The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 101: Ei Sekigahara 7 (FINAL)

Let’s finish off Ei.

Chapter 101: Ei Sekigahara 7 (FINAL)

This thing’ll stick out if we bring it too close.
Yeah, you’re right… In that case… I’ll lead you the rest of the way. Let’s go.

Consider Yuki Takamiya

(Yuki Takamiya… In order to protect Natsuno Minami… she had no choice but to cooperate with the SIU. She says she knows who issues orders to the black suits. Apparently… it’s Ida.)

Consider Iori Fuyusaka

(Iori Fuyusaka… Despite having lost my memories… she continues to help me with an open heart. I just… I’m not sure how to reciprocate…)

Consider Natsuno Minami

(I gathered some information from Natsuno’s unit. And I came across some interesting details. Apparently, I had accepted a particular job… To assassinate Chihiro Morimura.)

We can get a good view of the SIU building from up there. Wanna go check it out?

Which floor?
Got it. I’ll take it from here. You’re staying behind.

All you’re going to do is slow me down. Unless you want to take a stray bullet to the head. But I don’t think you do.

I’m not sure who, though. But the orders are coming from the SIU building.
…I thought you said it was Ida.
He’s… dead. I’m pretty sure Shinonome shot him…
…… I suppose I’ll find out when I get there.

Suddenly, a voice emanates from Ei’s pocket.

…I know you’re there. …Pick up.

Examine Communication Device

So you came.

Music: Who D-Unit (Yoshimi Kudo)

You’ve been using the drone to monitor us, haven’t you?
I’m nothing if not thorough. It might interest you to know that I have a guest with me.
…Miss Iori Fuyusaka.

Damn, shit just got real.

Now then. Why don’t you come by so we can talk? And hurry. I’d like to give you a proper welcome.

Let’s hurry.

…Okay, that’s certainly unusual, I’d say.

Music: Bleak Pressure (Kikuchi Yukinori)

As is this!

*frustrated grunt*

Toss Phaser

One wrong move, and I’ll blow her head off.

In a shocking turn of events, the voice on the radio was Ida all along. Well, maybe not so shocking when you actually play the game, because it sounds exactly like him. They didn’t even try to hide it, really. Maybe the shocking part is that he’s a robot now. Yeah, let’s go with that.

You were an android this whole time.
That’s not true. I did die. I simply copied my memories onto this android. …Just in case something were to happen to me.
You plan to perform another loop as an android?
Don’t be a fool. I’ve already saved my data to the evacuation area.
So you’re having the android do the dirty work…
When it comes to making sure I end up in the next world… there’s no one I trust to get the job done more than me.

No. If anything, her existence poses a threat. And as it turns out… you have no intention of keeping our promise.
(smirking) You know I lost my memories. How do you expect me to keep a promise I don’t remember?
…Perhaps this will ring a bell.

The scout unit next to Ida turns on and begins playing a log.

Taken care of anyone standing in your way, I hope? Well, you can relax. Ryoko and I did what we needed on our end. We’ve already backed up your data. Next time, when the world resets… you’ll still have your memories intact. There’s only one thing left for you to do… Obey Tetsuya Ida’s orders. Keep up the good work.
*uncomfortable grunt*

He clearly has no clue what’s going on.
…I see I’m left with no other choice. I’d long anticipated your betrayal. Besides, it’s already too late.

Ida brings the phaser closer to Iori’s head.


…I promise to take very good care of you all. Now you can die in this world with nothing to fear.

You get to die first, Sekigahara. So you don’t have to watch—

She abandoned the idea of starting over again. And she became obsessed with Operation Aegis. …Don’t you want to know why?

What could you possibly know about Morimura’s motives? You don’t even remember who you are.

Use Memories on Tetsuya Ida

I received Miura back in Sector 3. You’re the one who gave him to me. And I remember recording the footage you just played, too.
I made sure to back up all my memories. Now, I remember everything…

Ah, so you just totally lied about not remembering, I see.

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

Ei’s head is pounding.

Are you okay?

Ei’s head is pounding.

The black suits are monitoring major streets.
We’re completely surrounded.

Ei’s head is pounding.

Consider Operation Aegis

(We can utilize Operation Aegis to protect this world. If we do, we’ll be able to survive even if we fail. Though we won’t have much of a world left…)

Ei’s head is pounding.

Examine Cryptic Note

(I don’t have much time left… That’s why I left myself a message. I’ll be able to check it using the message service.)

Ei’s head is pounding.

Examine Empty Pill Bottle

(“Oral NM: C0204” is printed on the label. The bottle’s made of plastic. There’s nothing inside.)

Ei’s head is pounding.

Have you taken your pills?

Ei’s head is pounding.

They weren’t even helping, anyway…

Ei’s head is pounding.


Ei drops the pill bottle on the ground. Littering is bad, kids.

I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this…

Ei’s head is pounding.


Use Cryptic Note on Chihiro Morimura

…I imagine I’ll come to you for help. When that time comes, give this to me.

Ei’s head is pounding.

They’re for the message service. I used the one from this era.

Ei’s head is pounding.

Use Operation Aegis on Chihiro Morimura

…All the terminals will be sealed. Then the city will be cut off from Universal Control. There won’t be any hope of restoring order at that point. That’s why everyone disappears. We need to keep at least some of the terminals open…

Ei’s head is pounding.

