Part 5: .hack Infection - //Update 05 - Fuck Mia and Elk
//Update 05Today, we've got a lot on our plate. Not the least of which is learning just why Mia and Elk are so hated. Like last time, we're jumping straight into the action. Last time, we'd just met Mistral and Piros. So before we go off on Piros' fool errand, let's power level Mistral some. There's not much to show from the power leveling trip. Mistral, Kite, and BlackRose all gained a bunch of levels. So here's a few highlights:

Mistral likes Elves. A lot.

Bet you can't guess what sort of dungeon is below this head!

Mimics are the bane of anyone trying to grind levels. They look just like regular treasure chests, except they have arachnid legs. They also cause the confuse status, quite frequently. The bad part is that they're pretty uncommon enemies, so by the time you forget about them, they pop up again. A new version pops up every so often, I believe around every 10 levels there's a new kind of Mimic to fight, and they all confuse you. They are one of the worst enemies to fight in the game.
Enough about mimics and power leveling. The spree finished with Kite and BlackRose around level 7, Mistral at level 6. That should be enough keeping Piros on his toes, so let's see what he wanted us to do.

The field is pretty low level for the group. The monsters are around level 4, so we tear through them pretty easily. Mistral's elemental spells and healing make this trip easier than it already was. Not much point hanging out in a field this weak, so let's wander into the dungeon.

Naturally, Piros is on the bottom floor. Any time someone wants to meet with you in a dungeon, you have to go all the way to the bottom. This is an annoyance that will continue throughout the entire series.

Well, there was the Gott Statue. Still no Piros. He's gotta be around here somewhere.

Piros is losing a fight against a level 7 enemy. The thing he's fighting is a massive pain in the ass due to its penchant to cast a relatively powerful health regeneration spell. At low levels, everyone's accuracy is pretty shoddy, making the regeneration all the worse.

Well, that's Piros out of the way. I've got a nagging feeling that we've got some mail, so let's see.

Well, that's entirely uncalled-for! Why would someone threaten Kite like that?

Sweet. I knew my intuition would pay off! Let's get that reward.

Well that's odd. Character data overwrite? That seems like an extremely inefficient way to give Kite a few free levels. Come to think of it, no news or BBS sources mentioned a One Year Power-Up Event.

Anyway, I saw we had some more mail. Let's go see what that's all about.

Δ Boundless Corrupted Fort Walls is added to the word list.
Oh god. The section upcoming is a perfect example of why I hate Mia so much. She wants us to come alone to a field. Keeping in mind what I said earlier, she'll be at the bottom of the dungeon. After the earlier exercise with Piros, Kite is now level 10. Being level 20 wouldn't be overkill enough. Oh well, no point complaining about it. Let's get going.

If Mimics are in the top five most annoying enemies in the series, Menhirs are the number one. One by itself isn't too bad, but get more than two and they will indefinitely reincarnate themselves and anything else you fight at the same time. The only way to stop the cycle is to data drain them into oblivion. Grand, huh?

This is Kite for the remainder of the update. He doesn't gain any further levels, just the XP numbers increase a bit.

"For something to be born, it must break." It sounds like Mia is referencing apoptosis, the process by which old cells die for new ones to be created. That's a really dumbed down version of the process, I know.

You now have Virus Core M!
That fight was a pain in the ass. To not die instantly, I had to use potions - a lot of them. Probably about twenty of them.

This is exactly why I hate Mia. She wanted us to fight a data bug alone, in a corrupted field, with nobody but her and Elk knowing where we were. The worst part is still yet to come, too!


So here we are. Kite is level 10, Mia is level 5, and Elk is level 3. I'm gonna wish I had leveled them up more, but I just didn't want to deal with them longer than I had to.

Thanks to screenshot LP magic, the fight was instant. I had to data drain the monster twice. Once to erase the data bug status and once to erase the HP regeneration buff it had. The buff was healing for more than the amount of damage the three of them could deal together. The turtle thing was also dealing a shit load of damage. I had to use another thirty healing potions to keep the party from a total wipe.

I'm done in the game for now. Fuck Mia and Elk. Let's see if there's anything new on the forums.

RE: Me too
Author: Kilo
I was able to go! I guess they're done.

Jonue the Gobbler, one of the Four Gob Kings will take you on gob!!

RE: Spiral Edge
Author: Sister Ken
Spiral Edge is at: Δ Raging Passionate Melody. But the monster there is pretty strong!
Thank you very much!
Author: Natsume
Thank you very much! I'm going to head over there now! Wish me luck!

RE: RE: Impressions
Author: Huey
That's a lie! A TOTAL LIE!! It's a defective product! The graphics flicker. The misrecognition rate being 0 or whatever is false advertising. You're going to have a seizure if you use it on a 3D field. Do you work for 'em or something? Just die!

Area Level Info
Author: Korm
Part A: Boundless Difficulty 2.
This is also for beginners.

Virus cores are virus data extracted by performing Data Drain on monsters infected with a virus. Most monsters in "The World" are already infected, and are currently in the incubation period. So you can drain Virus Cores from not only the Data Bug which has rewritten data by the virus, but also from normal monsters as well. I will state the known Virus Cores and the monsters to obtain them from.
Δ Server and Θ Server.
Small-size Monsters: Virus Core A
Mid-size Monsters: Virus Core B
Large-size Monsters: Virus Core C
(there are exceptions)
This is only when you drain normal monsters. The probability of obtaining a Virus Core is not 100%, but when your spread of viral infection is low, you will have a higher chance of getting them.
So, you can see just why I hate Mia and Elk so much. Bad times are past, now. Fun stuff is ahead! Next time: Θ server unlocks. Adventure, excitement, Spiral Edge, Grunties, and more!