The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 944: Robin B

How are things, Gerome?

I thought I was clear that I didn't wish to associate with others.

Supper is ready. Or are you eschewing food as well as company?

...I eat alone.

...Don't you think meals are more enjoyable in the company of friends?

Food is fuel for the body. Nothing more.

I disagree. Mealtime is much more than just filling some physical need. It's an opportunity to get to know your allies; learn their habits, their quirks. Such things can prove very useful when you step on the battlefield together.

Bah. I've fought well enough without such knowledge until now.The pack doesn't need the lone wolf, and he doesn't need them.

I'm not so sure... but we can leave it there. Hold on a moment, and I'll bring your meal out here.

Didn't I make myself clear? I don't need your help in this matter, or any matter. I'm capable of getting my own meal.

Good heavens, but you are a stubborn one. All right then, I'll leave you be. ...But I expect to see that plate clean. I won't have anyone wasting food. Not even the "lone wolf."
