The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 444: Miriel A

Er, Gregor? May I have a word? Do you recall writing notes in the margin of the treatise my mother wrote?

You are upset because Gregor scribble nonsense things in book, yes?

No, not at all. It's just that some of your comments were most... curious. I was hoping you might have time to edify me on a couple of them. As a simple matter of scientific discourse only. Peer to peer, as it were.

Er, Gregor is confused. Did his comment not make sense?

Perhaps in this situation a concrete example would be helpful. See, here you deleted the phrase "that which helps establish the theory"... and replaced it with a single word: "experience."

Oh, yes, Gregor remembers that. Er, Miriel is not liking this edit?

No, on the contrary. I've been pondering this passage for some time in the belief it could be improved. But you have struck upon the missing link and dramatically improved the work, entire. I did not suspect you were in possession of such scholastic ability.

Oh ho! Is true. Gregor never go to class. Gregor is graduate from school of life!

I am unfamiliar with this institution. Are they accredited?

You want to know secret of life study? ...Do nothing. Is exactly what Gregor does.

I'm afraid I do not properly understand...

Gregor does nothing special. Gregor learns by watching life. Knowledge is natural. Like bird learning to fly or cat coughing up ball of fur.

How utterly fascinating...

Most people run like chicken with no head. Always thinking of next urgent task. But if you go slow and watch everything, you can be smart like Gregor!

Well, then. Food for thought. Thank you very much, Gregor.

Come back anytime! Gregor always ready to share knowledge with peers!