We can’t. The enemy will target any open terminals.
Then what? We give up on this world and try again next time?
I’m afraid that isn’t an option, either. …There won’t be a next time.

Ei’s head is pounding.


Ei’s head is pounding.

It’s not from this world. There’s a satellite orbiting the real world. From it, I learned more about the mechanics of this world. And it turns out we don’t get as many tries as we want. The stability of this area is at its breaking point. We can’t fail again. If we do, the entire facility will be reset. And Sector 0 will be lost…

Ei’s head is pounding.

That includes Sector 0.

Ei’s head is pounding.

Use Sector 0 on Chihiro Morimura

I know I’ve heard of it before…

Oh god, we’re losing Ei.

Seems like your symptoms are becoming more severe… All right, listen well.

Ei’s head is pounding.

As you know, there are five different sectors. However, there exists one more unique sector. It doesn’t take up any space, and there’s no interior to see. That’s Sector 0. It’s an evacuation site that’s unaffected by loops. Normally, you can send your data there using the shifter. That’s what allows you to continue if the world resets.

Ei’s head is pounding.

That’s right… Ida did say that was the way to escape to the next world.
Yes, but this time… Sector 0 will cease to exist as well. We won’t be able to loop again. This is our last chance.

Ei’s head is pounding.

If the Aegis System is activated, yes. We’ll still be here. Though we’ll be left behind in a world of chaos… ……

Ei’s head is pounding.

Why keep it all a secret?

Ei’s head is pounding.

Use Log of Another World on Chihiro Morimura

…… Tell me… Why did you erase the logs?

Ei’s head is pounding.

I couldn’t let anyone find out about them. ……

Ei’s head is pounding.

The Earth is a very different place. …Do you want to know what happens?

Ei’s head is pounding.

I’ve already done my research on you. You’re the one who was hired to kill me. In case you couldn’t tell, there isn’t much left of humanity. Just the ten people in this little colony.

Down to ten, huh?

It’s a bit fruitless to kill for money at this point… Don’t you think?
…… I’ve done my research on you as well. And I’m very thorough when I research my targets. There’s nothing you can hide from me.
How menacing of you. Intimidate me all you want, but you’re not leaving that room.
Professor Chihiro Morimura… In order to raise research funds for Project Ark… you partnered with several questionable organizations. You then sold nanotechnology on the black market. And thatThat’s the source of the nanomachine infection on the surface.
…… I didn’t intend for any of this to happen…

Uh… holy shit.

Your voice is trembling. Can’t say I blame you.
No one’ll believe a word you say…
Oh, I don’t plan on telling anyone. This is for me. I never want to forget this moment… the moment humanity’s traitor stares death in the face.

Music: Emotional Storm (Yoshimi Kudo)

That was the bomb I planted.
At the power generator!? Are you insane!? We have to repair it right away! We’ll lose life support if we don’t!

It can’t be… The lock to your room’s been disengaged…

…Looks like Ei finished the job after all. Or at least, one version of him did.

Ei’s head is pounding.

And… It was all my fault…
*pained groans*

Ei’s head is pounding.


Ei’s head is pounding.

What are you doing alone in a place like this?
I guess it makes sense that you don’t remember me. I was just a baby when we last saw each other, after all.

Ei’s head is pounding.

Holy shit, she’s got a piece!

Ei’s head is pounding.

Music: The Chills (Yoshimi Kudo)

…If you’re going to lie, at least put some effort into it. No matter. I’ll simply ask Miss Fuyusaka here what she knows. After I’ve finished you off, of course.

In the end, you turned out to be nothing but a coward.

Use Sector 0 on Tetsuya Ida

That’s where you backed up your data, right? A good precaution, but that isn’t going to save you.
Morimura gained access to the satellite of the real world. That’s where she learned about the next reset… and that it’s going to be different from any other.
Satellite… of the real world?
It’s not just this world at stake anymore. If we fail to defeat the kaiju again… the real world will be impacted as well. That includes the facility that sends us back there. When the facility itself is recreated… there won’t be a Sector 0 anymore.

And no one will be able to loop again.

…Tomi… Is this… what you meant…? …It can’t be… but…

Looks like he’s finally realizing what Miyuki Inaba was trying to tell him before he locked her away.

Mm… Oww…

Music: The One (Kikuchi Yukinori)

Is it over?
…My past is. But as for our future… for our survival… this is only the beginning.

Music: To the Final Battle (Yoshimi Kudo)

Fuyusaka's the one piloting it. She's always so sincere in her actions… And that's Sentinel No. 17 behind her. I'm seeing second, even third-generation Sentinels. 12 in total. That bastard… He's gathered quite a few participants for his game. That enhanced first-gen model… It must be Sentinel No. 11.

And there’s Ei finished up. To the board!

I remove “Voice on the Radio” and “Did Ei Kill Morimura?” from the board. He did kill her, just not this Ei and this Morimura. Still pretty weird with the whole Iori romance thing, not gonna lie.

I also remove the hypothesis about a war from the 2188 section of the board.

I add “Sekigahara sabotaged colony to kill Morimura” and “Morimura caused nanomachine infection” to the 2188 section of the board.

I also add three new purple “kill” links: Ei to both Morimura and Ida, and Chihiro to Morimura. Everyone’s getting in on killing Morimura today.

And here’s the whole board.