The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 45: Megumi Yakushiji 4

Chapter 45: Megumi Yakushiji 4

Huh? Um… Well, because of what happened on the roof today.

Music: A Clause With Claws (Rikako Watanabe)

The roof? What are you talking about?

(Fluffy… He really did alter his memories.)

Oh, you don’t have to. I’ll just make instant noodles or something later.
You can’t eat that for dinner. It won’t take long, so hang on just a bit.

*blushing* ……

…clipped Sakura High school at low altitude…
…and crash landed into Ayame Park.
A U.S. military helicopter?

Girl, if Fluffy’s in control of the mass media we’ve got much bigger problems.



…reported in the aftermath of the U.S. military helicopter crash.
First gas explosions, now helicopter crashes. Human cities really are the worst.

The buttons are too small for my cat paws.

Ha, owned.

Cat, your TV privileges have been revoked!

Turn the TV back on.
Can’t you be a bit cuter about it?
Please. I’m way cuter about it than you’ll ever be.

…Dammit, that tracks.

Kindly go away.

Use Juro’s Memories on Fluffy

You really did erase them.
You gave me no choice.
But if you can do it so easily… What’s to say you can’t do the same to me?
Well, nothing really.

Wow! This cat don’t give a *fuck*!

So it’s possible you won’t restore his memories, and are just using me for your own personal gain.
If I was a bad guy, sure.

To be frank, cat: you’re not exactly a *good* guy.

Use Sentinel on Fluffy

If only we could do that literally.

It was different from the one Juro was piloting… But it *was* a Sentinel. Altering the news is part of your powers, too?
You think cats are some kinda little furry gods?
You’re no cat.
Well, duh. It’d be pretty crazy if there was a talking cat wandering around.

Just laying it all out there, huh?

Wait a minute… What if you’re the crazy one? Maybe I’m just a figment of your imagination. *Maybe* there’s no such thing as magic…

…Or maybe he’s still fucking with us.

Use Magic on Fluffy

Megumi, transform!

“…is indistinguishable from magic.”
Clarke’s Three Laws, huh?

Wow, can’t say H.G. Wells’ name despite War of the Worlds being in the public domain, but Arthur C. Clarke is fair game, huh?

(overdramatically) Well, guess there’s no point in hiding it anymore. I’m a cat-like robot, from the future!

Fluffy’s delivery on that last sentence is great.

I even gave you a secret gadget.

Quit messing with me.

Use Magic on Fluffy

By sealing those that hold power… We’ll be able to defeat the kaiju. That’s what you said, right?
I *said* that you all wouldn’t have to die.
Tell me what you’re really trying to do. Otherwise, I won’t help you anymore.
That’s going against our contract… *sigh* Fine. I’ll make an exception this time. Even if you seal the witches, the kaiju will still come.
Then what are we sealing them for?


Oh, okay.

Music: Double Bind (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

I’ve simply been readying the playing field. And now the witches will join in the fight. They’ll have no choice but to take their Sentinels into battle.

A magic that forces them onto the battlefield.
Anything can be resolved with a magical spell. A happy ending for everyone!

Your world’s future is on the line. You need to fight to win it. I’m just here to watch it happen.

What does it matter to you who I am anyways? Your only concern is for Juro, right? I’ve been looking for memories in that busted brain of his. It’s like trying to sift through mud. And it’s all for you. But if you wanna break our contract, then I’ll stop right now. It won’t be hard to find someone more capable than you. An honest girl who actually wants her wish granted.

Then I need proof. I want you to shoot your friend.

Ah, nuts.

Remember your contract. Remember it real good.

I’m watching TV now. Quit bothering me.

Consider The Contract

You’re gonna catch a cold.

Music: Between The Lines (Kikuchi Yukinori)

I’m fixing him.
This prank is starting to get on my nerves. I don;t want to be a part of it anymore. Is someone trying to test me…?
You really are a suspicious one, aren’t you? Your cute girl charm is quickly wearing off. It’s time to start accepting your reality.
But… Talking cats don’t exist.
That’s right. And yet here I am.

Hasn’t Juro said anything to you? Something about his dreams perhaps…?
Now that you mention it… He did say he had a dream about getting in a robot.
Yes, I’ve been digging through his memories.
Will that make him remember everything?
Maybe. If they’re still in there. I can find memories and put them back into an empty head. Pretty amazing, I know.

I like that we’re having this whole-ass conversation while Juro is zonked out on the floor behind us.

I gave you a preview of the benefits you’ll get from me. Anything further requires a contract.

Ugh, fine. I’ll answer any questions you have. And then you have to decide. After you agree, there’ll be no more questions. I expect you to carry out your duties with no complaints.

Haven’t exactly been sticking to that rule, have you Fluffy?

Use Talking Cat on Fluffy

A magic cat. Obviously.
…… You said you came from a world that was destroyed.
That’s right. My world was destroyed by Deimos.
Deimos… You mean the kaiju, right?
You heard that from Juro Izumi, didn’t you? The curse that summons them… That’s the Deimos Code.

Use Deimos Code on Fluffy

You said it was a relic of an ancient civilization?
A terribly old relic. From a magical civilization that existed millions of years ago…
But if it’s from that long ago… Humans would have still been apes.
It’s pretty crazy, right?

Can’t shake the image of this cat getting fucking blazed and then making up some wild shit to fuck with Megumi. Preeeeeeeetty craaaaaazy, amirite??????

Use Witch on Fluffy

They are those born with the power of magic. Piloting Sentinels, using gates… It’s only a fraction of their power.
And Juro is one of them?
That’s right. He’s a witch too.

Use The Contract on Fluffy

How do I know you’ll hold up your end of the deal?
Well, aren’t you rude. Cats are free spirits, but they are not con artists. A cat who betrays his word is nothing more than an animal. If you don’t trust me, then say so. You’re only wasting time.

Use The Contract on Fluffy

At least a general idea.
Your job isn’t hard.

You will use that to seal the witches.
Seal them? What happens after that?
The Deimos Code will call the kaiju. If you seal the witches that have access to it… You will be able to live longer than you are fated.

…If you’re not going to ask anything, then make your choice.

…Nah, no thanks. I’m good.

Whatever. Your choice.

Maybe I just need to think about it some more.

Thanks for the casual sexism, cat!

Well, let’s accept the contract, then.

Sifting through someone’s head is what I’m best at.
…… Okay. I will accept your contract.
Then it’s settled. Now, this should go without saying. But this agreement between us… If anyone finds out, the contract will be broken. And you’ll never see me again.
*sad grunt*

Call me whatever you want.
Well… I don’t know then…
You called me something when you saw me at school. What was it?
Oh, um… Fluffy.
Oh, no. How lame. Not very original, are you? Lots of things are fluffy. Well, whatever. I guess that’s fine.

And that’s gonna do it for now, because Megumi, once again, had a really long event! I’ll post the second half of this one tomorrow. But what to make of that Fluffy conversation? He’s clearly still lying to us about some things, he’s shown that he’s not above it at all, but still…