Part 56: Don't Run
Part 56: Don't Run![](1-PollResults.jpeg.jpg)
Running gets us six billion dead and the events of VLR. What does not running get us?
Back to "The Bomb"...
Still one of my favorite lines so I just wanted to stop and admire it again.
Music: Bereavement
Apparently "don't run" means "zap Sigma with the stun gun so he can't interfere"?
Give Diana a non-lethal weapon and she gets a little trigger-happy.
Music: Strain 2nd Mix
Diana's voice is all muffled from being in the suit.
How much time is left?
Well, at least Radical-6 wasn't released?
And another completed fragment...
Back to Team Select. Down to ten options - five new fragments, and five replays. Select the story fragment.