The Let's Play Archive

Dominions 3

by Lilli et al.

Part 86: Lanka - Turn 33

Turn 33 - Melqart Hunting

This happens sometimes.

This guy is driven off again in Lanka. I note he doesn't fly. I might be able to trap him depending on where he retreated to.

Finally killed some enemy commanders...

Unfortunately pure monkey archers are no match for PD, but do kill a Spirit Guide.

Spirit Guide           1/1 @  60g =   60
Battle Total                          60

Acha                   1/1 @ 125g =  125
Melqart                1/1 @ 450g =  450
Scout                  1/1 @  20g =   20
Illusionist (merc)     1/1 @  50g =   50
Battle Total                         645

T'ien Ch'i Grand Total               905
Hinnom Grand Total                  6327
Sauromatia Grand Total              7454
Obscuro costs 50g base. No idea what Hinnom paid, but it's at least that much.

The non-flying Melqart has been trapped with no viable retreats. It's possible if I force it to retreat again that it will die.

Turn 34

Hinnom teleports in on my main army, annoyingly:

He's routed by the 50-round rule (attacker routs after 50 rounds). Body Ethereal sure is annoying (and on the flip side, constantly spamming summons is pretty cool when they're on your side).

This means my attack on the barbs goes in at low strength, but still succeeds:

Amanda the hall of fame Raksharaja is slain due to lack of chaff.

Taco Flavored Kisses routs with no retreat. I win this round, Hinnom. Again.

Spirit Guide           1/1 @  60g =   60
Battle Total                          60

Melqart                1/1 @ 450g =  450
Commander              1/1 @  30g =   30
Battle Total                         480

T'ien Ch'i Grand Total               905
Hinnom Grand Total                  6807
Sauromatia Grand Total              7454
I should probably be also counting gem losses inflicted, because I've killed a significant quantity of gems in equipment and it's only going to go up.

Still dominating the Hall of Fame. Now I just need to take care of Pimp Robes and KING HIPPO JR (I think that's his prophet).

Sauro has brought his army back, and I need to reinforce. Same thing that's happened the past two dozen turns.

Next turn: Sauro returns!