The Let's Play Archive

Atelier Sophie 2

by Jerry Manderbilt

Part 24: Bonus Update 4

Bonus Update 4

Concept Art

Elvira in battle (regular and frenzied)

Nightmare Muster


Builder of Worlds 1
Builder of Worlds 2
Elvira's Wish 1
Elvira's Wish 2
You Are Me 1
You Are Me 2
Dream Encounter 1
Dream Encounter 2
Dream Encounter 3
We March Forward

Concert Hall

Map themes
Nightmare Muster: Scooping Up Dreams (Yanagawa, with Shimotsuki on chorus)

Battle themes
Elvira final boss (1/2): Petrichor (Yanagawa)
Elvira final boss (2/2): Aria (Achiwa)

End credits theme: Planisphere (Yanagawa, with Yuka Kondo on vocal)
I don’t know anything about Yuka Kondo other than “is an indie singer from Hokkaido”, but she sang what became my favorite Atelier ending theme. From the lyrics, I get the impression that the song is sung from Ramizel’s perspective, addressed to Elvira. It’s also the vocal track that “Even if the stars disappear after dawn” and “Anytime, Anywhere” riff off of.

Story recaps

Chapter 9
The minute we returned to Roytale, Pirka came rushing over to us in a panic. It sounds like something big has happened to the Dream Tree.
The Dream Tree is withered and the entrance to Elvira's dimension is blocked again. We need to use some Dimensional Solvent and find out if something's happened to her!
We managed to open the entrance using some Dimensional Solvent, but we've found ourselves in a place completely different from before. It looks like Elvira changed things up so that the entrance leads somewhere else now. I don’t know why she’d do a thing like that, but I’m sure we’ll find her if we just keep looking!
Elvira Rampages
Elvira is giving off the same aura as monsters who've been possessed by Groll. She's clearly suffering, and I don't want to fight her, but … at this rate, she's going to hurt herself. We've got to help her!
Elvira has vanished, and we have no idea where she's gone to. Plus, what was with that strange aura? We should go back to the atelier and figure out what to do next.
Everyone’s Wishes
We're going to do everything we can to save Elvira. And if there's one thing I can do, it's alchemy. I've got to get back to the atelier!
I've decided to make a tool to help Elvira. Alette, Olias, and Diebold each came to give me something special of theirs, full of their hopes and wishes. If I use these items, I might just be able to create something that will reach Elvira's heart. I'll need to think of a recipe.
Trade for the remaining materials in the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.
The very moment the Wiegentraum was completed, Mayor Plachta came to tell us that they’ve located Elvira. It seems she is somewhere beyond the invisible wall we found in the desert … Hold on, Elvira. We’re coming to save you!
Finishing the Nightmare
We crossed the desert and found a gateway leading to a Dream Core space. There's no doubt about it; that's where we'll find Elvira.
I think we're seeing Elvira's memories … But why? Does that mean she's nearby? I can't say for sure, but I know we've got to keep searching!
Dream of Hollow Dragon
I just know Elvira's around here somewhere. This isn't going to be easy; this place is huge and full of tough monsters. But nothing is going to stop us from finding Elvira!
We thought we'd defeated Zmei, but we were wrong … It's here! But it doesn't have the same intimidating presence it had before. In fact, it's more like an empty shell made from nightmares. Nightmares can't bring us down!
Even if it wasn’t the real thing, that Zmei sure was strong. I wonder what it was doing here? Could that mean there’s something important up ahead?
We tried out the strange device, but nothing seems to have changed around us. Maybe it had an effect somewhere else?
Dream of Mysterious Beasts
I just know Elvira's around here somewhere. This isn't going to be easy; this place is huge and full of tough monsters. But nothing is going to stop us from finding Elvira!
Elvira's guardian is standing in our way. I know it's not an evil monster, but we've got to reach Elvira, even if it means fighting our way there!
If there are guardians here, that's got to mean Elvira is up ahead. Let's keep moving!
We couldn’t find Elvira, but there was some kind of device. We tried activating it, but nothing seems to have changed around us. Maybe it had an effect somewhere else?
Finishing the Nightmare (cont.)
I don't know exactly what these two devices are, but they must be important to have been guarded by such strong monsters. We'd better find out if they affected anything nearby.
Elvira's guardian appeared before us, but it seems mutated, likely because it's possessed by Groll … It's really terrifying … but we won't back down! We're here to save Elvira!
After we defeated the possessed guardians, Elvira's memories came flooding to us again. I'm pretty sure that means Elvira is nearby. Wait for us, Elvira! We're coming!
Elvira’s Past
Dream Cores are made using portions of Elvira's own essence. That means that all this time, Elvira has been whittling away at her own power in order to sustain Erde Wiege …
It turns out that Elvira created Erde Wiege all so she could meet Ramizel. "A world where everyone can be happy." This wonderful place was built from Elvira's and Ramizel's dreams …
All of us are so happy to have come to Erde Wiege and to have met Elvira, and we know that it made Elvira really happy too. This happiness was not a mistake. We’re going to make sure Elvira understands that.
The Final Battle
Elvira is now completely possessed by the Groll and is trying to reclaim her power from the Dream Cores. She's even going on about eating people's dreams … The Elvira we know would never say anything like that! We've got to get her back!
Thanks to the wish-filled light from the Wiegentraum, Elvira was freed from the Groll's clutches. We won't allow anything to corrupt this world that was built to bring happiness to everyone. Welcome back, Elvira.

