Part 41: Extras - Character Files
Character Files:Before this LP ends weve just time to look at the character files. These unlock sequentially as you play through the game and whilst most are alright some contain spoilers, which is why Im only posting them now at the very end. Enjoy
Cage Midwell
17 years old
Blood type O
A kindhearted, gentle youth. Began working on bord the Bonapart III along with Ares, whom he met a year earlier. Born 17 years ago to an unknown mother on the cargo deck of the Midwell, which was smuggling illegal immigrants, Cage was raised on the ship by the Captain, who took the boy under his wing. Though he was treated well by fellow Midwell staff, Cage always harbored a feeling of loneliness and isolation in hiss heart which translated into low self-esteem and overly passive behavior. When the Captain died and Midwell was deemed unfit for flight, Cage boarded Bonapart III, where he met Ares. His new friendship with this boy, who was the same age as him and yet seemed so mature, had a profound effect on Cage, and helped him recover from his psychological wounds. However, the knowledge that he owes his rebirth to Ares has proven problematic in itself, as Cage depends on Ares entirely, and suspects that he will never be able to exist independently of him.
Ares Enduwa
17 years old
Blood type AB
A co-worker of Cage aboard the Bonaparte III, a colonist spacecraft linking Earth and Mars. Having already worked on Bonaparte III for 4 months when Cage first boarded a year earlier, Ares showed Cage the ropes. Something of a genius, the normally taciturn Ares met Cage late one night after work, when he was playing a "piano" that he had conjured by altering a program on a PC in the ship's lobby. Cage happened upon his impromptu concert and was so moved that he began talking to him. At first, Ares was irked by the intrusion, but he eventually gave in to Cage's perseverance and found himself, much to his own surprise, becoming Cage's friend and looking after him. Fellow Bonaparte staff dubbed the unlikely pair "The Eighth Wonder of the Bonaparte."
Myona Alderan
17 years old
Blood type A
A mysterious girl found hiding in a storage room on board the Bonaparte III. Since the accident involving the unidentified object, she sticks with Cage and his group. Having suffered retrograde amnesia since the incident, what little personal information that is known of Myona has been pieced together based on occasional hints about her past. Though she sometimes hints at a determined and headstrong personality hidden deep inside, she is shy and rarely acts aggressively. Serious yet somehow flighty, she also seems slightly imbalanced, which may have something to do with her loss of memory....
(Artificial Intelligence)
The "Navigation Program" installed in the vehicle boarded by Cage and Myona immediately following the Bonaparte III's collision with the unidentified object. In these days, when voice-activated OSs are a dime a dozen, he (she?) is special, incorporating highly advanced technology not found in other programs found on LEVs. What secrets could possibly lie hidden in its creation?
Semyl Shambrow
16 years old
Blood type O
A robust girl who, for some reason, speaks in street slang. Constantly aware of the fact that she is short. Has a love-hate relationship with Razma. Although she grew up in an orphanage, she displays the healthy outgoingness of someone who had a very happy childhood. In reality, her childhood was difficult, having been subject to Ender prejudice by humans from Earth. Joined the Resistance early to regain respect for herself, and also to help ensure a happier future for her "siblings" at the institution. Lost a friend recently to some trouble associated with a romantic relationship with an Earthling human. A responsible big sister at the orphanage, underneath it all, she's just a sensitive 16-year-old.
Mebius K. Lylekraft
26 years old
Blood type B
A mature lady whose soft, kind demeanour belies her skilled, sharp strategic abilities. Mebius moved to Mars with her husband, who died in an accident while on his way to buy a toy for the couple's unborn baby; she then lost her baby (who was to be named Tia) due to a miscarriage. It was then that Mebius, despondent over the loss of her loved once and waiting for death's embrace, met Deckson, who was conducting research into the very accident which killed her husband, in an attempt to prove that an Earthling General was responsible for the tragedy. Hurt and angry, she joined BIS, where she works alongside Deckson. It seems that Mebius has deeper feelings for Deckson than just trust, but she either does not realize this, or she is in denial as they work together and as she remains loyal to her dead husband.
Razma Cascade Jr.
19 years old
Blood type A
The skirt-chasing troublemaker of BIS, he is surprisingly reliable where it counts. Somewhat childish, but also remarkably perceptive sometimes. A gifted sharpshooter with excellent hearing and eyesight. Seems to have a thing for Semyl, but nothing has materialized as of yet. His only family is his sick mother, who tells him that his father was a "high-profile Earthling"; however, they have never spoken with one another. Obsessed with the idea of the father he never met, he may have found a paternal figure in Deckson...
Tadamichi E. Yukito
24 years old
Blood type AB
Ardent fan of and expert in old-school, sci-fi, low-budget movie stars, and 20th-21st century Japanimation. Deeply involved in his own world, he is fiercely individual and mature in his self-assurance.
