Part 20: Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night!
Chapter 19: Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night!

Alright, here we go. Time to head inside this place, in search of the Cube of Foundation! Or at least a good drink. Head inside!

Charmed, I'm sure.

Um, yeah, and I hate actual dancing. And I really prefer if you didn't dance with that guy. So it'll be hard to dance with my banging around inside your mind off tempo. Keep that in mind.

Alright! We're in! Let's take a look around.

Well this place doesn't exactly seem like a popular club. In fact, it doesn't seem like there anybody here but the people who work here.

Like this big guy. He's just staring at the wall. I wonder what he's thinking about?

Editor's Note: This is a good time to explain something. What you see above is a skill that only Lucy has. She's a telepath, remember, so when you see this crystal ball show up, it means we'll be reading their minds. It can be rather useful sometimes, and rather fun other times. When we're hearing someone's thoughts, they'll be inside asterisks. *Like this.* Okay, where were we? Oh yeah, reading the door man's mind.

Um, yeah, me too. Some things I'd rather not be inside your mind for. Anything with that guy fits that bill, so let's try to stay away from him.

Over here we have a dartboard, with a really annoying fly buzzing around. It's like he's trying to get hit with a dart! That would leave a rather nasty black spot on the dartboard, so you'd think one of the workers would do something about it. That is, of course, assuming there's more workers than the door man.

Ah-ha! A bartender! At a bar, no less! This looks promising.

He's not responding to our flailing about, trying to hint for a drink. Let's see what's on his mind.

Um, I guess. Read his mind again.

Okay, let's leave drunky alone, and keep moving through the room.

Looks like a grate door to the back room. Let's try and head back there.

High rollers, eh? Well, I guess we'll have to win something in order to go back there. So let's find a game we can win at.

I've decided it's rather difficult to play pinball with no flippers. The ball just keeps falling down the whole. Oh well, I guess we'll move on.

Alright, some sort of card game. Let's try our hands at this.

There's some cards on the table, and what looks like a math equation? Strange, well, let's grab the cards.

Looks like we've got 4 cards, numbered 1-4. Since there's a math equation on the table too, and slots to insert the cards, I'm assuming I'm supposed to use these together. So let's try inserting some cards!

Yup, looks like that's what's going on here. But if my math is correct, I think I've noticed a problem here. Let's keep going to find out if I'm right.

The red light proves my theory. There is no combination for these cards to be entered in that will make the equation true. Well that sucks. I'm close too. I think I could probably do it with a 5 instead of a 4. Too bad I don't have one. All it would take is one more black dot in the middle of the card...hang on, I have an absolutely retarded idea. So I'm thinking it might work. To the dartboard!

Alright, so we'll place the card on the dartboard...

And aim very carefully, while waiting for the fly to come!

Ha! Got him! Nice shot Lucy! Now, let's see if this works.

Truth is, there's no reason whatsoever that this card machine should actually read this as a 5. I mean, it's just a 4 card with a dead bug on it, so there's no reason this should work.

So, naturally, it works perfectly. Awesome. Let's get this math equation solved.


Editor's Note: NERDS!!!!!...sorry.

Um, please don't touch me.

Ah, hello douche bag.

That's for sure, trust me.

Right, nice cover.

Please don't sleep with Jack, please don't sleep with Jack, please don't sleep with Jack...

Seems easy enough, sounds like some strange version of rock, paper, scissors.

Um, I'm going to say no on this one. I can't stand the thought of seeing Jack lose this game. Walk away.


You'll do what?! I guess it's harder to make the mind of a telepath do what you want it to. Oh well, might as well give it a shot then. It wouldn't exactly be horrible to lose this game.

Editor's Note: Alright, time for a lesson in this game. We have three buttons. The question mark button is for Grue, the other two are obviously for fire and water. I choose one, and then we find out what his choice is. Just like rock, paper, scissors, one choice wins. Below are pictures of what they look like when they tie, for which nothing happens game wise.

Grue. A trapdoor just opens, and you hear a roar.


Water. Okay, here we go.
Grue seems scary, so let's try that.

Damn, fire beats Grue.

Alright, we're down a belt. Let's try again.
Editor's note: Sorry, more fourth wall breaking in this chapter than any other yet. For the sake of the update, I'm going to edit out a lot of this. It seems Lucy is wearing enough clothes to survive a blizzard. So losing here can take forever. So here's some clothes being thrown to the side, to give you an idea.

Yeah, and that's still editing some out. Okay, we rejoin our almost naked friend with only one article of clothing left.

Damn, it's getting cold in here. Talk about a string of bad luck. Okay, one more shot, here we go. Let's go water.

Stupid Grue drinking my water.

Oh yeah, in game plot, we're actually a perma-suck salesperson. So that explains the above. This is the only mention of it outside of the manual.
On second thought, I'd really rather not lose this game. The idea of Jack giving me the, "I see you naked," eyes is just too much to think about. Now, if only there was a way to cheat. A way to always know what he was going to throw...hang on, I'm a freakin' telepath, at the moment. That's got to count for something.

Okay, I'm going to assume he's thinking water, so let's go with Grue to beat it.

Ha ha! This could work.

Alright, mind-reading should allow us to move handily through this.

In that case, fire gets us...

Water gets us...

The best/worst picture of the LP?

Jack with no pants.

Followed by Jack with no hat. Okay, just one more win and we've entered a place I've never want to be. A room with a naked Jack.

Truly you have a dizzying intellect.

I forgot this idiot had the cube...I mean, that was my plan with the strip game the whole time! I'll take that!

I honestly have no idea. But now that we have the Cube, we should be hearing a loud crash any second now...

Right on schedule.

Alright, back in the castle.

...Um, what are you looking at? Oh, right, you probably mean the heart. Nevermind.

Oh God. Let's just rest the cube on this nice pillow.

There we go. Now's let's get out of here.

There we go, back in my own body. Hopefully for good now. So we have all the artifacts, now we need to do something with them. First, let's open our eyes...

Oh shit!

This is bad.

Real bad!

And they took my bag of stuff!
For anyone who wants to see how all this looks in motion:
Video of everything we did this update.
That's all for now. See you guys next time, from behind bars!