Chapter 10
One for All
I really don’t want to leave Elvira all alone. And neither does anyone else in this world. It’s up to me to take everyone’s wishes and make them a reality. There must be something I can craft at the atelier …
The Dream Vessels infused with Elvira’s power have transformed into the Vision Wayfinder, spurred by their desire to save Elvira. Now, it’s time for the final synthesis.
The Dream Vision Pendulum is complete. It’s filled to the brim with everyone’s wishes, so surely it will work … I should go give it to Elvira.
As long as she has the Dream Vision Pendulum, Elvira will be able to talk to all of us in our dreams. Bringing happiness to everyone, even goddesses … That’s what it means to be an alchemist.
Goodbye, Erde Wiege
Today’s the day we depart Erde Wiege. It’s not just us, either. Everyone who’s still here is due to leave today. I should make sure to thank everyone who’s helped me here.
Farewell, Kati and Gnome
I said my goodbyes to Kati and Gnome. Even until the last moment, those two acted the same as ever … It made me happy … and a little sad …
Farewell, Pirka
I said my goodbyes to Pirka. She said that goodbyes are not the end, but rather the start of a whole new beginning. Maybe someday, if I continue on my journey, I’ll come to understand those words …
Goodbye, Erde Wiege (cont.)
I don’t see Plachta or Ramizel anywhere. Did they leave without saying goodbye?! Hmm, I’m sure if I go to the Dream Tree and ask Elvira, she’ll be able to tell me!

Bestiary notes

VA Comments
I promised these back in the first bonus update, and now here they are–all ten of them.

Sophie - Yuuka Aisaka

Hi, I'm Yuuka Aisaka, and I'm the voice of Sophie Neuenmuller. Let me first congratulate you on finishing the game! "Atelier Sophie 2"! Can you believe it? I don't know how about you, but I definitely didn't see it coming. Even though I remember wishing and wishing that I could just keep playing Sophie forever, I never expected this. It almost feels too good to be true. I was seriously so in shock, I had to keep making sure that it truly was happening. But it really is, thanks to all of your support. I mean, you even voted Sophie as the most popular character in the polls, which gave me such an incredible sense of just how many there are of you out there cheering me and Sophie on. I truly feel that we've made it to this point because of all the blood, sweat, and tears everyone has poured into this series.
So here it is, "Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream"! Though, you've already finished it, so I suppose you already know that. Come on, tell me! What did you think?! Super-duper emotional, right? I bet you didn't expect Grandma Ramizel to show up! In terms of the timeline, the game is set sometime between "Atelier Sophie" and "Atelier Firis." It's a bit closer to "Atelier Firis," since I think Sophie is around 19 in this game. Who would've guessed that Sophie would meet Ramizel again at this point in her life?
But, guys, this is a direct sequel to the first game! It's a "2"! It's crazy! I'm just so excited, I can't help it. I didn't expect they'd travel to a different world, meet with someone from the past … Everything is so amazingly well done. Like, what a clever way to make it possible for Sophie to meet her grandma again!
I haven't had the chance to ask the team behind the game yet, but I really want to know if they had been planning this setting since they were working on the first "Atelier Sophie." I mean, it's pretty hard to believe something this incredibly perfect could just come together by accident, right? The teams at Koei Tecmo and Gust are seriously amazing. They've done an exceptional job. I was really moved.
I also never could have imagined there would be two Plachtas. I wonder what it'd be like to be surrounded by Plachtas like Sophie? Could things get any more perfect? And even characters who didn't make an appearance like Monika, Oskar, and Cory still come up a little in conversations, which was just so touching and brought back such good memories. I hope we get to meet them all again if there's an "Atelier Sophie 3." Who knows, it could happen! A girl can only hope! But, I guess I should try not to get ahead of myself. I'm so thankful to have been able to be a part of the spectacular achievement that is "Atelier Sophie 2." So, I get it, but also, I seriously can't help thinking about how great it would be to do this all again, you know?
I love all the new characters this game introduces us to, too. All the girls and boys are so colorful, and all have their own unique personalities and styles. But that's totally the case for every Atelier game, right? There's never a bad character. Though I'm sure that you all already know that.

