him call Fei a terrible bastard and hell run away crying. But, there is also a hidden alternative method of dealing with this fight too. This is the correct way to do the battle seeing as we get 1 XP for just kicking Dans ass and 500 XP for doing the alternate route. Of course, theres no indication that this is possible. But, heres the secondary method:
DEFENSE! Just defend every round and dont throw a single punch at Dan the entire match.

Dan will attempt to use his noggin to his advantage via an E. Honda-esque flying headbutt.

Hes also got a mean flying karate kick...

And the Cranium Kid also has a Deathblow where he tackles Fei and just pounds the shit out of his face after mounting him. All three of these attacks do...1 HP of damage a piece (okay the third one does THREE HP of damage.) How in the world he made it to the semi-finals is a mystery. He must have been against Dan Hibiki, Roll, and Jigglypuff or something.

Well, perhaps I spoke too soon... Dan also possesses a fucking Kamehameha that hits for nearly 100 HP of damage. I guess Dan min/maxed all his skill points into magic and made strength his dump skill...
Fei refuses to fight back with Dan for several minutes...

Dan has apparently had his dead sisters wedding dress stuffed down his pants this entire time and tosses it to Fei. This must be the weirdest friggin match ever for the spectators...

Hah! Joke is on Dan. It turns out Alice made her wedding dress out of frakkin Kevlar or something, as its some of the best armor available now. So Fei just takes it upon himself to slip that on for the next match. Anyone who uses their artistic ability to depict Fei wearing a wedding dress to uppercut Dan (no shitty 3 minute MSPaint does not count) will be declared the best poster in the thread.
Back in the sewers...

Bart climbs to dry land after swimming up-current for about five miles...

Back at the interesting part...

Music: Knight of Fire

It is time for the final fight of this king of the iron fist fighters tournament in the spirit of their fatal fury in the art of fighting. Now for a real samurai showdown in this match of the gui...ah, forget it. Final match: Fei Fong Wong the Dragon Slaying Slacker vs. the

Except not really since this is basically a glorified cutscene. Wiseman will effortlessly dodge each and every one of Feis attacks. This quickly pisses off the crowd of spectators, even if Fei had pulled the same shit during the previous battle.
A minute of whiffed attack later...

Fei attempts another round of punching this smarmy masked bastard in the face. But it once more ends in failure.

Wiseman recoils in pain and falls to his knees...

Wiseman leaps off screen...

And...that is the end of the legacy of the Dragon Slaying Slacker. Did I mention it was 300G a seat for this thing? I think Id be pissed at this point too...

Music: Stage of Death ~ Orchestral Version

Wiseman Concept Art - The giant dress gives +15 to Evasion.