What is Zork?
Zork was one of the first interaction fiction games for the PC. You would type out your instructions the screen, and would get a response saying what then happened. It was entirely text based. See below the threads by Chet Fabulous on the previous entries in the series.
The Zork Series (by Chet Fabulous)
ZORK I | ZORK II | ZORK III | Enchanter | Sorcerer | Spellbreaker | Beyond Zork
So wait, entirely text? I thought you said this was going to be a Screen Shot LP?
Starting with Return to Zork, the Activision starting putting out new Zork games that were graphical, and had live action actors for FMVs. This is one of those Zork games. So this thread will mainly be screen shot, with some videos here and there when I feel they add to the enjoyment. At the end of every post I'll be posting a video that shows everything that was done in the post in video form. Just no commentary for these parts, I have no microphone.
How does the gameplay work for this?
It's a first person point and click adventure puzzle game. Think Myst. Actually the game is rather similar to Myst in a lot of ways, it just adds a sense of humor to the whole approach.
The Zork games are all great, but this is the first one I played, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. It's relatively short, and genuinely funny, which can be hard to come by in games these days.
Also, there are many ways to die in this game. I'm going to try to showcase all of them, and post them in the thread as well as the OP once they occur. But if you guys notice that I've missed one, let me know and I'll head back and show that one too. I want to be complete with this.
So without further delay, let's get this thing started!
The thread is done now! So feel free to check out the complete LP below!
Notable Cast Members

Erick Avari as Mir Yannick, the Grand Inquisitor

Rip Taylor (right) as Chief Undersecretary Wartle

Michael McKean as Dalboz of Gurth, the Dungeon Master
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Welcome to Zork
- Chapter 2: Enter Port Foozle
- Chapter 3: I'm Not an Adventurer, But I Play One on TV
- Chapter 4: Has Been Actor Had It Coming
- Notable Cast Members
- Chapter 5: Going Underground
- Chapter 6: Back to School
- Chapter 7: The Underground Underground
- Chapter 8: Urban Legends of G.U.E.
- Chapter 9: Spell Making 101
- Chapter 10: At Home with the Dungeon Master
- Chapter 11: Backwards Spells and Hot Cocoa
- Chapter 12: Adventures of the Useless Dragon
- Chapter 13: The Bouncer at the Gates of Hell
- Chapter 14: Island Getaway
- Chapter 15: I Need to Get the Hell Out of Here
- Chapter 16: Let's Watch!
- Chapter 17: Totemization Ahoy!
- Chapter 18: Welcome to the Hall of Inquisition
- Chapter 19: Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night!
- Bonus Update!
- Chapter 20: A Good Old Fashioned Jail Break
- Chapter 21: Showdown at Flathead Mesa
Video Chapter Walkthroughs
(These are videos of everything we do in the chapters, and they have no commentary. As such I advise reading the chapters above first, and only watching these if you want to then see the whole chapter in motion.)1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
Bonus Videos
Television Ad for Zork: Grand InquisitorPropaganda on Parade!
Messing with the demon fish
Messing with Jack
Messing with Dolls
Messing with the Door Security System
Listening to all of Dalboz's voice mail messages
Working the phone system in Hades
Skeleton rocking out
Charon Easter Egg
Mike's Pants
Lucy's useless trip in two time tunnels
Dalboz reacting to every inventory item in the game!
Every spell in our spell book being spoken!
All the spells being spoken in reverse!