Part 2: E2 - Developers

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Potions and what they do:
Red Potion: Makes you flash red a whole bunch. Not really sure if it does much else. Made by mixing Yolm Root and Rehva Hide.
Blue Potion: Temporarily halves your strength. Don't drink that. Made by mixing Yolm Root and Hihof Leaf.
White Potion: Temporarily halves your strength and defense. Don't drink that. Made by mixing Batu Ash and Hihof Leaf.
Clear Potion: Makes you invisible. Made by mixing Yolm Root and Batu Ash.
Black Potion: Explodes! Made by mixing Kibie Dust and anything.
Yellow Potion: Sets your HP to 400 but not your Max HP so the health is only temporary. Made by mixing Hihof Leaf and Rehva Hide.
Green Potion: Sets your MP to 200 but not your Max MP so the health is only temporary. Made by mixing Batu Ash and Rehva Hide.