Part 28: BF23 Southwest Marduk
Well, that took a while. I blame the Etrian Odysseys. Also, Diablo II. Anyways, the next 3 missions are all 5 minute text dumps. I'll just knock them out of the way right now. Southwest Marduk

The Royal Army succeeded in taking Castle Karona. However, the Gulcasa they defeated inside was an imposter, and Yggdra was nowhere to be seen...
According to a castle worker, Gulcasa has already moved Yggdra to the land of Lost Aries, far to the east.
The Royal Army mounted an expedition to the east in pursuit, and ventured into the deep and forbidding Marduk Woods.

I'm going to give this to Mistel to bring up her Luk up to 5, to match an enemy we fight on two of the next maps. This lasts for two maps, so it will be in effect both times, and expire at the end of the second. Nobody else is at 4 Luk natively yet, so it has to be Mistel.
It turns out this is entirely unnecessary, but I didn't realize that at the time.

Ah, yes. Another stealth mission.

Nietzsche's going to wander off over here, though.

Nietzsche and Mistel will go check her out.
Video Hi Pamela.

Whatever. Kick her ass. That's just how we roll.

Ooh, and she's asleep too.

Ok, that happened. Rosary moves on.

Rosary is the first to reach the waypoint.

Now that we have the rest of the map open, I've labeled all the tiles that will show the Imperial forces. Stopping on any of those tiles will expand the map, and show the enemy. Nothing changes unless you stop next to the Empire, though. If you do, the victory condition changes to defeat all enemies, and all enemies on the map are shown.
If you do that now, you miss out on a character later.

Forest Folk: Wait! What is that you're holding...? That's the Elfin Bow! It's a sacred treasure! Why do you have it!? Return it immediately! We'll give you this Beasterfang instead.

Forest Folk: Young'uns nowadays try to do everything the easy way... Our standards have dropped so low... *sigh* Sorry, I hope I didn't offend you.

Rosary takes another step up to open a new section of the map. Since we didn't engage the Imperial forces, we can instead take this waypoint to end the level.

Not a lot of combat here. No surprises. Let's just go right on into the next mission.
Resistance Camp

Through the thick foliage, the Royal Army could hear the sound of battle outside their winding, uncharted road.
The camp of the anti-Imperial Resistance, founded by former Karonan soldiers, was under attack by the bounty hunter Mizer's forces, working under the aegis of the Imperial Army.
The Royal Army hurried to the aid of the outnumbered and overpowered Resistance forces.

As we can see here, all of the map is forest tiles. That means Durant's out. His forest weakness only matters on three missions. The last one, this one, and the next one. This one is the only combat mission in forest...
And since we're up against Bow users, Rosary will sit. Mistel is still using the Upola Statue, so she's out.

We'll bring in the Astral Fencer, Russell.

Mizer goes first.

And he must have been semi-successful after he gave up chasing us. He's hired an Assassin to work with him, as well as his Bandit.
Cruz loses both fights.

Milanor show the Assassin why it's bad to work for Mizer, and wipes her off the map in one shot. Cruz at least wins against the Bandit, but Russell has to come in to finish him off.
Russell then moves up to rescue Cruz.

Here's Cruz, our new man. While he's apparently a competent resistance leader, he doesn't know how to make a weapon. That bow he's using is dropping his Atk, as well as stopping him from doing a Critical Hit. What a champ.

And here's Mizer. A high Tec, as always, and enough Atk to put up a fight. Since this map is Day-locked, he always fights at full strength. We'll need to use Steal to take his shoes this time.

I pick Shield Barrier, and park Milanor right up beside him. I don't attack.
The plan is for him to attack Milanor once, and Mizer will lose a big chunk of morale. If we attacked on our turn, we might kill him on his turn. We'll need to steal from him next turn, which will finish him off.

Shield Barrier blocks an otherwise devastating Thunderbolt, and brings us a victory. Mizer falls to about two-thirds morale.

Steal will finish him off.

Russell gets paralyzed, but his Void Thunder comes in to prevent any damage. He also finishes off Mizer.

And Cruz walks up to retake his empty hideout. He's leaving it to come with us now. Besides throttling Mizer, why did we have to go back there?

The Empire gets first move. Their card is Ivy Whip. It causes Tec+3 damage, and it's only usable in forests. That +3 can cause a bit of damage.

The Empire doesn't do much, so Milanor will go say Hi. It's easy Card Pow. to take out a few of these clowns.

While getting into position, Cruz starts picking mushrooms.

Russell is up against a Knight here, but thanks to the Knight's Forest

Which are exceptionally dangerous to large units, like these Knights.

Between that, and their -20% Forest Geo, the Knights get slaughtered.

Except this one.

Meanwhile this Necromancer tries to Ivy Whip Cruz, but he'll have none of that.

The Empire attacks back, but nothing too threatening is happening.

Russell even gets to Heavy Counter the Knight.
He takes the only loss this round, though, and loses to the Necromancer.
Enough of that. Let's get out of here.

6 Atk on Milanor now. Murderous.

Fun stuff.
Northwest Marduk

The Royal Army saved Cruz, leader of the Resistance, from the bounty hunter Mizer. However, the Imperial Army noticed the struggle and gave chase.
In their attempt to escape from the battlefield, the Royal Army took Cruz's secret road to shake off their Imperial pursuers.
However, beyond the secret path lay still more thick foliage, and the Marduk Woods stretched further and further on...