In any case, I want to thank all of you so, so much, as I'm sure Sophie would too. I just feel a huge sense of gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

At the time of recording this, I still don't really have a full idea of how all of the recipes and ingredients that pop up in "Atelier Sophie 2" will look like. Like, for example, Sotea and Puni Jelly. Do they appear in the game? I know they always end up so cute, so I can't wait! I really can't wait any longer to play the game myself.

Oh, but you've already finished it, haven't you? I'm so jealous!

Well, with that… It feels amazing to be back here. Sophie has become such an important character to me. To see something that I had played such a big part in, to be able to get a sequel, is just so incredible. I feel that Sophie will always be the character who stands out the most in my entire career, so how lucky am I that I got another chance to play her?
But how about a "3" then? Will there be a third game? Hehe, I guess that depends on you all. I’ll just have to keep a close eye on the character popularity polls, huh? Of course, there are tons of other great characters in the Atelier universe, but I would love it if you could vote for Sophie if you have the chance.

I just want to say again, thank you all so much. It's all because of the incredible fans like you that "Atelier Sophie 2" exists. Thank you so much.

So please play "Atelier Sophie 2" again! And again and again! Oh, and don't forget to play "Atelier Sophie", the first one, again to get even more into the Atelier world!

Anyway, sorry for rambling, but thank you for listening! This is Yuuka Aisaka, the voice of Sophie Neuenmuller. Thank you, everyone!

For completely understandable reasons, Yuuka Aisaka had a lot to say. You can tell the role of Sophie from 2015 onward really does have a big place in her heart. As for the prospects of Sophie 3, Junzo Hosoi, Gust’s producer, has stated that they’ll be going back to doing trilogies with three separate protagonists after Ryza 3 and will be doing so for the foreseeable future, but if we got Ryza 3, who’s to tell Aisaka she can’t have her Sophie 3 someday?

Plachta - Yuka Iguchi

I hope you enjoyed "Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream." Hello, I'm Yuka Iguchi, the voice of Plachta. I was so happy to be able to play Plachta again after such a long time. How was it, everyone?

Plachta's a little different this time, or should I say, we get to see her when she was young. I spoke extensively with the staff about how we wanted to portray the young Plachta. We talked about how young she would look and how different she would act from the older Plachta. And so you all got to see what we imagined Plachta would have been like in her youth …

Isn't she cute? She's so cute! I hope they turn her into a figurine! I may be biased since I play Plachta, but she's definitely the cutest! Well, in fact, all of the characters are adorable, and cool, and amazing, right?

Okay, enough about what I think. I hope you liked the story. Atelier has always been about growing and improving, and it was so exciting to be a part of it again. I hope you all enjoy the game and continue to enjoy the Atelier series! This was Yuka Iguchi, the voice of Plachta.

Congratulations to Yuka Iguchi, she's getting her smol Plachta figurine! And if you’ve followed Sylphid’s Lulua LP, you’ll also recognize her as Japanese Mimi in the latter three Arland games in addition to her work as Plachta in the first three Mysterious games.

Ramizel - Rie Takahashi

My name is Rie Takahashi, and I play Ramizel. Congratulations on completing the game.

I'd like to share with you some of my thoughts about Ramizel. I really love how Ramizel recognizes the things she can't do and her limitations as an alchemist and is willing to ask other people for help. I think her dream to work together with everyone to bring happiness to everyone is so inspiring. You know, she might come across as a bit aloof, but she's actually very grounded and capable of tackling her own limitations head-on. In that way, she serves as a kind of mentor or older sister type with this great attitude towards life.

Playing Ramizel, there were two characters I had a lot of interaction with. The first is, of course, Sophie, since Ramizel's her grandma! Sophie's grandma was discussed in the previous game, but this was my first time actually voicing the character. I'm thankful I got to play her when she was 22 years old, although I wonder how I would do if there was a sequel with Ramizel in it. But you know, I'm the voice of Ramizel now, so … Oh dear, I have to start working on my elderly lady voice.

