The Let's Play Archive

Armored Core 2


Part 10: Episode 8 - Part 2 - "Special Forces, no!"

Episode 8 - Part 2 - "Special Forces, no!"
Still joined by MithosKuu this time around, and I talk through why I spend all my time boost hopping everywhere instead of just choosing to not drive like a spaz.

Nell Aulter posted:

Operation Failed
It has been confirmed that the Frighteners were responsible for demolishing Emeraude's raiding party. They obtained information regarding the attack, interrupted it and destroyed both forces.

Emeraude has lost nearly all its military strength and is being pushed into a corner by LCC. But, it is unlikely that Emeraude will give up without a fight. We will contact you again.

Nell Aulter posted:

About Klein
We here at the Nerves Concord have been secretly investigating Leos Klein, the leader of the Frighteners. In doing so, we've learned some interesting things about him.

We've recovered his Arena registration, which dates back to the subterranean era. It appears as though Klein was a member of the the mercenary mediation group known as the Raven's Nest.

Also, Klein's name appears on the roster as a member of the initial Mars Research Team that was funded by Zio Matrix.

Who on earth is he?

Nell Aulter posted:

Balena & Special Forces
It has been confirmed that Balena Corporation has modified the Frighteners' ACs. This indicates that they are working closely with LCC.

It's also rumored that Balena is developing new weapons based on Disorder technologies. If these weapons become available to the Special Forces, the outcome will be easy to predict.

The Special Forces pose a formidable threat. Be careful.