Part 21: Bonus Update!
I was really trying to find a way to fit this post in with the plot, but all my attempts were feeling forced. So, instead, it's time for a...
Bonus Update!
You may remember when we were in the University, we saw this on the board.

When you type "mikespants" at any point in the game, you're taken to here.

Clicking through gets you all these pics.

This is my favorite pic.

Really weird, but I love it when developers throw stuff like this in. Makes it look like they really had fun making the game. Click here to see video of it. Worth a view if only for the vocal part at the beginning.
Also, since we are now past the point of no return in the game and can't freely walk around anymore, I figured I'd give you guys another bonus. Click here to see what Lucy says when you take her to the other time tunnels.
Anyway, like I said, we're past the point of no return in the game, so we're getting rather close to the end now. Still a few more chapters left, and I have one more bonus update left too, but I want to give you guys something to look at in the meantime.