Speaking of, we got to see that Ramizel doesn't have any of the restraint of an elderly lady and is really just a girl at heart. But, you can also tell how much she cares for Sophie and for all the people around her, and I think through that you kind of do feel some of her "grandmotherly-ness". There were actually lines where she says something like "You're my … " to Sophie, weren't there?

There are many scenes where Ramizel and Sophie feel a bit nervous being together, but in the end, not only are they good friends, but Ramizel can express how proud she feels to call Sophie her granddaughter. What's more, Ramizel is herself inspired by Sophie to chase after a kind of new dream, or goal.

They really have a special relationship that can't be described in a single word. I love the two of them, and I was so happy to get to play my part in bringing their relationship to life. And there's one more person Ramizel really loves: Ellie. The two share a lot of scenes throughout the game. As for Ellie, I guess one way to describe her is that she's kind of the odd one out in the group. When I was in elementary school, there was this girl who couldn't talk much with the others, but I could talk with her, and I sort of acted as her interpreter. But I always thought maybe that's not the best thing because I really hoped she'd eventually become able to communicate with everyone. And you get a real sense of that kind of human relationship playing out in the fantasy setting in this game.

So it was effortless for me to imagine, and I was also so lucky because I got to act alongside Reina Ueda, who I’ve already worked with in the past. In fact, it was so exciting to learn that I was working alongside so many actors I've worked with before, and I knew that we would be able to make something really great. This game is filled with so many different kinds of relationships, so I hope you'll be able to enjoy them all.

We're also left wondering about what will happen to Ramizel after the game … But I'm sure she kept everything she had learned in her heart and became a wonderful grandmother to Sophie. I'm so happy I was able to be a part of "Atelier Sophie 2." I'll keep on wishing that Grandma Ramizel will be able to make another appearance. Thank you for playing. This was Takahashi Rie, the voice of Ramizel. Bye-bye!

Rie Takahashi and Reina Ueda are also BFFLs irl–the two started out in the industry together and have had a long-running radio show and have been in plenty of things together over a decade plus. Truly the best duo to bring Rami and Ellie’s relationship to life.

For other Gust engagements, Takahashi was also in 2014's Ar Nosurge long before she struck it big.

Alette - Aoi Yuki

Hi, everyone. My name is Aoi Yuki, and I'm the voice of Alette. Playing Alette was so much fun. She's so full of energy and happiness and a bit of a troublemaker, but honestly, just a really good person. It's hard not to feel positive when you get to play a character like that, though sometimes I found myself out of breath just trying to keep up with her incredible speed and ingenuity. But, strangely enough, I always walked away with a feeling of exhilaration, like I'd just been playing some kind of sport.

I'm so glad I was able to play Alette and take part in such a wonderful, heartfelt story. I hope "Atelier Sophie 2" will always hold a special place in your heart. Bye-bye!

Where do we even begin with Aoi Yuki’s resume? Good on Gust for managing to land her for this game!

Olias - Tomoaki Maeno

Hello, everyone. Congratulations on completing the game. This is Tomoaki Maeno, and I play Olias. What did you think of him? He's lovable, isn't he? He's arrogant, but there's a lot more to him than you might initially think, with his background and story with his family. He was a ton of fun to play.

As a huge fan of RPGs, and having played the Atelier series before, I was able to imagine what the story would be like and how the character would move in battle and everything, which made the recording process so much fun.

I think the story features a strong message spun by characters with rich personalities. That said, I'm sure that just like the other games in the Atelier series, it's pretty much impossible to enjoy every aspect of this game in just one playthrough. So I hope you'll continue to enjoy the game and all it has to offer. This game is worth it, I promise. I hope you'll feel like playing it two, three, even four more times.

As for me, I hope I'll be able to appear again as Olias in one form or another in the future, so please continue to show your support for the Atelier series. Thank you all again. This is Tomoaki Maeno, the voice of Olias, signing out.

I did not have Tomoaki Maeno pegged as a longtime fan of the Atelier series, but he really did do a good job with Olias.

Diebold - Kengo Kawanishi

Hello, everyone. My name is Kengo Kawanishi, and I play the part of Diebold. Congratulations on completing the game. I'm a fan of the Atelier series myself, but from what I hear, the game this time is somewhat different, and the way of playing has been changed up a bit.

