The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 183: Frederick A

Frederick, are you certain I need to continue this training?

Does some aspect of it concern you?

To be honest, I'm coming to doubt the efficacy of your methods. I've collected flowers, fished in the river and been chased by a bee. Shall we paint with our fingers next? Or perhaps bake pies crafted from loam?

Of course not! Our next lesson involves spending the night around a campfire. Doing so will nurture your instincts by exposing you to different stimuli.

I believe I've experienced quite enough stimuli already. Surely I'm in touch with my instinctive side by now?

You don't want to do the campfire? But I was so looking forward to it... I even collected crowberries and honeycombs for roasting.

I believe I'm ready for more advanced studies. I ken now know you performed that trick, and I'm more instinctive as well.

My current problem, however, is one of detachment.

I'm not entirely sure I understand, milady.

I have been fighting alongside Chrom for some time now. And I consider my fellow Shepherds to be most stalwart comrades. But even after all our shared hardships, I don't feel true friendship. I want to experience this connection, Frederick. ...Specifically, with you.

If what you say is true, feelings of friendship will make me stronger in battle.

W-well, if you think it would help... Er, of course. I'd happily be your friend.

Thank you, Frederick