The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 630: Maribelle A

Henry, do you have a moment?

What is it?

I've been watching you in our recent battles, and I noticed something... odd. No matter how fierce the fight becomes, you always have a smile on your face.

Yep. I love fighting! Pshew! Pshew!

But as a mage, you go into battle with little armor and are often the first one targeted. You could be injured or killed in an eyeblink, and yet still you smile!

It's 'cause I'm not scared, Maribelle. Fighting is actually pretty simple. I just have to kill the other guy before he has a chance to kill me.

Henry, sometimes I find it very difficult to understand you.

Yeah, I suppose most animals are supposed to fear death and stuff.


But I'll tell you one thing- there's no reason to be sad about death. Everyone in this army is going to croak sooner or later- it's just a matter of when. And at the end of it all, we'll be reunited again on the other side.

You think so?

...Oh, wait! Holy crows! I just had a really weird thought. That means all the foes we kill are gonna be over there, too. Aw, rats. I'm gonna have to kill them all over again!