Raised in a very proper, traditional family consisting of his father and his siblings, he ignored his family's wishes for him to join the corporate pack, stating, "Suits don't become me," and left home. The rest is history.
Warren Lumenlux
33 years old
Blood type A
Prudent and overly cautious, he is often the butt of jokes; regardless, he is trusted for his knowledge and experience. A former mercenary, he always wears black sunglasses and does not speak much, giving him the aura of the "consummate professional." Once an expert gunman, he gave up his profession after an accident in which he mistakenly shot a young female hostage. Following the event, he wandered from place to place, eventually ending up in BIS on Mars. Has romantic feelings for a certain BIS member, but, not being very suave, has not yet succeeded in winning her over.
17 years old
Blood type AB
Full name "Philbright Westriverside Warehouserock XXVI." Excels in household chores such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Easily frazzled. Because of his long, beribboned blond hair and his high-pitched voice, he is often mistaken for a girl. Phil owes his long name to his "father," who believed an old superstition that luck comes to people with long names. He grew up in a happy family among many unrelated siblings, but tragedy struck one day when his "father" sampled a medication which induced a sudden fit of insane violence. Confused and horrified, Phil was able to defend himself from the savage attack, but when he came back to his senses, his entire family, including his father, was dead. The manufacturer of the medicine attempted to cover up the incident and lay the blame on Phil, at which time Deckson rescued the unfortunate youth and took him under his wing. Now a BIS member support officer, he has a crush on Myona...
Deckson Geyse
42 years old
Blood type O
Founder and father figure of BIS. Believing that he merely lent a hand to the Mars Resistance movement, he does not realize the full extent of his influence in Martian politics, although he would gladly give his life to support the cause. A family man, he used to be an officer in the UNSF, where he enjoyed moderate success, but was divorced by his wife due to long work hours. Having lost his main motivation in life and besieged with guilt over his participation in the oppression of the Enders, he left the UNSF and began to research the strange goings-on brought on by Earthlings, earning him both friends and foes along the way. His support base continued to grow, and eventually formed BIS.
Robin O'Connell
33 years old
Blood type O
BIS's main sponsor. Roughly 90% of BIS capital comes from the Robin Foundation, an underground group run by Robin herself. Boasting a wide network of connections and tremendous resources, the group does whatever it can to assist BIS, from procuring power source units and other parts for army machine prototypes to finding maintenance experts and catching fugitives. A beautiful but tough businesswoman-type, she is nurturing and motherly toward BIS members.
Twede Grey
Blood type unknown
Robin's secretary. Cloaked head-to toe in black with dark glasses and black gloves, he rarely speaks and almost never reveals any of his emotions. Keen and observant, he is almost psychic in his understanding of people; he is precise and swift in his work, often getting the job done before others even think of asking him to take care of it.
Lance Jimmer
Blood type unknown
Man of mystery. Has razor-thin slits for eyes, and is somewhat reptilian. Although he gives the impression that he is always smiling, his eyes are eerily expressionless. In fact, his face is like a creepy mask. Nobody really knows of his origins nor his motivations,
but it is clear that he does not champion the Martians' cause.
Dezeele Zephyrs
49 years old
Blood type B
High-ranking officer from Earth. Has a tendency to look down on others, but will not tolerate others doing the same to him. Convinced that he is better than anyone, he is self-centered and feels no guilt for all the suffering he has caused in his career. Born to a poverty-stricken household as the youngest child, he harbours a resentment toward all people who are rewarded with money and opportunity despite a profound lack of talent. This resentment caused him to turn his
talents toward getting ahead at all costs. After gaining success as a scientist, he quickly moved up the hierarchy to his current position as Lab Supervisor. While he is disliked, nobody dares cross him because he is as influential as he is unpleasant.
Ned Noachim
27 years old
Blood type O
Zephyr's assistant. Completely lacks any sort of leadership skills, but thanks to Zephyrs, has achieved a degree of status in the army. Views Martians as subhuman and repeatedly commits racist crimes against them. Also prejudiced against women, who find him loathsome. He attributes his complex to past experience without realizing that it's no excuse to be a pig. Used to be called "Scarface."
Bolozof Velasgo
29 years old
Blood type A
Silver-haired and lithe, with glittering eyes that hint at a soul full of malice. Cold and robotic, he escaped to Mars to avoid trouble he spawned when he permanently injured some colleagues in training. Views Martians as nothing more than slaves to be bent to his will. He follows the orders of Zephyrs, but...
Nadia Candido
19 years old
Blood type A
One of Bolozof's assistants, as well as his mistress. The fact that the Martian-hating Bolozof keeps her at his side leads her to believe mistakenly that Bolozof recognizes her talent and loves her. A hard-working and earnest military employee.
