The Let's Play Archive

Front Mission 3

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 63: Bonus Final Battle Video

jng2058 posted:

Really, the only team that compares to the Cubs the Cubs. Its hard to top more than a century of failure at anything.

Yeah, it's pretty bad, the best part of being a Cubs fan is that, because they play so many day games, you get an excuse to drink beer at 1 pm. Note: the beer most associated with the Cubs is Old Style, which is a truly terrible pale lager that's kind of like Pabst Blue Ribbon, except even hipsters don't like it. It's bad even by the standards of American beer.

Final Battle Bonus Video

Gameplay notes:

This is pretty self-explanatory, but I might as well highlight a few interesting things.

1. I picked Ryogo over Mayer for the refight because...actually, I have no idea why. I switched Kazuki's def-c to anti-F because I didn't expect Lukav to get killed in the first two turns, and was thinking he'd target Kazuki almost exclusively.

2. Yes, Body Smash can kill the final boss in one hit. I mean, it doesn't end the mission, but it's a hell of a way to start things off.

3. Out of the four wanzers I have, only one has a shield. The problem is that the enemies on this map do a ton of damage, which leads me switching the order the character move in so to conserve Kazuki's HP.

4. I got really lucky with enemy ejections and surrenders, but I'm pretty sure I would have won the mission anyway, as Ryogo, Miho and Liu had plenty of HP left at the end of the mission.