The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 774: Owain A

Ho, Brady of the Moistened Eyes, what business have you here?!

*Sob* Sh-shut up! L-leave me... *Sniff* Just leamme alooone!

Man, are you crying already?! This is a new record.

I'm... *sob* I AIN'T CRYIN'! *sniff* *sniffle*

Actually, no. You appear to be bawling. What happened this time, old friend?

Whaddya mean "this time"?! Ya make it sound like it's an everyday thing!

At this point, it kind of is... And why are you here, anyway? Weren't you joining the others on their training run?

I did! I just couldn't keep up after the first ten minutes, all right?! Wanna make somethin' of it?! You and me gonna go round 'n' round?!

Ah, I see! That explains why you're such a sweaty mess. ...It doesn't explain the tears, though.

I told ya! I'm sentimental!

You're sentimental about being out of shape?!

Yes, all right?! Now mind yer beeswax and leave me alone!

Um, Brady? Do you even know what "sentimental" means?

Course I do! Whaddya think I am, some kinda limp noodle?

Yes, well, you see, it's just that... You keep using it wrong. Sentimentality is when someone gets emotional over memories or moving events.

So, like... If I saw a litter of newborn kittens and couldn't stop cryin' for hours?

Exactly! That's being sentimental! ...And a little weird, if we're being completely hon-

I... *choke* Hnngh!

Mordecai's claws! Are you still out of breath from running? If you feel like you're going to be sick, just turn your head and-

*Sob* I'm fine! I just... When I pictured those tiny kitties lyin' there all blind and mewling... *hic*


So basically you are sentimental. But you're also a huge crybaby, too.

D-don't tell the others about this! If you do, I'll take yer lunch money!

Heh, you put up a tough front, but you're just a huge softy inside. I don't think Brady of the Moistened Eyes is ready to join the Justice Cabal. ...But still, I'm glad we're friends.

...That mean you won't tell no one?

Heh. If it's that important to you, your secret's safe with me. Call me sentimental!