Part 18: BF14ii Lenessey Mountains - Volcanic Region

Thanks to the guidance of the mysterious Mistel, the Royal Army escaped Baldus's assault. Deep within the Lenessey Mountains, they found a village naturally fortified by live volcanoes.
The Royal Army followed Mistel to Bly's village.
Meanwhile, Baldus sent reconnaissance scouts through the moutain range. Once he regrouped with Aegina, the Royal Army would be cornered.

Hunter: Please...
Old Man's Voice: With practice, man can utilize the skills he was born with. But eventually, he must accept what talents he lacks! Now scram!
In this case, that Hunter lacks pretty much any talent...
Hunter: ...I got it. Sorry to have bothered you.

Nietzsche's going to be a key player in the next two missions, so I'll give her the Shell Breastplate. The Tec and Luk Ups are nice, but that Evade Criticals is what I'll be looking for next battlefield.
I'd bring Durant, but there will be a good number of Griffons, and stronger Knights on the field. Rosary will take up the fourth slot.

Some water for Nietzsche in the central region, as well as a catapult. Either side can use it, so we need to be careful about how we line up our defences.

Mistel joins us for the mission. And wow, look at those terrible stats. They never get much better, either. She maxes out at 4, 4, 3.5, 2.5. Nor is her special attribute that great, either. Town

Her stats can easily be brought up to par with food usage, though. And it can be worth it. Look at that weapon! Scythes are good against all melee weapons, and weak to nothing.
Having No Battle Penatly increases her usefullness in this mission, at least, because she will mow down swaths of weak enemies herself.

The recon group is a little far to get a good attack into, so we'll into position for next turn. They're nothing special mostly 2s, with a few 3s. They use Shield Barrier, though, which is a pain in the ass.

So we'll use Shield Barrier of our own. It serves two purposes in battle the first is obvious, our own shield. The second use is breaking the enemy Shield Barrier. When they cast an O-type skill of their own, we can use any skill to counter it. Sometimes even throwing a Flame or Blizzard at them inneffectually is worth not dealing with their shield.

We start off with a bang. This Griffon is overkilled by a long shot. Yggdra manages to take care of the Hunter too. Rosary doesn't quite finish off the Knight though. And with the last point of movement available, Yggdra retreats out of Milanor's union.

The last two Knights attack, and they bring in the catapult as well. It doesn't matter. Milanor finishes off the first Knight, and Rosary chips the other to 2500 morale.
Our turn now. There's a very good item in the water that you can only get at night, and only on a second or higher playthrough. You also need at least 10 Total Rep. We'll send Nietzsche, of course.

We'll finish the last Knight off with Flame. It's a weak card, to be sure, but it helps against Shield Barrier. Our Tec's are high enough that it's worth it just to blast him and deal the 2-3 damage, but in really tight situations we can use it just to break Shield Barrier.

Either way, Nietzsche cleans up.

So... Much... Text...

He's not as strong as when we saw him on the Lenessey Mountain trail, but he's still the strongest opponent we've had to fight so far. Won't be any trouble for Milanor, at the very least.
The rest of his troops are unremarkable mostly 2s again. He's back to Ace Guard, so you need to watch for that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can easily sit there and wait it out, but you can just as easily wreck Baldus's shit.
The Hunter dies, but the Griffon stays in there.
On his turn, however, Baldus doesn't move. He's waiting for something. If you are adjacent to him, though, he will attack.

We have another free turn to wail on them. Rosary moves up to assist, and even Mistel gets in on the action from her start location.
The Hunter goes down again, but the Knight survives.

Yggdra's pretty much done for the map, so I'll get her in position for the next situation change.

You can easily do this level if you listen to Bly, and stay on the defensive. The text expects it, as you can see.
Anyways, this is the trigger for the next event, as soon you pick your next card...

I didn't get a screen shot of it, but Aegina is 2,3,4,3. If you didn't take the Flamberg from her in BF3, she apparently has it now. In our case, she has a medallion.
The card you just picked is lost, but you get an immediate turn afterwards. Try to pick a card you don't need to use to trigger the event, and then go back to a good card.

Like Shield Barrier. Mistel easily cleans up every fight, leaving only Aegina and one Valkyrie that wasn't in the union alive. As usual, Aegina uses revolution, and even with her Scythe Mistel will likely lose to her one on one. Shield Barrier blocks Revolution, so it's a moot point this turn.

Baldus attacks Milanor from the North. The Griffon and the Knight are defeated, and Baldus is brought to 4002 morale.

He then proceeds to pillage two medallions that were on the ground...

And Aegina attacks Mistel this round. Nietzsche's also in this fight, against Aegina herself. Mistel can likely handle her again, but Aegina seems to get a lot of critical hits. I didn't equip that armour on Nietzsche to cover this situation, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
We win both fights, but both Valkryies survive.
Again, when you pick a card, the situation changes. Pick an unneccessary card again.

Before we head off, Rosary and Nietzsche will assist Milanor in thinning Baldus's ranks.

And as usual, Nietzsche doesn't take anyone's shit. Baldus survives with 63 morale. Not that it matters both he and Aegina have morale protect. Rosary couldn't quite finish off the Griffon, either. But Exp is Exp.

