The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 930: Inigo A



"Ooh, Gerome! You're so mysterious! Your mask is sooo dreamy, Gerome!" You were supposed to be my wingman! Not my competition!


...Say, Gerome?

...What is it?

Your mask is falling off there, buddy.

The strap is broken. A woman damaged it while she was... reaching for me.

And I suppose the same woman tore those holes in your clothes?

She did not want me to leave. She was...stronger than she looked. I've never been so manhandled.

I WANT TO BE MANHANDLED! This makes FOUR TIMES I've taken you out and had the ladies completely ignore me. How does this keep happening? Huh?!

I wish I knew. I find your flirtatious lifestyle to be utterly exhausting.

Oh, boo hoo! Poor you! Quit gloating.

I'm not gloating.

So says the guy who had a band of women singing love songs outside his tent last night. I bet you feel preeetty special.

Actually, I feel exhausted. They sang until dawn.

Why do girls always go for the jerks? Huh? Never a nice guy like me! Well, fine. You get your wish. I'm never going out with you again!

Thank the gods.


Um... Inigo?

*Whimper* *sniff*

Are you... crying?

Shut up! You don't know what it's like! I try SO HARD and then you come along with a mask and some muscles and... and...


Um... Come now, stop. Stop that. ...Stop crying this instant! This is making me very uncomfortable! Oh, for the love of... Fine. I'm sorry. There, all right? You're not a failure because you, uh... You taught me how to... Teamwork, yes? That was the point of all this? Well, you taught me teamwork.

*Sniff* ...I d-did?

You did. And now I owe you one. ...Or perhaps half of one.

You... you mean it? I mean...well.

I guess as long as you learned something, it was worth it. Just don't go getting cocky on me, now!

I'll get twice as many ladies as you next time!

Next... time?

Oh, yeah! So keep that schedule open!

Ha ha! ...Ha? ...Yeargh. And I thought keeping a wyvern content was difficult...

Mmm? You say something?


(Ah well. At least he's feeling better now...)