Part 22: A Good Old Fashioned Jail Break
Chapter 20: A Good Old Fashioned Jail Break

This is bad. I'm locked up in some Inquisition cell. And I have a feeling the appeals process these guys have leaves something to be desired. Oh, I hear the guards...

And they're gone. So, there's no guards outside my cell, but the door is locked, and since they confiscated my bag of stuff, I don't have my spell book to Rezrov the door open....

...Was that Jack?!

That idiot. He must be in a cell somewhere above me that's connected by this air vent. I have a feeling he's the reason I'm in here in the first place. Must chords straining...voice coming in as a hoarse whisper...

Because of me? What about you? Don't think I'm stupid enough to think that the Grand Inquisitor came up with the idea of Time Tunnels on his own...must scream again...
You...told...time tunnels!
Damn, that really hurt. I don't think I'm going to be able to pull off a voice again for a while...

Great, you gave me a parchment that I can't get to. Wonderful. Wait, I think I see writing on it. That might be a spell. I have no idea how he got his hands on a spell, but luckily he was stupid enough to give it away. If only I had something to open the vent with. But they took my bag...hang on, I just rememered. Last time I used the letter opener I put it in my pocket, and not the bag. It's possible that....yes! They didn't take it! Alright, let's open this thing open at the screws...

I don't believe it. Not only is it a spell, but it's a ridiculously convenient spell given my current predicament. Let's head to the door and use this new spell.

Well, I've got the lock, but I don't see a key...

Oh great, the key is on the other side. The keyhole is too small to fit my fingers into. Maybe I can use the letter opener to turn the key from this side. Pick the lock, in a way...

Um, they key fell out the other side. Well, there goes that plan...

On second thought, this letter opener definitely won't work for turning the key. But looking at the bottom of the door gives me another idea.

That's a rather large opening. I can't fit my fingers through it, but the key would probably fit. Now I just need something for it to land on that I can pull back out. Let's look around the cell.

What's this?

That should work nicely.

There we go, now I'll just head back over to the keyhole and push it out onto the paper.

Ah ha! Let's get out of this cell.

Well shit. How the hell do I get out of here?

Both of these camera's have the number 43 listed first below them. So I'm going to go ahead and guess I'm in cell block 43. Which does nothing to help me at the moment, but if I find a map it might be useful to have a "You are here" location. Let's see what else we can find.

Oh hey, is that a map?

Well, kind of. So much for that whole "map being helpful" thing. It looks like this is a map of some kind, though, along with camera controls. The screen keeps changing on it's own, so the letters and numbers must control something else. Maybe opening doors. Let's click the button at the top and open some doors. I can't see what bad can come from opening, uh, Cell 23BA.

Well, the light turned green, so I guess a door opened, or something. Wait, I hear a noise. Like a white noise, like a lot of flapping of little wings...

Hmmm, maybe I should think about which door I'm opening before pushing the button. Let's see if anything comes up on my view screen that looks like it's worth opening the door for...oh, I just saw Jack's door! I guess I should open his door...I mean, I really should...right? I mean, I am the reason he got arrested............oh I'll just do it. Maybe he knows how to get out of here. The camera for him was labeled 31-05, so I'm guessing I have to set the number 31 for his cell block, but I don't know what letters to use.

Well, I know that I was in Cell Block 43, right? Assuming that it's a columns by rows sort of thing, that would put me 4 columns over, 3 rows down. And the air ducts are labeled on here, and I know that we were connected by the air ducts. If he's in cell block 31, then he's 3 columns over, 1st row. And if we're connected by air ducts, then I'm guessing his cell is 31AB. (Editor's note: Well you tell me how to come to that conclusion in a logical way!)

Alright, here we go.

Hey, check out the video screen! There he goes!

Hey, he just grabbed a bag of some kind...oh please let it be my bag! Hey, I think I hear someone coming...


No way will I be your Short Round.

Hey! Castle! What excellent timing! That was totally better than you breaking down the wall while I was still in the cell, keeping me from having to figure out the map, and the key know what, you really could have come a little sooner. Oh well, you're here now. Let's just hope Jack doesn't recog-

Does he realize that he never actually told me that story, and I just know it because I was inside her mind? Ah, oh well. I guess having a meat shield with me wouldn't be a terrible thing. Let's go!

Careful now, it would really be a shame if you fell to your death.

Actually...oh fine, what do I have to do?

Ah, well, I guess that would make sense.

Good to have you back, Dalboz. Let's see what this scroll does.

While that may not be entirely accurate, I might as well give it a shot.

It's doing something to the so-far useless first spell.

Sweet, it works.

Oh, it's still going!

Alright, so we have a whole lot of reversed spells, some of which seem even more useless than their counterparts, but I'll go with the idea that it's for a reason. Now, let's go pick up the three artifacts!

Alright, we've got the artifacts, so now...

Let's do this thing.
For anyone who wants to see how all this looks in motion:
Video of everything we did this update.
That's all for now. Come back next time for the beginning of the end!