The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 885: Brady A

Ugh, how many times does this make?

Heh! And it's always the two of us. This is getting to be our spot!

You say that like it's a good thing...

Yeah, well, isn't it? I mean, at least we've been able to talk.

Talk's about all we can do in here. I think my ill-advised attempt at weight training last time proved that much...

Well then, what if we talk about the good old days for a bit?

Like what?

You probably don't remember, but we used to be regulars at the healers as kids, too. We had a bad habit of passing colds back and forth for weeks on ends...

Oh, I remember! You were always sneezing green goo out yer bitty nose! Guess it ain't so strange for kids to get sick. Happens to all of 'em eventually. But sure did seem like you and me would always go down at the same time.

I remember lying in a cot across from you when we were both flush and feverish.

Hah! Yeah, you wouldn't stop bawlin'!

Oh, sure. Bring that up again!

Meanwhile, I was busy thinking of how I could toughen up. Guess some things never change, am I right?

I was always so scrawny. I wished there were some way to stop being frail...

Heh heh! And just look at us now! What a couple'a saps.

Still, it's... sort of comforting to know that some things really don't ever change.

All a matter of perspective, I guess. Seems likely we'll be neighbors for a long time to come, yet. So, uh... Cheers, I guess.

Cheers. To the two of us getting stronger, bit by bit.

You said it, sister!