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The Let's Play Archive

Zork: Grand Inquisitor

by thrawn527

Part 17: Let's Watch!

Chapter 16: Let's Watch!

This time on Let's Play Zork: Grand Inquisitor, we're going to take a small break and watch what's going on at the Inquisition. No gameplay in this update, but good stuff all the same. Next update will be back to normal, though. So without further delay...

They're rioting in the streets, you know?

There's even talk of a magic rebellion.

Those...imbeciles! If only they knew how much I...

Well, have you ever tried just...talking to them?

Everything's so...messed up. I mean, that's not even the worst of it.

I just killed my college roommate. Or, at least I thought I did. But apparently some idiot is carting him around in the Underground in a magic lamp!

If my men don't...*sob*...if my men don't find them soon they could...ruin everything!

C'mon now. Don't cry...mister...Inquisitor. You think you've got it bad.

I let the love of my life slip through my fingers over a stupid game of Strip Grue, Fire, and Water.

Well, at least you had one.

I never even knew her name. ...Now I'm gonna be crying too.

Look, I wasn't going to say this, but...if I tell you where you can find that...idiot, and the lamp guy, would that make you feel any better?

Oh, Jack! Would you...?

Two words: Time...Tunnels.

Didn't you ever see The Great Underground Adventure 3?

Time tunnels...of course! Thank you, Jack!

Nah, forget it. Now, pull yourself together, man. This is embarrassing.

Of course. I'm sorry.

Now, where that's tyrannical mad man? Hmm? Do the face! Give me that mean face!

:clint: Yeah! Now, where were we?

:commissar: Guards! Bring in the Froboz Electric Hungus Prod!

:commissar: You pathetic fool.

:clint: That's my guy!

:clint: ....Hungus Prod...?

For anyone who wants to see how all this looks in motion:
Video of everything, saw...this update.

That's all for now. Tune in next time for an honest gameplay update, where we head to the last location in the Underground Underground!