The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 74: Tomi Kisaragi 6

Chapter 74: Tomi Kisaragi 6

Music: STAGNATION (Yoshimi Kudo)


In a word, yes, but…
She ran off somewhere near the school. Guy named Sekigahara’s lookin’ for her right now.
Who’s that?
The only other guy we’ve seen here besides us.

But let’s hurry.
Hold on.

To 1985?

We came here to get you. You ready?

Use Sakura High School on Nenji Ogata

Let’s head to the school.


That’s weird. Wasn’t there more than one android here?
Now that you mention it, yeah…

Well, I’m sure that won’t be important in, oh, about five seconds…

Music: Bleak Pressure (Kikuchi Yukinori)

So you still don’t remember. They’re taking advantage of your hazy memory.
Stop this! Get him. 426… Your time is up.

We need to go after her. If she seals off the gate, it’s all over.

That guy just now… Are you sure he’s safe to be around? He has a gun…
…… We don’t have much of a choice.

Identified evidence of activity. A human likely utilized a crane to descend.
Sounds like Ryoko-san’s gone ahead. Secure the crane. Don’t let her lock it up.

Isn’t it really deep?
300 meters. That quadruped’s got a crane equipped.
A crane? That *does* sound like construction equipment.
We’ll use it like an elevator. It’ll take us all the way to the bottom.

Music: The Tower of Knowledge (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

You gonna be okay?
I’m not good with heights… I didn’t realize just how deep it was until we were right there… I thought I was going to die.

The same kinda gadgets we saw in that dead kaiju. They’re all over the damn place. Almost like we’re in the belly of the boss.

The way we came in is completely dark. I never want to do that again…
Don’t worry! We’ll be home soon.

Let’s see if Ei has managed to calm Ryoko down.

You recognize me?
Why… am I here? Why are *you* here?
Looks like you got some memories back. Do you have your pills?
Not anymore… I’m all out.

We need to get back to 1985.

She will be. I was worried for a moment, but she seems to be fine for now.
What happened to her? Is she ill?
An incident occurred during our fight in the Sentinels. From that point on, we began having memory issues. Unfortunately, someone’s been taking advantage of that. Her condition is far more serious than mine. She can’t prevent it. In any case, looks like we can travel to 1985 without issue. It’ll be ready soon. Just wait here for a moment.

From somewhere offscreen, a strange electronic pulsing sound can be heard…

She’s the reason we’re able to use it at all. This functionality was her handiwork.

Tomi, of course, immediately decides to touch the strange pulsing light hovering in midair. As one does.

This… num…

Please respond…


Music: Who D-Unit (Yoshimi Kudo)

No. 16? That’s the one who’s been missing. Is everything okay?
I finally got through…

My current location is unknown. My Sentinel… and even myself… I don’t know what condition we’re in.

The transmission abruptly cuts off.


The light returns and continues to pulse.

…Went completely off the radar after that incident I mentioned. What did you do? How did you make contact?

Didn’t it kinda sound like you?
You think so?

Did you call that person “Kisaragi”?
Kisaragi is… The control system for Sentinel No. 16.
Why do we have the same name?
Because… she is you. Rather… A different you.
I get it now. Tomi Kisaragi… It’s your biometric ID.
The line of communication opened due to her ID being authenticated.


Well, let’s just touch this weird light again…

If you’re there, answer us.

The answer is troubling.
I’m… outside the world.
What does that mean?
This place is not recognized in any era. This is bad… I’m being denied access to all sectors. It’s Universal Control… It’s trying to get rid of me. At this rate, I’ll—

The transmission cuts off once more. And if we touch the light again…


Universal Control. It’s here. Where the primary gate is housed. This underground mainframe monitors the world.
Her location… It appears the mainframe does not want us to know.
Looks that way.

Music: Metal Demon (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Well, shit.


Uh oh.

I’ll be damned. We really made it back.

Use Miwako Sawatari on Nenji Ogata

What!? Wasn’t she right next to you?

Let’s go back!

Music: Emotional Storm (Yoshimi Kudo)

We’re all managed by that computer underground. Isn’t that right, Ei-kun?

To make sure no one impacts this world… To make sure no one finds out the truth… Universal Control pulls the strings. Behind the scenes, it handles our lives as it sees fit.

I can’t believe Universal Control kllled Miwako because it knew she’d never stop slinging that hot goss :(

And we’ve got another block before the next Tomi segment! I think we’ve only got, like, five people available right now, honestly.