Part 42: BF37 Mountain Bypass - Floodgate

In order to wash out the impregnable Fortress of Ishnad, the Royal Army began their operation to control the floodgates.
Yggdra's unit would attack the main gates in order to hold the Imperial Army's attention, while Milanor and Elena would go quietly through the mountain road behind the fortress to take the floodgates.
Led by Elena and her knowledge of the area, Milanor quietly advanced through the narrow mountain path.

Milanor doesn't need the stats from the Hoof Shoes, but the mounted-style movement can come in handy, depending on enemy movements.
This mission is fixed to night, and the Demon Tail will max out two of Elena's important stats. Since she'll never be attacked, the Gen loss won't come into play. The Noon=Sleep won't matter, either.

Turn one is uneventful just moving to the next waypoints.

Turn two is similar.

Turn three, however...

While this would be the time that Zilva and her Special Forces could cause the most damage, they don't actually attack. They try to run away from the start.

And Zilva is what you'd expect by now. Her Infinite Aggressive starts her at Rage each fight. Good for Elena, since she's immune to it, but it gets her close to Bloody Claw very quickly.

I want Elena to win MVP this map, so she'll take care of the Assassins herself. With 6 Luk, she'll probably Crit a few times, and Bloody Claw will take care of the others, hopefully...

Zilva takes the first crit, but still has 5000 morale.

The first Assassin also takes one, and is eliminated. It will be a race to see who can use Bloody Claw first, next round.

Elena barely manages to use it. Two Assassins down.

The final Assassin has no obstacle, though, and hits Elena with Bloody Claw.

Nevertheless, Elena's troops overpower the remaining Assassin.

Next turn, after Zilva tries to retreat further, Elena advances and Milanor runs past everyone. This will give a better position when the next situation comes up.

Crusade doesn't have quite the power behind it to defeat Zilva, but Elena still comes out with a flawless victory.
On Zilva's turn, she continues her retreat.

This time Zilva won't be so lucky.

Elena rushes up to the secret entrance to find an item.

And Milanor reaches his waypoint. Elena reaches it next turn.

Milanor rushes forward. Kylier can join his union from her position.

The two Undines fall effortlessly. The Knight hangs on, though, due to his Fort GEO bonus.

Next turn Kylier rushes up to lead the union. If the Knight goes down, Milanor has enough movement left to capture the gate.
Youtube Easy Fight

Whoops! While rare, it is completely possible to totally defeat the enemy on a single charge with a critical hit. It may well be the best thing ever.


Mountain Grapes: We didn't get many Tec UP items, so this will be nice. It will probably go to Yggdra to speed things up.

Carnage Claw: While it started Zilva in Rage, it does nothing for us but use up our gauge automatically, and put us in Aggressive mode. 1 map.
Let's take a look at the old ------- item, shall we?

It's now - -o-ln- -. It'll be a while still before we see what it turns into.
This level is pretty straightforward, and thanks to Kylier's timely arrival it's very difficult to lose. We get some nice characterization out of Elena, though, which is nice. It's a good level to force an MVP for her, since she'll likely be able to always take out the Assassins on her own, maybe with some item help.