Part 127: Low-Level Run - Chapter 9
Last time Rex Ronan faced experimental surgeon problems like lawsuits over his use of extremely controversial and unreliable treatment plans. Plans like shrinking himself to shoot disease with a gun.
This concludes Rex Ronan's character arc, and probably me using him at all.
You tell me, you were there!
I don't like Shinra Mansion in a normal game, in a LLG I have to run from the annoying encounters and some of them just take way too long to run from.
"Naw man I have some bad memories from high school. I'm glad to be o-"
"Hey man what the fuck this was the kind of thing I was trying to avoid!"
It's got DeBarrier which might be useful at some point maybe.
My application is a little more blunt.
Mt. Nibel is not a pleasant place.
Goddammit why does this animation have to last 3 seconds?! When it happens 3 times in a row it's just annoying!
Heh, looks like I out-smarted you.
Well fuck.
After using Seal Evil to stop his flamethrowers, eventually Taft lands a manipulate.
After that it's just a matter of time before Steal works.
The LLG guide I'm using suggested stealing 3. No way in hell am I doing all that again.
I then realized I don't actually care about the rest of the stuff here, so it's on to the Materia Keeper!
This guy is the first legitimate hard ba-
Oh COME ON, already?!
...Well, looks like a boss finally made me reset!
That's more like it.
so not only can he hit like a truck, the Materia Keeper has a lot more HP than any previous boss.
I figured I should break into my Right Arm stockpile for this.
I put Fury on Aerated, so very time he hits her I get a Healing Wind. It goes a very long way towards making this possible.
Because he can hit very, very hard.
I hate it when he does that. That's one more Right Arm I'll have to get back later.
I wait for him to level CLOUD with a Trine then throw the last Right Arm.
God I love timing.
Aerated before.
Aerated after.
Did I forget to mention she had both Enemy Skill materia?