Part 118: NGAE: ~/ sigma\$ cd magenta/betray/red/ally
By a quite narrow margin of two votes, we have elected to do-over the decision that got us stuck in a desert with Dio and Phi. Virtue is its own last reward!
Hey, you never know. It's still trust - who knows if we'll get quantum-betrayed again?
This little bit proceeds identically to before, until...
VLR OST: [Strain]
Listen in: [English/Japanese]
So it has come to this, then...
What's going on?! He hasn't even seen the results yet!
It took only seconds for Tenmyouji and K to explain the math to her.
Please check your bracelet to see your updated Bracelet Points.
The announcer's voice hadn't even faded when Dio reached the door. With a grunt, he swung the lever down.
There's no point in trying to stop him now.
The door has already opened.
Dio leapt through the door without so much as a backward glance.
Phi paused in front of it, then turned to look at me.
I...I chose "ally".
I made a promise. Clover trusted me.
I see. Makes sense.
I guess that's how this ends, then.
You had to make a choice that was right for you.
And now I have to make the choice that's right for me.
Phi turned, her eyes sad, and followed Dio through the door.
[Music fades out]
The number nine door has closed.
This ends the Nonary Game.
Thank you for your participation.
As the game is over, all doors other than the number nine door have been unlocked.
Escape is not possible.
Please enjoy your stay.
VLR OST: [Demise]
We can only hold out hope that help will arrive.
For... for choosing "ally".
Well, a promise is a promise, right?
Maybe one of the people who just escaped...
Or maybe one of us...
Well... There's one other person...
Oh yeah...
Suddenly full of energy, Tenmyouji leapt up and took off for one of the warehouse's exits.
That left only myself, Clover and K.
We stared at the number nine door in silence.
It would never open again.
What else could we do but stare?
Virtue doesn't feel like much.
Yeah, now that we've seen a "real" ending some of these Game Overs seem a little anaemic by comparison. Don't worry, though. There's still some good stuff in some of them.
This is starting to become a nice little ritual, isn't it?
And on top of that, we've now covered half of what I'm going to term the "major" plot branches! Don't overthink this terminology too much, it's just a reference to how the flowchart looks.
Speaking of plot branches, we've got a new one to play with! Several people noted in the thread that we have indeed just come across a conspicuously long string of arbitrary numbers and that this may be worth looking in to.
So where next?
cd ~/magenta/ally/red
After successfully allying with Luna, go through the Red door with Alice and Clover
cd ~/magenta/ally/blue
After successfully allying with Luna, go through the Blue door with Alice and K
cd ~/yellow/ally/green
After being betrayed by Tenmyouji, go through the Green door with Clover and Quark
cd ~/yellow/ally/blue
After being betrayed by Tenmyouji, go through the Blue door with Clover and Tenmyouji
cd ~/yellow/betray
Betray Tenmyouji after escaping the Infirmary
cd ~/cyan/ally/blue/betray && chmod u+rxw *
Lock No. 05: What is the long string of numbers?
cd ~/cyan/betray/blue
After successfully betraying Alice, reject Alice's suggestion and insist on taking the Blue door with Luna and Alice
cd ~/cyan/betray/green
After successfully betraying Alice, reject Alice's suggestion and insist on taking the Green door with Luna and Clover