The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 744: Lucina A

Er... C-come forth... light of justice?

You're not selling it! What happened to the bold warrior-goddess Lucina I know? You're fearles in combat- how can you be afraid of a few lines of dialogue?!

I'm sorry. It's just... It IS rather embarassing.

Only because you're not putting your heart into it! If you really belt it out, you'll be surprised how convincing it sounds! It's called "method acting," and it's all the rage among theater folk nowadays.

If you say so...

Trust me, I've been doing this all my life.

Now, did you rehearse- er, train for the part where you land and Falchion glows? The timing is really key here. Fwoomp, THEN zing! It's got to be perfect.

It's proven even more difficult than I thought, I'm afraid. Forgive me.

Yeah, but the glowing sword thing is kind of central to this move. ...Riiiiight?

But it's not as though the light serves any actual purpose in the attack.

You know, maybe it's that defeatist attitude that's keeping Falchion from lighting up!

I'll thank you to avoid such accusations.

Okay, then think of it like this...

*Sigh* Yes...?

My mother used to tell me a story as a girl. One set in the age of the great King Marth. There were three sisters who were pegasus knights, and unrivaled in battle or beauty!

It sounds like a typical enough cradle tale so far...

When faced with a great challenge, they joined three as one for their Triangle Attack! By harnessing their combined strength, they were able to slay any enemy!

Any foe?

They say even the most fearsome foe fell before the Triangle Attack! And every team attack since has been an attempt to recapture that awesome power!

Hmm... Well, if it truly holds such practical potential, it does seem worth mastering...

And I'm nothing if not practical, right? Now, back to making your sword glow!

Right, then. Maybe this won't be such a waste of time after all!

I knew you'd come around eventually! Now, the first step is getting to a point where you can make Falchion glow at will.

If that's what it tkaes to arrive at a powerful new attack, I will spare no effort!

Listen to you! I don't know about the others, but MY morale is through the roof! This is so hero-y! The only thing we're missing now is some epic music!

We are the best... team... ever! Dum dum duuuuuum!

Come forth, light of justice!

Again! More intensity!