Yggdra and Nietzsche continue on to the waypoint. Rosary is still with Milanor, and Mistel is by herself.

That's just what kind of battle this is turning out to be.

On the bright side, Milanor levels up. He now has 4 Atk.

Mistel takes two unfortunate losses. Revolution can be hard to counter. And I did predict a Critical Hit from Aegina; I just missed it by a turn.

It's time to start pulling back, so I pick Doll Craft, with 11 Mov. Milanor's going to stay as long as possible to fight off Baldus, but Rosary will pull back as soon as this attack ends. The card isn't strong, but it should get her and Mistel into a safer location.

Haha, seriously. This is getting stupid.

Yggdra, Rosary, and Nietzsche are all in the waypoint. It'll take a couple of turns to get Milanor back, but until then, Mistel will hold off Aegina.

Baldus tries his luck again, but Milanor wins 2.

Aegina's Valkyrie attacks Mistel, and Mistel finally takes her out.

Using Mind Change on our turn, Mistel gets back to safety. Milanor's in the open, but with his Wasteland

Baldus's last Knight commits suicide by Milanor.

And Aegina feels comfortable spending a turn just to pillage. I'm not even sure if the AI units are allowed to travel back here.
Regardless, Milanor finally hoofs it back on our turn.

Ok Bly, detonating a volcano on your enemies is suitable metal. Everyone (your troops included) not in the safe zone take damage. Aegina goes from 1028, to 90!

God dammit. We're in the middle of a fight taking place in a volcanic eruption. Combat first, reminiscing later.

In addition to burning everyone to death, that volcano also lowered Aegina's and Baldus's Tec. Meh.
Time to clean up. Mistel is very close to a level due to all that combat she had, so I want her to finish up.

Mistel goes in with Shield Barrier, and Aegina is wiped out.

Baldus runs into Shield Barrier, and loses.

Ready for more talking?

And why's a Fencer doing the talking. There aren't any in the Royal Army, and there weren't any on the map. They should bring back Flunky for these parts.

I was hoping Mistel did enough work herself to claim this, but I must not have split Milanor's duties up enough.

Glittering Ashes: Trade item I believe.

Gold Dozeu: Awesome. Like the other food items we saw, the stat growth is permement. With this one, however, you gain 1 to every single stat. You can only get this item after you've beaten the game at least once, and your Total Reputation has to be at least 10.

When the philosopher rings the bell of Dawn... The ominous book of war shall be Torn. - Daybreak Soyeck
Oblivious Dawn: I... like this card. Others may disagree with me. But I'm also pretty fond of Mistel, so it helps. It's restrictive, since you generally need Mistel to Ace it, and always to cast it, but some of the harder encounters can be triviallized by its effect. 10 Movement is solid, and it starts reasonably powerful.

Mistel - With food items like the Gold Dozeu, you can easily make Mistel a powerful member of the army. The Scythe can basically be used in any encounter, so it's hard to use her wrongly. Its only downside is that Mistel can't Ace a lot of cards, since there's only one Scythe card (and user) that we get barring special effects. Regardless, we have a large supply of All Ace cards that we use, so that's no big deal. Obvlivious Dawn has a handful of uses, like de-charging someone's Rage bar as you fight him, or lock them at 0 the fight before your priority target comes around making them charge up in one encounter.
Long level, even if it's all just talking...
The beginning is pretty simple, with the recon group, so let's just ignore them.
During phase two, Bly wants you to sit tight and defend. Unfortunately, Baldus wants to do the same. You can easily wait it out until Aegina shows up, but I see a lot of wasted Exp there. You have two free turns to get in there and make some kills. Baldus won't move to counterattack you, so as long as you kill the union leader you target you shouldn't have to worry about any counterattacks.
When Aegina shows up, though, a whole new can of worms opens up. Revolution is entirely unpredictable. If you're hit by it, even with better stats or a weapon advantage, it's a 50/50 change you're going to lose anyways.
The way it works is it kills all the unit members, and transfers the current damage to the unit Head. If the last surviving unit was near death, you're head will probably die instantly. If you're gonna take it, make sure you have some skill ready to go aggressive. Note that Yggdra can't do this with her Holy damage, so it's sometimes better to not send her against Revolution using Valkyries at all.
Shield Barrier, as usual, works wonders. It can at best block Revolution, but if you need it too, it can guarantee you don't lose while you're on 1-1.
Overall it's a good level to get Mistel an MVP, if you plan on using her.
Beyond the combat, I like the level for the world development it does. Even though Bly is introduced in the PSP version, it gives some insight into his character, and also tells you that Bronquia was a pretty shitty place before Gulcasa took over. It would've been nice if it wasn't all text-dumped though.
When we get there in the game, we'll see that's not quite the case any more.
As far as character use goes, the next few missions require fairly specific units to get certain items, so there won't be much choice. At the end of the chapter things will get shaken up, so I'll do another character overview and we can see who we want to use.
This is the end of the PSP exclusive branch. After this, is links up to where the GBA path would go, which we could have done by not visiting the villages during BF13.