Part 2: Enter Port Foozle
Chapter 2: Enter Port Foozle
Alright, so it's time to head into the glowing blue that is Port Foozle! Let's see how this goes.

Hardly the bustling metropolis I was hoping for.

But hey, they have fish, which I guess would be considered a plus if I didn't still feel hung over. But, wait, is that what I think it is?

No, as a matter of fact I'm not trying to steal your fish. I'm trying to steal your beer. No one trusts anyone these days, it's really a shame. But that lady shouldn't keep me from getting my beer, so I'll just keep trying.

Right, so, like I was saying, that alarm is clearly going to keep me from getting that beer. If only I could find a way to drown out the sound of the alarm.

Hello, what do we have here?

Not that I want to be hearing this guy yelling in my ear anymore, but if it gets me beer I can put up with a lot of things. So lets turn up the volume on this propaganda blowhard.

Well that's doing no good for my hangover.

But it seems to be getting the job done.

There we go. I'll put it away for now. Save it for the trip home. You know, once I found out how to get home. The rings were still attached, so I'll keep those too. Never know when something like that might come in handy. (Did I mention I'm a bit of a pack rat?)

Behind me there's the actual dock of Port Foozle. And it looks like the glowing is coming from the water! Well, better check this out.

There's this rather elaborate fishing device here, and the hook is right above where the glowing is coming from. Strange. Well, when in doubt about how something works, I always say it's time to start pressing buttons and pulling levers.

Well, the hook's been lowered into the water. Now we've just got to wait and see what comes up.

Gah! What in the name of all that's holy is that evil thing?!

Click here to see video of me messing with the evil fish!

And he's back in the water. That's about the scariest damn thing I've ever seen. I mean, I'm glad he's gone!
On that note...let's mess with him a bit.

Okay, on second thought, let's not mess with him anymore. I'm afraid of the smell.
Instead, let's vanquish this clearly evil being. Now, how can we possibly destroy this fearsome of a beast?

Yeah, we're going there.

Here we go.

Click here to witness the untimely demise of the fish from hell.

Oh, now what is this?

Hey! It's a lantern! That would help me go down that well that I've been so meaning to go down.

I'll take that.

(editor's note: This is the inventory screen. You'll be seeing this a few times during the game, so I figured it would be good to mention what the hell you're looking at.)
Upon further examination I see that the lantern is broken. Well that's no good. Oh well, maybe I'll find a way to fix it. I'm at least one step closer to having the power of light!

Alright, so we're back in Port Foozle proper here, so let's take a look around.

Not really much to see. Most people are just closing their doors on me, wanting nothing to do with someone out after curfew.

This is the only house that I haven't knocked on yet. Not really sure how I missed it. Oh well, let's give it a try.

Let's just give it a knock.

Holy shit! Who the hell is that guy?!
For anyone who wants to see how all this looks in motion:
Video of everything we did this update.
Tune in next time to find out who the hell that guy is!