The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy III

by Cool Ghost

Part 56: Part Fifty-Six: World of Darkness II

Part Fifty-Six: World of Darkness II

Right, yes, we've found a dark crystal and chatted with a Warrior of Darkness, let's move on.

The game is nice here and gives a free full heal after each of the bosses in the area. I don't think I'd have made it through if it didn't, honestly. This part of the game is very tedious.

But you don't have to play it, and you don't have to watch me walk all the way back through the path leading to the crystal.

I hope I haven't shown these enemies (left to right: Shadow Master, Kage) before. If I have, oh well. They have nothing going for them, because this is Final Fantasy III.

The World of Darkness has a very simple layout, like most dungeons in this game. You're not going to get lost going through it, but on the other hand, it's very boring because you have to go everywhere twice and it's not much to look at.

At some point, I also put the Moonring Blade on Sephy, because I still wasn't sure if it meant he did full damage from the back row when he had two weapons.

Each of the four boss paths is slightly different, but none of them has a real gimmick going on. I honestly think it would have been stronger if you were just teleported to each dark crystal as a sort of boss rush. Each path could also have had an elemental theme.

Another Ribbon, another Xande Clone.


With the ability to cast Haste and Protect on themselves, and a bunch of high-level magic on the kids, I could see Xande's Clones being a threat or a major consideration in a different, better game. I don't think this game has a deep enough battle system to support any of that, though.

As it stands, I don't even consider these guys enough of a threat to use the big guns on them.

Since we've passed the point of no return, I can't even spend this.

Jecht gets the Ribbon this time. It's also a pretty big Defense boost for him, which is nice.

Moving on!

This one must be the dark fire crystal.

Dark Fire Crystal: Hah hah hah! We will devour your meager light!

This guy, the Two Headed Dragon, has 99,999 HP and attacks twice per round. He does literally nothing other than attack, because he has no abilities other than to attack.

No resistances, no weaknesses, no gimmicks.

I mean, his attack is solid, but come the fuck on. This is the end of the game.

Fuck this guy.


That's cool, yeah, thanks.

I'd transcribe that text, but I want to show off the fact that the camera is dramatically zooming in on this guy the whole time.

Warrior of Darkness: The Cloud of Darkness tried to seal the two remaining crystals located on the floating continent. It created the earthquake that you witnessed. It almost drew the floating continent to the surface world.

The earthquake mentioned was obviously specific to the floating continent, but seriously? You're dealing with something floating and your first thought is "earthquake"? And how would that even make it fall, anyway? Shouldn't it just shake itself apart?

Warrior of Darkness: The Cloud of Darkness is powerful...but with our powers of light and darkness combined, we may be able to defeat it!

The Cloud of Darkness is stupid, and I'm sure that if we just leave it alone for long enough it'll defeat itself, but sure, what the hell. Let's go.