Anyways, we take a few turns to get near the waypoint, avoiding the above tiles.

Again we progress through the trees, avoiding the red zones.

Milanor grabs the Protato, and opens up a new corner of the map.

Just Pamela. Nietzsche says hi again.
Video Pamela, Again

You know the drill.

Asleep again.

Let's... Let's just get out of here.

Durant has a mission before he leaves, though.

He steps here, which reveals some Imperial soldiers.

The World Tree Branch is found in the area that's opened up with the Imperial Troops.
Blah blah blah, a few turns later.

Video I Don't Even Know What the Fuck


Here's a rundown of everything we kept through these last three missions.

Beasterfang: Weak to archers, but it has nice stats up otherwise. Just pick a map with no archers, and you're golden. Lasts one map.

Demon Tail: Tec and Luk Up can be useful, and there's no shortage of maps that are locked in Night or Evening, rendering the Noon=sleep useless. 1 map.

Dream Cap: Like above, but great stats on it. 2 maps.

Hoof Shoes: It could probably come in handy if you're finding a character gets stuck behind enemies, or you are having trouble clearing them in time for an item. 2 maps.

Killer Beehive: Heavy Counter UP isn't very reliable, and for one map and no stats it's hard to use this item.

Powershroom: Attack up. Nice!

Protato: Attack up again. Nice! Again! This one goes bad quickly though, so use it before it's wasted.

World Tree Branch: This is mainly used on Roswell's side to trade for an item. Otherwise, it's just a pretty lame staff.

World Tree Leaf: Luk UP is alright. If you're fond of GEO cards, though, this will give a little extra life out of them. 1 map.

Blind seer, mute soothsayer... All of Fate lies in thy cards... - Vasuraha the Beholder
Fortune: The movement's a little low, but the Pow's decent, and it's an all Ace. This card is O type, like Shield Barrier. As long as it's activated, you and the opponent fight with Luk replacing Atk. Since the Royal Army, with the exception of a few characters, has high Luk this can be pretty useful. Pair it up with a high Luck, low Attack unit like Rosary, you can really change how useful a character is.

The demon of visions cloaked in Damnation... er ashes fall like somnolent Snow. - Mimeye of the Ashes
Wayward demon, dancing under the moon... Let the ashes of sleep fall upon mine enemy Pamela
Seven movement, low starting Power, All Ace, usable only at Night. Still, if you use Pamela, this card is awesome. A sleeping enemy is totally helpless, and stays asleep for 6-Luk turns.

Cruz Cruz isn't a bad character, not really. Still, he's easily the worst character in the game. The problem with Cruz is that there's nothing good about him. He maxes at 5,4,5,2. Aside from his Luk, that's respectable. His Forest

Why's he so bad? Well, for one, we get a better Bow User very shortly, and don't fight a lot of Staff users in the meantime. Day maps are getting rarer and rarer, so besides a few specific maps, his Day

Pamela This is a weird unit, which I guess fits. She's very different than Rosary and other Witches. She can Ace Doll Craft or Necro Gate with her Staff, though. Her stats without her item are 1(5/10), 2(3/8), 4(4/6), 4(4/6) and she maxes at 2,3,6,6. Exceptional Luk and Tec, but poor Atk and Gen. Still, her poor attack can be compensated for by using damage cards, which will almost always start near full thanks to her high Tec. She has the added advantage of being able to use the un-used Geo cards anywhere. Otherwise, her abilities seem pretty fucking random, like <Undine and Item Protect. We see a couple Undines in the future, but we can't have items broken or stolen. Void Ailments can come in handy in a handful of maps, though.
Pamela? Wow... In the GBA version, you could still fight her and take her items / Fortune, but she didn't join. I also have no idea how to make this happen. First, it either needs to be set on Hard, or you have her items in the Item Manual already. Second, Nietzsche has to talk to her at least once? Maybe both times. I don't know if you need to fight her when you recruit her. Third, I don't think you can fight the Empire in these maps, but maybe you can. Finally, you can't actually inspect her prior to fighting her. I don't know.
Cruz's mission is pretty straightforward. Just don't use Durant. He takes Fatal Damage from Ivy Whip, and sucks in general on Forest.
If you remember the Dowsing Rods we picked up earlier, this is where we'd need them. In Northwestern Marduk, if Roswell has is equipped, he'll find an Element item. That is combined with the World Tree Branch, I believe, to make a good item later on. The problem with the Dowsing Rods are that they last 7 maps even after you grab the item. You really need to equip it early, or else you're stuck with them for a long time...
That Elfin Bow we got, and then traded, is actually a good item for Cruz. It's Tec UP, +4 Luk, Morale up when low. Lasts 3 maps.
There are a couple other items available in Southwest Marduk, but they're, well, bad. There also seems to be some requirement to getting them, because I couldn't. One item is a food consumable that lowers your Tec. One of them is an item that lower luck while equipped, and lasts infinity maps. Party on.
If you engage the Imperial Forces in Northwestern Marduk, you'll run into Aegina. She has the Bloody Rapier equipped, which gives Atk Up, Tec Up, Move Morale Down. Between the less-than-stellar item, and the arcane rituals needed to get Pamela, I chose to ignore it.