The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 904: Lucina C

Lucina! Wait! Hold up one second. ...Aw, what, no smile for old Inigo? There's a shocker.

I beg your pardon?

It's just you're always so darn grim. Don't get me wrong, a determined woman certainly has her charms!

But all day, every day is a bit much, don't you think? It's bringing people down.

Then the others have complained of my attitude as well?

Well, no. I mean, not everyone... But some people! Er, well, one. ...Okay, me. Look, I just figured I'd point it out before it became a huge problem.

I see.

Fretting is contagious! If you keep it up, you'll have the whole camp infected.

You think I'm contagious?

In a way, yeah! ...A little, I guess. You're a leader, you know? We all look up to you.

You make a fair case.

Yeah? So smile a little! Even if you have to fake it. It's not hard, you know. You just raise your cheeks like this! Here...

Gah! Ret go uh mah FAFE!

See there, Lucina? That's the cheeriest I've ever seen you. I think I feel a new infection coming on!

You'll freel more dan dat if you don unhand muh!

Ha ha, mercy, my lady! I'll leave you alone! But get practicing. Next time I drop by, I expect you to be smiling like a pro! (leaves)

...Would he honestly have me grinning about all day like a madwoman? Bah. He always did seem a bit off...