Part 47: BF42 Arc of Triumph

Combat through unfamiliar, marshy terrain against the volunteer citizen militia had taken its toll. Yggdra had doubts about the justice she fought for but continued nevertheless with the Holy Sword in hand. The Royal Army defeated an injured Crimson Princess Emelia to end the battle of Drominos Marsh.
Past there, the Imperial Capital of Flarewerk was a stone's throw away. The Royal Army advanced with all speed to hasten the end of the war.
The gigantic Arc of Triumph protecting the Imperial Capital was an impassable barrier that had stymied all invaders since the founding of the Empire. Gulcasa's elite Imperial Knights had fortified the front lines, and Court Magician Eudy provided backup from the top of the gate.

Imperial Messenger: Sh-She was killed in combat, Sir!

Imperial Messenger: She fought bravely... until the last...

Imperial Messenger: Y-Yessir!

Not a whole lot of game left, so no point in holding on to items. Let's see what we can do.

The Platinum Ornament ups 3 stats for Mistel, and gives us crucial fire protection. It also lasts 3 maps, which is exactly how long we want it.

She also takes this, for morale purposes. There's no point in going too high, morale wise, but it's good to get around 4-5000.

Elena takes the Nightmare. It lowers her Luk, which is unfortunate, but that Dark attack Up is going to be awesome. At worst, it makes her aggressive mode considerably stronger. At best, well, that will come into play next mission. She also takes a few medallions, reaching 5000

Durant's in a strange position. He gets a really good item next mission, and I'll want to use it right away. The Rosary of Hope will up 3 stats, and the ability isn't too bad, either. It will expire just in time, as well.

It drops his Gen, but 1 on 1 = Win can come in handy. It will last 2 maps, and Milanor will take a better item afterward.
All in all, everyone but Yggdra gets an item. Yggdra needs to equip one next mission, and we don't have any 1-map items laying around worth using. She should be ok this time without anything.

The gates are mostly guarded by these Imperial Knights. They're not too bad, but they do have High status.

We can't attack her yet, but Eudy is carrying a really nice item.

Hmm, wait. What's that... Doesn't quite look like one ankh. Kinda looks like two. Hmm...

Whatever. First turn, we just move up.

Motherfucker. That shot deals 25% damage. Well, at least it can't kill anyone. Although it makes it imperative to wipe out these Imperial Knights ASAP, while we still have the morale to deal with a loss.

Dragon Killer should do nicely.

Mistel is immune to their fire damage, but still takes a beating from them. I mistime Dragon Killer, as well, so it ends before the final knight falls. He's taken to 3415 morale, but will regenerate that next turn.

Yggdra couldn't quite hold up against them, even with Dragon Killer activated.

Meanwhile, Durant has no issues. The Road

Mistel rolls the Witch. She has protect status, but the Imperial Knights do not.

Round two looks the same, as the Imperial Forces attack us back.

Mistel deals with her opponent fine. He'll be withing finishing range on our turn.

Yggdra takes another bad loss.

As does Durant.

Eudy fires again, but by now most of our units are so weak it doesn't really matter. Yggdra and Durant are both on the brink of defeat anyways, so can't lose no matter what.

Yggdra's covered, by using Crusade. Milanor and Elena join the party too.

Mistel finishes the first Imperial Knight.

Durant claims a narrow victory.

And Yggdra ruins my Crusade plans by simply critical hitting.
Milanor deals with the Witch with no problems.

While fighting Aggressively, at night, with Dark UP, Elena fights with Red Star effectiveness.

She finishes the second enemy.

Since Eudy's using the ankhs, instead of the regular cannons, she can fire at night. Yggdra's at less than 600 morale now...

Kylier slowly moves towards Eudy. We just need to weather the ankh for a few rounds, until Kylier can deal with her.

Before that happens, we clobber the last Imperial Knight.

The PSP version is considerate enough to grant our party High status. The upcoming fight isn't difficult, but it can go badly when you have a couple hundred morale remaining.

Here is the item Eudy was equipped with. It's the third item that's restricted if you do a Retry after losing a map, like the Excalibur. We can't pick it up, but we'll automatically collect it at the end of the mission.

A quick union will take care of all of them, except for the Gate Keeper. We need to collect items, first.

Durant claims the first hidden item.

Elena finds the second. It appears when the situation changes, so we need to move off the tile, and back on it.
Milanor moves beside the final Knight. He'll clear the map on the enemy's charge.


Ankh Piece: Not bad, but nothing special at this point. 1 map.

Griffon Feather: Again, not bad. Morale restoring items can come in extremely handy in a bit, though. Lasts for one map.

Southern Cross: Pretty much the best item in the game that you can actually get some use out of. It's basically Up to all stats, and you deal 50% extra damage on top of what you're supposed to. Too bad it lasts one map, and we're not using any staff users.
Our Lost Material experiment is at a close, as well. Let's see what we got.

Mjolnil: Well, it failed. This is what you pretty much always get, and it's obviously terrible. It can turn into the Mjolnir, which is a UP all stats, with a chance for a 1-hit kill. Apparently it's not very reliable, but I've never gotten it, so... I tried save scumming that last mission for a while, about an hour and a half, but never got anything different. I'm not sure when the game decides what you'll get. Either way, this lasts 3 maps.
Time is really of the essence on this battle. In a round or two from the Ankh, fighting the Imperial Knights can be incredibly risky, as you'll be on the brink of defeat. However, Kylier only appears if you continually stay in combat. I could've sent Yggdra on the first turn with Crusade, and not a singly Imperial Knight would've survived. If I wanted to progress though, I'd have to beat on the invincible Witch, otherwise Kylier wouldn't show up.
I also never really quite felt the need for Kylier's suicide attack. In general you'll have the entire ground force cleaned up by the time Kylier shows up, which then makes standing there getting hit by a cannon an odd strategic play. The situation never really felt drastic enough, in my opinion. Now, if there was an ambush from the rear, or Aegina showed up, or something, then maybe. It may just be a case of gameplay not meeting plot, thanks to this game's weird late-game scaling, and the ground forces were supposed to be more of a threat.