The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 625: Cordelia C

There. It took a while, but it's finished at last!

Hey-o, Cordelia! Whatcha makin' there? Is that a scarf?

Yes. Who knows when we might be called upon to battle in frigid conditions?

Neat! Plegia's all hot and sunny, so there's not much call for scarves. Hey, so I'm no expert, but isn't that more of a man's scarf?

Er, well, the scarf is actually an item that can be worn by either... Um... It's not for me. It's a present.

Oooh, lucky guy. I wish someone would make ME a nice cozy scarf!

Heh. Well, you can have this one, if you like it that much.

Huh? But what about the special fella you were gonna give it to? I don't want an angry boyfriend pounding on my tent flap in the dead of night!

Well, now that I think about it, the gift probably isn't such a good idea.

Aw, but it's so beautifully made! I'm sure he'd love it.

Yes, but I doubt his wife would.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Say, what if the wife was dead? Could you give it to him then?

Henry, that's terrible! Never say that again! .....

And in any case, it's a moot point, because I'm giving it to you. ...Thank you, Henry.

(Cordelia leaves)

What a weirdo. Why'd she thank ME for taking HER present?!