It's been a great experience to appear in a series that I have played a good amount of, and I'm looking forward to playing "Atelier Sophie 2" once it's finished. I'm sure you still have plenty more to check out in the game, so I'd be thrilled if we could enjoy it together. I look forward to meeting you all again. Bye-bye!

Well hey, the way Atelier plays changes from entry to entry, and Sophie 2 is like an interregnum in a sense compared to the Ryza games it’s sandwiched between.

Elvira - Reina Ueda

Congratulations on finishing the game, everyone. I'm Reina Ueda, and I play Elvira. What did you think? She's quite the piece of work, don't you think? Ehehe.

She's gorgeous and divine looking but still just a girl at heart. Were you surprised? I know I was. As I read through the script, I realized just how much of a little girl she is, but I saw that as she spends time with Sophie and Rami and everyone, she grows little by little and learns how to communicate with others.

I'm so thankful that you all played this game, gathered lots of ingredients, made lots of items, fought, protected Erde Wiege, and helped Elvira grow. Thank you very much.

I love how the Dream Tree grew and bloomed along with the story, and that ending! How can you not cry? You got to see the actual visuals, right? I'm so jealous! Since we're at the recording stage of things, we still don't know anything about what it'll look like, but you've already seen it! I bet it was amazing.

But anyway, thank you for playing through the game and witnessing the end of Elvira's and everyone's journeys. I hope you'll continue to support the Atelier series. Thank you again. This was Reina Ueda.

Reina Ueda is also a veritable Gust veteran–in addition to Elvira, she was Lucia, the twin protagonists’ cousin and a DLC party member in L&S. More recently, she was Mio, the protagonist’s older sister in 2021’s Blue Reflection: Ray anime and a supporting character in 2021’s Blue Reflection: Second Light. I have not yet played Second Light myself, but everyone I know who has swears up and down that it’s one of Gust’s all-time masterpieces.

Pirka - Yukimi Hayase

Hi, everyone. My name is Yukimi Hayase, and I play Pirka. If you're listening to this now, that means that you've completed the game. Hooray!

While I was looking through the script, I really got the image that Pirka's a character who is loved by a lot of people in the town, and I just couldn't help but think that I'd love to have a girl like her in my neighborhood too.

Pirka spends a lot of time with Alette, and I was really struck by the words Pirka spoke at the end about how she's been saying goodbye to Alette every day since they met, since they don't know how long they'll be together. I very much enjoyed playing out their relationship. I really did my best to put the exact right emotion into that scene, so I hope you enjoyed it.

Before this opportunity, I was familiar with the Atelier series, but I never expected to actually get to be a part of it. I'm so glad I got this chance. Thank you very much. I hope we'll be able to meet again someday. That's all from me, Yukimi Hayase. Bye-bye!

Gnome - Yuko Ono

Hello, my name is Yuko Ono, and I'm the voice of Gnome. How did you enjoy the game? I've always been on the other side of the screen enjoying the Atelier series as a player, and it's one of my favorite series of all time. It's an absolute honor that I was picked to be part of it!

Gnome is an earnest, kind boy, so I wanted to portray him as a character that can really make you feel relaxed and comfortable. And it's actually my first male role. He's such a likable character, and I tried my best to convey his particular charm so that the players could understand how great he is. I'd be delighted if you found it entertaining.

I often think about what could happen back in the real world after the events of the game. I even daydreamed about Gnome meeting Kati again. How nice that would be! What do you think happens? That’s all from me, thank you and goodbye!

The last thing I’d heard Yuko Ono as was Flayn in Three Houses, so Gnome is definitely a contrast. She also voiced Kirara in Blue Reflection: Second Light and is the current voice of Gust-chan, well, whenever Gust deigns to have their anthro mascot talk. Good on her for knocking her first male role out of the park.

Kati - Manami Numakura

Hi, I'm Manami Numakura and I play Kati. I decided to be a little laid-back with the role, just like Kati would. She's an "elder sister" sort of character, not the kind that throws her weight around, but rather someone who's friendly and easy to get along with. She does slack off and is a slob sometimes, but she also has an intelligent and mature side which isn't too obvious on the surface. That was part of her charm, and I played the role while keeping those aspects of her character in mind.

I'm honored to take part in a long-running series like this, and I hope you all will continue to enjoy the Atelier series. Thank you!

Numakura’s biggest role is as Pieck from Attack on Titan; at the time of this writing, the FINAL FINAL FINAL Season has yet to air.