Amante Furlair
16 years old
Blood type unknown
Like Nadia, an assistant of Bolozof. Under her youthful and innocent appearance lurks the heart of a cruel, vicious demon. The wicked look in her eyes betrays something of her true nature. Numerous men have approached her, judging her wrongly by her harmless looks, only to find themselves used and dumped in the end. Looks to be about 16, but her actual age is unknown.
Tim Frazer
38 years old
Blood type A
Mars Army officer. Looks older than his years due to endless problems with the Resistance, which may have something to do with his being forever single. No star qualities, but a nice guy nonetheless. Has caught the BIS leader Deckson on a number of occasions, but has never been able to keep him. Has one half-brother.
Cubick Noyce
29 years old
Blood type B
The eldest of the "Mars Angels," she zips around space in her custom-built LEV in pursuit of eligible bachelors. She is naturally beautiful, but her looks are also a product of unthinkable effort and an arsenal of makeup. Complains a lot. Not too fond of Palme, and calls her "Ms. Plame." Height: 5'9". Weight: secret. 38-25-33. Favorite stone: champagne-colored fancy diamond. Dislikes: sweat.
(Source: Mars Angels Fan Club Newsletter)
Palme Winston
24 years old
Blood type AB
Introverted middle "sister" of the Mars Angels. (The Mars Angels are not related by blood.) Good-looking, but can't seem to land a boyfriend due to personality issues. Well-trained in hexes and divination, she remembers every person who has done her wrong, what they did, and when. Mysterious, but with a unique charm about her. Height: 5'6". Weight: ?? 36-27-38 Ideal Man: Aleister Crowley. Dislikes: direct sunlight. (Source: Mars Angels Fan Club Newsletter)
Digit Carlyle
19 years old
Blood type O
The youngest of the Mars Angels. High-pitched voice, loudmouthed, talkative. Idolizes Cubick. Not afraid to speak her mind, even mouths off to Palme. Height: 5'4". Weight: not telling! 34-25-30. Likes: anything you can eat with your hands. Dislikes: being hungry. (Source: Mars Angels Fan Club Newsletter)
Ryan Stewart
65 years old
Blood type AB
CEO of the Ryan Corporation, which comes (a distant) second after NUT. Gives off a personable first impression, but has no qualms about committing heinous acts against his enemies.
Takahiro E. Yukito
53 years old
Blood type B
Father of Yukito and CEO of the Tide Company, a holding company with many subsidiaries. Wears glasses.
Johnny Irving
43 years old
Blood type O
High-ranking officer in the Mars Army. He is a pushover who was bullied into cooperating by Zephyrs. Emotionally weak, scrawny, and always has a look of consternation on his face. He and Zephyrs call each other by name, but there doesn't seem to be a real friendship between them
Patrick Jaeger
55 years old
Blood type A
High-ranking officer from Earth. Lets nothing escape unnoticed. He has escaped death on numerous occasions, and seems kind but is actually not as soft as he looks. His age is starting to show.
Jordy Jones
11 years old
Blood type O
Nickname "Jojo." A simple and innocent young girl from the same orphanage that Semyl grew up in. In stark contrast to her dark past, she is outgoing and free of issues. Wants to marry Cage when she grows up.
Gilbert Kelly
12 years old
Blood type B
Playful yet shy boy from the same orphanage that Semyl grew up in. Going through an awkward almost-teenager stage, he has a little crush on Semyl and dislikes all males that make passes at her.
Pauly McLaud
10 years old
Blood type A
Well-behaved child from the same orphanage that Semyl grew up in. Polite and religious, he is always carrying a crucifix.
38 years old
Blood type unknown
The self-styled "#1 Broker on Mars." Rumor has it he moved to Mars due to some trouble at home. Overly sensitive about the topic of his blond-haired, well-built, family man father for some reason.
31 years old
Blood type B
A.k.a. "Logistics Lewy." Surprisingly well-known as a mover and shaker, he specialized in petty crime, even trying to score some cash off of Cage on one occasion. Perished with the rest of the staff and passengers on board Bonaparte III. Oh well.
And that's a wrap.
I hope everyone enjoyed this LP of the lesser-known Zone of the Enders spinoff. Despite a few hiccups here and there and the looming presence of the dreaded 'anime' label, I think the game's story does pretty well for itself. The difficulty is pretty much nonexistent once you get to grips with the IBS system but I can respect the fact that Winky Soft tried to make the battle sequences more interactive if nothing else.
As for me, I'm probably going to take a long break after this. This LP was far, far more work than I ever expected it to be, and worse still most of that work was horribly monotonous transcription that very nearly burned me out. After that I have a few ideas kicking around, but one project I know I'll be getting around to eventually is Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. I managed to finish the game on an emulator so I know it can be done. That's probably in the distant future, though.
Or maybe I'll do something even more insane and have a go at Phoenix Wright. That might kill me, though.
Anyway, thanks for reading along.